Single Parent Families Essay

Task Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph. Points. Task Read the article and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (FPoints.).

Custodial parent-vienas iš tėvų, kuriam skiriama vaiko globa po skyrybų

Task 1. 5 points

5. Single fathers are usually white and better educated. C

After the parent’s divorce, most children live with their mothers T

In the past, a single father usually raised kids alone after his wife’s death. T

The number of fathers who want custody of their child is going down. F

Some women give up custody of their kids because they don’t have enough money. T

There is a possibility for a father to obtain custody if he pays money to support his child. T

Stefany was tired of the legal custody battle with her ex-husband, so she decided to give up.

John maintains a relationship with his ex-wife and their son.

When you are old and your spouse has died, widowhood might become a challenging experience.

In Lithuania, custody of a child is usually assigned to mothers.

  • Languages Essays
  • Microsoft Word 16 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 2 pages (749 words)
  • School
  • Deividas
  • Single parent families essay
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Single parent families essay. (January 26, 2021). Reviewed on 16:52, March 6 2025