Presentations (7)
Athena. Content. Info Background Pictures and artwork Worshiping shrine Athena’s symbol Athena in pop culture. Info. Athena is ancient. Background. In Greek mythology, Athena was born from her father’s Zeus cracked wide open head. Pictures ...
Religion & Spirituality, 10 pages
2021 03 16
Auerochse. Systematik. Ohne Rang Stirnwaffenträger Familie Hornträger Unterfamilie Bovinae Tribus Rinder Gattung Eigentliche Rinder. Körpergröße. Der Auerochse war einer der größten Herbivoren im nacheiszeitlichen Europa. Auerochse in der ...
Geography, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Australian famous places. Sydney. Sydney is the largest. Perth. Perth is a city with a wide range of attractions. Tasmania. Tasmania is the place. Fraser island. Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island. Kakadu National Park. Kakadu ...
Travel, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Austria. Austria, officially the Republic of Austria. Climate. Austria has a temperate and alpine climate. Coldest month in Austria. January The coldest month in Austria is usually January. Warmest month in Austria. July Vienna, Austria. The ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 06 09
Technical faculty. Presentation prepared by Lecturer. Automatic gearbox. How does automatic gearbox work? Your engine connects to your transmission at a place called a bell housing. History. Modern automatic transmissions. Pros of automatic ...
Transport, 12 pages
2020 06 08
Automation in automobile building industry. It’s often said. World War II Gives Industrial Automation a Push. WWII represented a leap forward in technology. Automotive Automation Booms in the 1970s. Prototype industrial robots were deployed in ...
Transport, 6 pages
2020 02 05
Automobile history. “The evolution of Jeep Wrangler”. Main purpose. Introduction of jeep. Everything started. Willy. Willy’s Reputation. Cj (jeep universalCj continued. Yj wrangler. Sahara edition. Tj wrangler. Wrangler unlimited. Jk ...
Transport, 19 pages
2020 06 10
Automobile Maintenance. Content. Purpose of report. Introduction. Routine Maintanance. Checking tire tread. Checking tire air pressure. Checking fluid levels. Changing filters. Lights. Always keep an eye on dashboard for warnings. Problems. ...
Transport, 16 pages
2020 02 12
Automobile manufacturing. Vehicle design. Introducing a new. Car chassis production. The frame forms. Automobile body. Body is built on a separate assembly line from chassis. Vehicle body inspection. The body must pass through a inspection ...
Engineering, 16 pages
2020 11 27
Automobiles. The History of the Automobile. What is an Automobile? When was the first automobile created? What were the defects of the first automobiles? When had the steam cars been built in America? 1858 First Coal-gas Engine. 1889 The First ...
Automotive, 72 pages
2018 01 09
Autonomous cars. Contents. Driverless cars. History of autonomous vehicles. 1960s Firebird by General Motors. Companies which are testing driverless car systems as of. Autonomous car driving security levels. But for now these levels aren’t ...
Automotive, 16 pages
2017 12 19
Introduction. What is Mechanical Engineering. Cars managed by humans. Autonomous cars. Advantages. Disatvantages. Classifications. Technology. Future of autonomous cars. Potential obstacles. Future cars. Conclusion. Sources.
Automotive, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Autonomous cars (Autonominiai automobiliaiWhat is an Autonomous Car? Autonomous vs. Automated vs. Self-Driving What’s the Difference? How do Autonomous Cars Work? Are self-driving cars safe? Moral machine. Companies That are making self-driving ...
Transport, 14 pages
2020 03 14
Limited liability company ‘’Between the flowers‘’. Personal details. We have a similar experience with the cakes and cupcakes. Personnel. Cashier - works. Product/service. Flowers delivery in. Market. Our customers all age people Our ...
Management, 9 pages
2018 10 05
Baltic songs and dance celebrations. The baltic song. The baltic song festivals are. Since. Lithuania. In the 20th-century. With the collapse. The estonians were. Estonia. In latvia, the festival tradition dates back to. Latvia. The two ...
