Problem Solving Assignment: Worsening Quality Of Studies In Kaunas

Mechanical enginering and design faculty academic and technical communication in english problem solving assignment.

In this report we will talk about the worsening quality of studies in Kaunas. We chose this topic because we want to find out the problems with studies and the affect on students and what causes them to worsen in quality. This topic has been studied before so we will use the research of those people. We will also use our own surveys to ask people about their studies, teachers and motivation. We feel the problem is in teachers motivation and the overall quality of studies so we will try to solve and see if this is a real problem.

Firtly how has the problem shown itself. It hurts students mostly as their whole lifes depend on their studies. So if they drop out because the studies are too hard or because the teachers are not motivated enought or because studies abroad are of better quality.

  • Education Individual works
  • Microsoft Word 151 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 6 pages (676 words)
  • University
  • Kotryna
  • Problem solving assignment: worsening quality of studies in Kaunas
    10 - 1 votes
Problem solving assignment: worsening quality of studies in Kaunas. (June 9, 2020). Reviewed on 16:54, March 6 2025