Presentations (59)
Ecological food demand in Lithuania is rising quite fast. In 2015 healthy products sales have increased by 12 proc. comparing with 2014. It’s obvious that healthy lifestyle become more and more popular, also raising wages have influence on such ...
Ecology, 12 pages
2017 04 11
In compliance with food pyramid we get a lot of carbohydrates, protein minerals and many vitamins. Athletes eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, because they also give an opportunity to move. But you need to watch what you eat, do you think that here ...
Food, 11 pages
2016 03 31
It is that we need to balance our food. We need to get a certain amount of energy from the products. We also have some products to eat more often, but also some products eat as little as possible. And that being a vegetarian can also get the ...
Health & Nutrition, 11 pages
2017 04 23
Looking beautiful - that‘s not enough! To be fully healthy, you have not to let negative thoughts into your mind. Every day, surround yourself with people who make you happy and don‘t ever let someone bring you down!Stress causes many ...
Health & Nutrition, 10 pages
2016 03 13
Introduction to industrial Hemp. Scientific classification of hemp kingdom . Industrial Hemp Plant Uses. Chemical composition of hemp . How Cannabis plant grow? Stages of producing fiber from industrial hemp . Harvesting process of Hemp. ...
Agriculture, 21 page
2021 07 02
The management hopes to penetrate some international markets in the near future. This was become the driving force of the enterprise. To develop building materials production. This will lead to increases in profits and earnings. The compains ...
Real Estate, 10 pages
2016 02 01
III-IV. The city has called Parisian, and the current name was taken from the fifth century known as the 486 year Frankish king Clovis I's victory over the Romans moved their capital.Ludvik 16,(He was the only king of France, throughout ...
History, 7 pages
2017 01 07
To manually process a key feature of the House – they remain natural natural beauty, since each log is saved to the uniqueness. Machining the log home has the advantage of more accessible price, versatility, allowing to adapt them to different ...
Real Estate, 7 pages
2017 05 18
How global warming change our life in future.
Environment, 8 pages
2015 05 19
Donate money to reliable organisations such as a “Red Cross” 2) support small farmers 3) Supply food for children at school 4) Control the number of births 5) encourage voluntary work.
Sociology, 7 pages
2016 10 17
Illiteracy causes and effects in Pakistan. Table of Content. Introduction.Literature Review. Illiteracy in Pakistan. Causes of illiteracy in Pakistan.
Sociology, 19 pages
2021 04 21
Lithuanian athletes every year very well appear in both the world and Europe In Lithuania, the most popular sports: basketball, swimming, rowing, weightlifting.Dalia Grybauskaitė- She is Lithuanian prezident Arvydas Sabonis - he is ...
Geography, 12 pages
2017 02 15
Huge and indecisive inflation makes obscurity and big risk that's how it's stopping economical grows Because of inflation purchase is falling, the poverty is growing Because of huge inflation and fair that it will grow so fast , companies ...
Economy & Finance, 17 pages
2016 04 30
Muhammad Proclaimsa New Faith. Triumphant return. Key words. Holy city. Mecca. First marriage. Divine intervention. The Hegira. The first Muslims. The Book of Books. An intense monotheism. Daily prayer. Military leader. Jihad. Return to Mecca. ...
Religion & Spirituality, 19 pages
2018 05 15
Las Islas Baleares. La geografía Las Baleares compuestan por cinco islas y varios islotes, las cuales se dividen en dos grupos Las del nordeste, las Gimnesias (Mallorca, Menorca y Cabrera) y las de Suroeste llamadas las Pitiusas (Ibiza y ...
Travel, 15 pages
2020 12 21
Distribution by religion: Christians: 53,550,000 (91.2%) Roman Catholics: 51,435,000 (87.5%) [6] Orthodox: 940 000 (1.6%) [7] Protestants: 675 000 (1.1%) (mostly evangelicals and Pentecostals) ...
Geography, 6 pages
2016 10 04
Kamerun. Osebna izkaznica. Uradno ime republika. Lega in površje. LEGA Na Z meji na zaliv Biafra in Nigerijo. Vodovje. Vode z JV dela države spadajo k porečju Konga. Podnebje. Na J države je ekvatorialno, vroče in vlažno. Rastje. ...
Travel, 12 pages
2022 06 04
Kaunas wasn’t modern. People were simpler and behavior. Kaunas now is modern and some people you can’t to understand.Kaunas people used to wear cheap and dirty clothes if your family was rich then your clothes was expensive and ...
History, 11 pages
2015 05 26
1405 m. St. built. George's Church - the oldest stone building in Kedainiai.1919 m. the first took place in Kedainiai Independence battles which killed the first Lithuanian volunteer Kedainietis Povilas Lukšys.Old Town - the ...
Geography, 16 pages
2016 12 15
Kravata. Što je povezuje ove predmete? Padobran, kravata i kemijska olovka poznati su hrvatski izumi. Kravata potječe od hrvatskih vojnika koji su se u. Uskoro je kravata. Promotri uzorke na ovim kravatama. Dizajniraj kravatu za svojega tatu ...
Lifestyle, 9 pages
2022 04 29
The recommendations are very good if you want to contribute to the good recommendations and go into the laju patch . I recommend you not to forget to visit the crown take when traveling through anyksciai .
Geography, 12 pages
2016 01 27
Specific and General Preferences. Would rather, would prefer, prefer.
Languages, 7 pages
2021 03 02
Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci presentation.
Art, 10 pages
2016 12 18
Human beings have free will. For example: if a man wants to raise hand and is able to do this, it is said that he is free to raise hand. Everyone can enjoy of this kind of liberty, as long as it does not is somehow physically disturbed. And such ...
Philosophy, 26 pages
2016 09 24
This company profitability is a massive. The average monthly profit is 108 thousand euras. Limited liability company Vėjovirpa is a export trading company. It has already signed contracts with Poland, Germany, Belarus, Italy and Sweden.In ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 7 pages
2017 05 12
Viciunai group - is one of the most modern and economically strongest and largest business companies in Lithuania. Group companies develop food production, distribution, marketing, logistics, transport and developing agricultural ...
Leadership, 17 pages
2016 04 29
This is a very large park. You can take a walk also you can see very beautiful and different fountains. Cinema Basanavičiaus square.Gediminas castle is on a high mountain. Inside the castle you can see a small but beautiful museum.
Languages, 14 pages
2016 11 21
Kiauneliškio nature reserve grows Scots pines, which are more than 170 years. Spread throughout most of Europe, Asia Minor, the northern part of the Caucasus, Siberia , Mongolia , the Russian Far East almost to the Okhotsk Sea .In ...
Geography, 10 pages
2016 05 18
It would be very grateful, if people try to letter and think more about their actions. I think that you should start with yourself and stop littering, after our life our children and grandchildren, who will be essential to any environment they ...
Ecology, 13 pages
2016 02 02
Lloyds TSB Bank current account Submitted by: Lecturer: Jelena Korosteliova Šiauliai 2016 .The everyday account for everyday banking You can apply for a Lloyds Bank Classic Account if: you’re aged 18 or ...
Economy & Finance, 25 pages
2017 03 28