Successful Time Management By MTD Training

Successful Time Management by MTD training.

Goal setting need for everyone to motivate and challenge yourself. It can be used in different work place and for every level worker. However, set goals have right way and wrong way. Well set goals are right way because you can objective reached but you can frustration of your results.

In 1990, where was identified five principles theory that are important to motivated others and yourself. This principle created dr. Edwin Locke and dr. Gary Latham. And this principle is:

Clarity – is are that can be measured but do not be misunderstanding.

Challenge – we are motivated by pay to completing task.

Commitment – worker and employer are commit are using resource to complete goal

Task complexity – every person can be discouraged because understood full task.

In goal setting are one method who have the main definition of a SMART goal and is one that is:

Realistic – it a goal that you able to work towards.

Timely – it set time limit to complete the goal

Another method of goal setting is backward. You should start from end result in mind and then plan backwards from point to determine. It helps in the milestones and in the dependencies. The process work by follow the step are:

This category of activity is probably the most important. It’s important are find way to motivated yourself. And where some tips that can use when you simply don’t want to do but you should do for example:

In summary, the book is useful for everyone who want management time everywhere. Book author Sean give some example how we can management time, how we can it doing. I think it possible for everyone who really want.

  • Business & Entrepreneurship Projects
  • Microsoft Word 80 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 12 pages (2296 words)
  • College
  • Greta
  • Successful Time Management by MTD training
    10 - 3 votes
Successful Time Management by MTD training. (April 29, 2017). Reviewed on 12:56, March 6 2025