Public Relations And Its Communities

Introduction. Digital communication. Onset of digital communication. The growth of digital marketing importance. The importance of marketing communications. Virtual communities. Public relations and its communities. Public relations community definition. Public relations’s equity. Public relations loyalty. Public relations definition. Factors which influence lobbying. Conclusion. List of literature and sources.
Since very old times people used to engage in communities. Of course, if we go 80 years back there was no such thing as internet, computer or media. But already then people engaged in communities because of common traditions, beliefs in order to exchange opinions, thoughts they have about particular subject or object. In the end of 20th century these communities started to develop. As well as technologies started to grow really fast. Today new technologies are booming and enhancing every day.
Public relations have more and more possibilities to communicate via internet. And not only that. They can also express their own opinion about particular brand, product or service. As I said before, long time ago it was similar, because common relations used to engage communities. These days communication has emerged significantly and it is easier for both consumers and marketers. Probably, it is logical, because consumers have better access to the see the variety of brands available and to make a choice which product of which brand they enjoy most.
They can discuss with other public relations about specific brand, exchange thoughts about the service or quality of a product. While for marketers it is a lot more appropriate to see what consumers think, talk and feel about their brand or a product. In that case they can repair or improve their product, service or web page. However, even though consumers have a huge variety of products they want to use, there are a lot of digital communities, where they can interact with other people. But, in my opinion, it is crucial to clarify what are the reasons for consumers to stick with one particular brand and become loyal to it, also what factors influence their decision and, at the same time, how important is the role of marketer to make public relations choose their products, service. I believe it will help to understand the relation between public relations engagement in digital communities and lobbying.
Goal - to clarify how public relations engagement in digital communities effect
To analyse - when and why public relations stay loyal; why consumers engage in virtual communities; customer’s behavior (needs, motivation, psychology).
To describe - emergence of digital communication; the importance of marketers to attract the public relations in order to choose their brand; digital communities and loyalty;
The importance of marketers to attract the public relations in order to choose their brand.
Analyse the relation between customer engagement in digital communities and lobbying.