Travel (5)
Travelling is one of the biggest my hobbies. I have visited a lot of countries already, but there are a lot countries where i have never been and want to visit and explore them. I think, there are 3 basic questions, when we talking about ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 05 18
Advantages and disadvantages of travelling.
Travel, 1 page
2017 05 19
Travelling forms the mind much more than reading. Agree or disagree?.
Travel, 1 page
2015 12 09
Factors influencing willingness to travel .
Travel, 11 pages
2017 04 25
Golf sport could give a big influence to tourism development. Even from foreigners we can get profit. Because they spent money not only for golf,but also for food, accommodation and free time. This is useful for our country economy. Golf tourism ...
Travel, 11 pages
2016 03 15
Sightseeing is important, because it broadens our horizons, we learn about history and culture of another country. As for local food, trying new dishes, you learn about culinary heritage and bring new recipes home. For example, when I was in ...
Travel, 1 page
2016 10 20
Las Islas Baleares. La geografía Las Baleares compuestan por cinco islas y varios islotes, las cuales se dividen en dos grupos Las del nordeste, las Gimnesias (Mallorca, Menorca y Cabrera) y las de Suroeste llamadas las Pitiusas (Ibiza y ...
Travel, 15 pages
2020 12 21
Kamerun. Osebna izkaznica. Uradno ime republika. Lega in površje. LEGA Na Z meji na zaliv Biafra in Nigerijo. Vodovje. Vode z JV dela države spadajo k porečju Konga. Podnebje. Na J države je ekvatorialno, vroče in vlažno. Rastje. ...
Travel, 12 pages
2022 06 04
The first queen was Queen Victoria. Palace can visit and see the royal apartments, except for the private rooms of the royal family. Total palace is about 600 rooms!This church is the king of England's coronation, marriage and burial ...
Travel, 8 pages
2016 02 04
Kaunas is big town but in Kaunas are not so many place to visit like in Vilnius. Kaunas have museum which is very popular he called devintas fortas. Kaunas oldtown is not so amazing like Vilnius oldtown, but Kaunas have many museums Second museum ...
Travel, 9 pages
2016 01 16
Presentation about Kaunas region natural resources.
Travel, 11 pages
2017 03 08
Many of high quality farmsteads can offer activities which includes berry/mushroom picking in a woods, beekeeping, hunting, fishing. Gatherings with village community by the fire place, where visitors can taste some home made beers, liqueurs, ...
Travel, 7 pages
2017 05 24
If you are not afraid of sharp turns, steep cliffs - choose the tour of southen Italy."Route 66" - a favorite of travelers and nomads, legends and fascinating history wrapped in a few - a symbol of the Wild West.And probably one of ...
Travel, 13 pages
2015 11 03
The second -largest Puntukas stone always surrounded by tourists, but not all Puntukas traveled to visit his brother. It is worth to visit and to Anykščiai, legendary Queen of the quagmire, Baranauskas Granary, A.Vienuolio memorial house - ...
Travel, 13 pages
2015 12 13
This is - one of the many seasonal hotels in the northern hemisphere, which is made entirely of ice. There are glacial cafe, icy bar where drinks are served in glasses carved from ice. Restoration of the hotel every year takes 500 tons of ice and ...
Travel, 14 pages
2015 11 19
So, speaking about if I want to work in tourism area, my answer is no. I don‘t want to work in these jobs, such as work in restaurant or hotels, because is a huge flow of people every day and you have to work fast, and sometimes even late into ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 04 29
The increase in the period, compared with the previous (–)1. The number of overnight stays by foreigners and residents of Lithuania, thous.On the basis of the data provided in table 2, we see that such indicators as the aliens and ...
Travel, 16 pages
2016 11 21
Arrival at 9a.m. Lunch at restourant „CODA“ Prague River Cruise 48€ for family. Old Town Square (free). Dinner at restourant „Bastion“.Charles Bridge (free) Old Town. Castle District 44€ for family. National Theatre 80€ for ...
Travel, 7 pages
2016 10 17
I will never forget the first time I travelled alone. It was a quiet warm spring when me and my few friends decided to go on a trip to Latvia. I was supposed to meet my friends there, so I checked the bus which had to take me directly to Latvian ...
Travel, 1 page
2015 05 11
People are travelling around the world to see how amazing and beautiful it is. There are many ways to travel. People are travelling by planes, cars, ships... But what about a bike? Personally, I think, that bike is the best way to travel because ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 03 28
Surrounded by water, beautiful beaches and nature, the city every year attracts thousands of tourists and new residents. Searching for new experiences and adventures our fellow countrymen from Lithuania arrive here, too.
Travel, 12 pages
2017 05 02
I like travelling too because when you are on vacation you can forget all your problems just leave your usual life behind the door and say hello to the new one and see things you never thought possible. When I have a chance to travel I always ...
Travel, 1 page
2015 10 04
South of the country and the climate and.Not so picturesque Great plane of nature. Prairie after a high stick Bryde's cattle. In the mountains you can admire the wildlife, streams, waterfalls, flowers, fields and meadows.Tarpukalnėje ...
Travel, 23 pages
2015 10 16
Capital city of New Zealand Continent: Australia Population: 188 thousands Language: English Currency: NZD New Zealand‘s dollar.Wellington is very beautiful and historical city. It has got a lots of parks, a wonderful buildings, museums, ...
Travel, 6 pages
2015 09 28
Mitsis Hotels and Resorts pay special attention to the beauty and well being of our visitors. For this reason, in most Mitsis Hotels you will find a number of recommendations for the care of your face and body. All the spa centers in Mitsis ...
Travel, 8 pages
2016 04 26
Today, lithuanians are wondering where to spent their holiday,some thinking that is better to spent holiday in Lithuania. Nevertheless, other are thinking opposite of that. So let’s talk about that.There is no denying that many people ...
Travel, 1 page
2016 04 28
Klaipėda as a tourism destination. Content. Klaipėda. Accommodation in Klaipėda. Hotels. "Ararat" apart hotel****. "Radisson blu" klaipėda****. "Memel hotel"***. Guest houses. ″friedrich″ guesthouse ****. Hostels. Campings. Apartaments. ...
Travel, 38 pages
2016 11 15
Kaunas college faculty of management and economics tourism and hotel management studies program. Ethnocosmology Ethnocosmology –. Molėtai Astronomy Observatory. Labanoras Regional Park. Get acquainted with. Literature and information sources. ...
Travel, 9 pages
2017 06 16
Tower bridge. Content. History Construction Tower. History. A Special Bridge or Subway Committee was formed in. Construction. Building started in. Tower bridge opening. The bridge was officially opened on 30 June. Tower bridge design. The bridge ...
Travel, 11 pages
2015 09 18
We have got your reservation for business tour for 12 people and we would like you to comfirm some more details about accommodation, transport and meals. Our hotel offers single and double rooms. Single one costs 100$, meanwhile the double one- ...
Travel, 1 page
2015 09 29