Music, 7 pages
2021 02 17
Company presentation. Baltic transline. Company created 2000 years. An enterprise named JSC "Artijus" was established. New name 2005 years. The name of the enterprise was changed to "Baltic transline". New enterprises. Years. Daughter companies ...
Logistics, 12 pages
2018 01 23
Bank audit and control. 4. internal audit process in the bank. Internal audit process. The process of internal audit shall comprise internal audit planning. Engagement. Engagement work programe. Performance standards 2240 Engagement. Performing ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2019 11 12
Bank loans. State College. Faculty of Business and Technologies. Introduction. Work objective find out. What is loan? A loan is. Loans are typically used by. Corporations Financial institutions Goverment. If you applied. Where i can calcute my ...
Economy & Finance, 20 pages
2020 12 17
Banking. Services. Personal banking. E-banking. Done by. Content. Introduction Banking Banking services Personal banking E-banking Benefits of Internet banking Vocabulary Conclusion. Introduction. Objectives To give an overview about banking To ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2018 10 04
Basic massage equipment. The main quipment. Massage tables. Stationary massage table – it need to be soft. Portable table – you can easy move around. Face cradle. Each table should have a comfortable face cradle. Chairs for massage. A massage ...
Beauty & Makeup, 12 pages
2018 10 13
Account. Accounting. Attributes of Accounting. Functions. Users of Accounting Information. Branches of Accounting. Advantages. Limitations. Accounting Terminology. Basis of Accounting. Cash basis. Basis of Accounting. System of Accounting. ...
Accounting, 47 pages
2018 12 15
Battle for Kyiv On the frontlines around Ukraine's capital. March. A Ukrainian service. Ukrainian service members are seen on the front line near Kyiv, March. A Ukrainian service member walks on the front line near Kyiv, March. Wrecks of Russian. ...
Military, 36 pages
2022 05 31
Bears. Bears have many kinds. Long-haired bear,Black bear,Brown bear. Ši nuotrauka, kurią sukūrė Nežinomas autorius, yra licencijuota pagal CC BY-SA. Ši nuotrauka, kurią sukūrė Nežinomas autorius, yra licencijuota pagal CC BY-NC-ND. ...
Geography, 12 pages
2019 06 11
Before the Flood. Before the flood is not just a documentary about Leonardo Dicaprio. Tar Sands. Melting Glaciers. In Canada’s Baffin island, Kangerlussuag, Greenland ice melts very fast due to rising temperature. Sunny Day Flooding. In ...
Geography, 21 page
2019 06 10
Faculty of health care. Department of nursing. General practice nursing. Behchet's disease. Vilnius. Content. What is Behcet‘s disease? Causes. Symptoms. Complications. Risk factors. Have you heard about Behcet's disease? Which countries are ...
Medicine, 19 pages
2020 06 08
Beying self-employed vs working for someone else. Entrepreneur. Or. Advantages of being an employee. You do only the job for which you were hired. Disadvantages of being an employee. You might not be paid what you’re really worth. Advantages of ...
Career, 11 pages
2018 12 17
Benefits. Of the international marketing. New Opportunities. A strong brand identity Build loyalty and trust worldwide. Market Expansion. Expanding the places opens up a larger customer base and potentially greater profit margins. Global ...
Marketing, 12 pages
2019 01 19
Beowulf. Background. Written in Old. Summary. Danish king Hrothgar angers a horrible demon Grendel. Beowulf returns home He becomes the king of the Geats. The text of Beowulf. Beowulf in Old English. Reading task.
Literature, 7 pages
2021 01 05
Berlin fÜR insider. Tempelhofer feld. Das Areal des früheren Flughafens ist zu einem der populärsten Freizeitziele der Berliner geworden. JÜDischer friedhof weissensee. Er ist der flächenmäßig größte erhaltene jüdische ...
Travel, 6 pages
2018 10 08
Berlin. Willkommen in Berlin! Berlin ist die Hauptstadt und größte Stadt Deutschlands sowie einer der 16 Bundesstaaten. Flag und Wappen. Wappen. Politik. Beliebte Architektur. Brandenburger Tor. Das Brandenburger Tor, Ikone von Berlin und von ...
Geography, 19 pages
2020 04 24