The Concept Of Electromagnetic Oscillations

The concept of electromagnetic oscillations. Elektromagnetinių virpesių samprata. Oscillation circuit. Oscillation circuit - an electrical circuit consisting of a capacitor and an inductor. Capacitor is charged. Kondensatorius įkraunamas qm U=Um I=. W=we. I=im u=. The current is increasing in the opposite direction. Oscillation contour. Oscillation period. Period is the time during which one fluctuation occurs. Klausimai. Find an oscillation. Questions. What units are.

Oscillation circuit - an electrical circuit consisting of a capacitor and an inductor;.

Virpesių kontūras – elektrinė grandinė sudaryta iš kondensatoriaus ir induktyvumo ritės;.

Selfinduction keeps the current flowing in the same direction. The current decreases.Saviindukcija palaiko tos pačios krypties srovę. Srovės stipris mažėja.

The capacitor is charged to the opposite polarityKondensatorius įkraunamas priešingu poliškumu U=Um I=0.

The current doesn‘t disappear because of inductanceDėl induktyvumo srovė neišnyksta I=Im U=0.

The current is increasing in the opposite direction.Srovės stipris didėja Srovės kryptis priešinga.

Capacitor is charged to the opposite polarityKondensatorius įkraunamas priešingu poliškumu U=UmI=0.

The system is back in the starting position.Grįžtama į pradinę būseną U=Um.

The periodic variation of the electric and magnetic fields in the oscillation circuit is called electromagnetic oscillations. In the absence of energy loss (circuit resistance), this process would take place in the circuit indefinitely and the oscillations in it would be uninhibited. When the circuit has a resistance, some of the energy is converted into internal conductor energy (the conductor heats up) and some energy is radiated into the environment.

  • Physics Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 967 KB
  • 2022 m.
  • English
  • 8 pages (549 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Lukas
  • The concept of electromagnetic oscillations
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The concept of electromagnetic oscillations. (April 3, 2022). Reviewed on 13:55, March 6 2025