The Best Hardware And Software For NASA

The best hardware and software for NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration. About the workstation. The specifications of computer does NASA need Computer parts. Input and output devices. Storage of nasa. Structural Analysis Software. Thermodynamic / Thermochemical Analysis.
The NASA by information which is presented in the internet need by far the fastest and most powerful computers, but we must not forget the input, output and storage devices. Without all it combined NASA could not be able to work.
512 cores (General Purpose Intel Xeon Sandy Bridge Cores)3,840 MIC cores64 teraflops, peak
NASA uses normal input and output technologies, like all others do.
Input: mouse, keyboard, image scaner, microphone, digital camera, webcam, headphones.
Propulsion SoftwareBurnsimChemical Equilibrium with Applications (CEA)Propulsion Sizing, Thermal Analysis, and Weight Relationship (P-STAR)REDTOP-LiteREDTOP-ProRocket Engine Transient Simulations (ROCETS)Tool for Rocket Propulsion Analysis (RPA)TURBINE-PAKWeight Analysis of Turbine Engines (WATE)Trajectory SoftwareThe Aerospace ToolkitASTOSDG GL-PredictFree, DG AdvancedCelestiaFlightSightGUI Missile FlyoutSatellite Tool Kit (STK)Trajectory PlannerTrajectory Optimization ToolStructural Analysis SoftwareAbaqus/StandardANSYS Professional NLTASTROSBeam AnalyzerComposite AnalyzerHyperSizer ProMSC NastranThermodynamic/ Thermochemical AnalysisCHEMKIN-PROGaseqSentrySINDA/FLUINTThermal DesktopAerodynamic AnalysisAerodynamic Preliminary Analysis System (APAS)ANSYS FLUENTAthena Vortex Lattice (AVL)CaediumCart3DDigital DATCOMMac TetrUSSOpenFOAMFree, OpenCFD
Thes all computers specifiactions, input, output and storage devices, all software aplications should be included in NASA workplace, because by the information which i found i have made a decision, that without it NASA can‘t work.
- Technology Papers
- Microsoft Word 45 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 7 pages (1197 words)
- College
- Gytis