Securities Portfolio

Table list. Figure list. Introduction. Theoretical basis of the securities portfolio. Securities market. Types of securities. Shares. Bonds. Mortgage sheets. Bill of Exchange. Derivatives. Stock exchanges. Portfolio forming. Portfolio management. Conclusions. Bibliography.
The securities market, being the financial market sub-system, creates conditions for efficient allocation and redistribution of financial resources between individual economic entities and forms an integral part of the economy. Investments in securities are important both in terms of both micro and macro-economics. At the microeconomic level, the efficient functioning of the securities market enables the companies to attract financial resources for the conduct of economic activity by issuing securities. From the macroeconomic point of view, the significance of the securities market manifests itself in the fact that its aid accumulates and efficiently distributes capital, as a result of which the national product of a country increases. As a result, the securities market is closely related to the whole economy of the country, therefore its relationship with the economic development of the country is mutual: improving the general economic situation , the securities market is also becoming more active; developing the securities market - the country's economic growth is accelerating. This reflects the importance of the securities market for both the state and the welfare of the population.
All economically developed and most of the fragile economies have a complex one a financial system in which money is just one of many forms of wealth. Securities market plays a special role in an economic system that is not centrally managed and where the role of government in the distribution of financial and material resources in the economy is limited. Therefore, in market economy countries, economic entities acquire both the material and the market in the market financial resources. Markets in which material resources are bought and sold are called real assets markets. Markets in which financial resources are distributed among market participants are called financial markets. The more developed a country, the more developed its financial markets. In the primitive economies, real investment is a major part of the investment, and in the modern economic system, financial investment. The development of financial investment institutions is heavily influenced by the growth of real investment and usually both complements each other, rather than compete with each other. Financial markets can be subdivided into banking credit and securities markets. In the banking credit market, credit institutions provide loans to economic entities, and no special ones documents that could subsequently be sold, bought or redeemed independently, not signed.
In the economic system there are three main types of markets: the resource market, goods and services market, finance and credit market.
- Economy & Finance Term papers
- Microsoft Word 157 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 23 pages (6674 words)
- College
- Lukrecija