Presentations (56)

3352 documents
Žalgiris Kaunas ist ein Sportverein aus Litauen
Žalgiris Kaunas ist ein Sportverein aus Litauen. Gespielt wird in der Žalgirio Arena. Farben Grün/Weiß. Trainer Šarūnas Jasikevičius. Kader. Léo Westermann Lukas Lekavičius Kevin. Žalgiris Kaunas war 1944 gegründet wurde. Titel. ...
Sports & Fitness, 11 pages
2018 03 17
Zika virus
Content. About Zika Transmission methods Symptoms Pregnancy Guillain-Bare syndrome Treatment Prevention. About Zika. 1947 Monkey fever Aedes species mosquito No vaccine or medicine. Transmission methods. Symptoms. Mild symptoms No hospital ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Zorbing presentation
Zorbing. All about it. Zorbing it is sport. Zorbing is an extreme sport in which a person slides down from the mountain or river. Hill zorbing. Hill zorbing one of the main types of Zorbing. Hydro zorbing. The only water. Water zorbing. ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2020 04 03
3D Printer presentation
3D Printer as a robot first time showed up at late 1980’s. That time it was called Rapid Prototyping (RP) technologies because of the idea that processes were made faster and more cost-effective for developing product than the industry.
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2017 06 03
4 the most expensive animals in the world
1. Toucans...Toucans are very nice and expensive birds..Tibetan Mastiff is one of the biggest dogs in the world..How many prizes The Green Monkey has? Over 4 mln. About 1 mln. Over 2 mln. About 3 mln.Thanks, For your ...
Biology, 19 pages
2015 08 16
Accession Of Iceland To EU
Iceland, although a long way from continental Europe, it is clearly a European country. This country is a democratic and has strong links with the European Union. Therefore, it seems that this country should be in the European Union.The ...
Politics, 11 pages
2016 03 23
Addictions presentation
Addiction to :~  games of chance-gambling~ television~ internet–computer games.70% of internet users are reported to play online games, 18% of which are diagnosed as game addicts.Those who were diagnosed with internet addiction ...
Medicine, 38 pages
2015 11 26
Adelaide has an average temperature of 29 ° C.Adelaide beach The coastline of Adelaide stretches from North Haven in the north to Sellicks Beach in the south. The distance is something around 70 kilometres with plenty of clean sandy ...
Geography, 6 pages
2017 04 01
What is adolescence? “Normative” and “Non-normative” shifts Puberty Levels of moral reasoning Kohlberg‘s theory of moral development Erkison‘s theory of psychosocial development Adolescent suicide.“Non-normative” shifts ...
Psichology, 15 pages
2017 02 26
Aids presentatie
Aids. Was ist aids ? Erworbenes Immunschwächesyndrom. Was ist das hi-virus ? Das Humane Immundefizienz-Virus schwächt das Immunsystem. Geschichte. Entdeckt wurde das. Übertragung. Die Krankheit wird von Person zu Person übertragen. Durch ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2022 03 07
Albert Einstein presentation (2)
He formulated the theory of relativity. He explained the photoelectric effect. He explained Brownian motion. Published a famous energy equation E=mc² 1915. Einstein extended the theory of relativity, space for adding the fourth dimension - time ...
Physics, 10 pages
2017 03 28
Alkava company
For "International Children's Day" in 2007 June 2 day made ​​the biggest cake in Lithuania.In 2010 December 5 day PLC "Mega" was celebrating 5th birthday.„Alkava“ production factory is located in Kaunas, Šilainiai ...
Companies, 30 pages
2016 02 11
American and English universities
Anthropology Archaeology Art and architecture Arts management Communication skills Community studies Computer science.A great new library and learning support services: The Weston Learning Centre is a space for quiet independent study and ...
Education, 20 pages
2016 05 23
American Studies
American Studies. America as place. Greece was education. Following World War II and during the Cold War. American Studies? American Studies is. How to run (conduct) American Studies [?]. Maintain non-American as well as American courses ...
Philosophy, 10 pages
2021 10 05
An endangered animal
How much the Blue Whale weigh? To 150 tons. How fast they can swim? ~50kph. What do they eat? Crustaceans. How many years they live? To 80 years.What is the name of their enemy? Orca. How many decibels can reach their noise? 188. How many ...
Biology, 10 pages
2016 05 25
Analiza impactul migratiei capitalului intelectual asupra dezvoltării economice a statelor
Institutul de cercetare Și inovare. Universitatea de stat din moldova. Autor Conducator sriintific Bradu Margareta. Actualitatea cercetării. Institutul de cercetare Și inovare facultatea. Scopul lucrării. Scop, obiective şi metode. Teoria ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2022 05 11
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece , had a lot of war but he most remembered is the war against Persia Their where 3 biggest battles that lead to A Persia defeat And a big celebration for Greece.
History, 9 pages
2017 02 26
Ancient Rome
Roman hobbiesThe Romans likes the Gladiator fights. They often went to the baths. they celebrated many religious celebrates.GladiatorGLADIATORS usually were Roman prisoners of war. they attended the gladiator schools. It was the Roman ...
History, 10 pages
2016 12 06
Antīkā komēdija Aristofans Jātnieki
Antīkā komēdija. Aristofans «Jātnieki». Darbu gatavoja Evija Gorbunova. Saturs. Kas liecina par to, ka tā ir antīkā komēdija. Antīkās komēdijas apliecinājums. Par to, ka tā ir antīkā komēdija liecina tas. Literatūras žanrs. ...
Literature, 8 pages
2022 05 05
Archimedes presentatie
Archimedes. Leben. Archimedes war ein griechischer Mathematiker. Archimedes produzierte eine große Menge an Arbeit in Mathe. Das Archimedische Prinzip vom Auftrieb. Seine bekannteste Entdeckung, nämlich die des Auftriebs. Das Archimedische ...
Physics, 9 pages
2022 03 07
Arguments and Reasoning
Identifying Arguments, Inductive & Deductive Reasoning. Arguments, Premises & Statements. Premises. Conclusion. Deductive and Inductive Reasoning. Deductive Reasoning. Inductive Reasoning.
Philosophy, 7 pages
2021 03 24
Asthma And DM slides
Slides about Asthma. Signs and symptoms. The severity of asthma. Action – mild/moderate. Action-severe asthma. Diabetes. Balancing diabetes. Hyperglyceamia.
Medicine, 10 pages
2019 11 30
At a Hotel: Hotel Vocabulary slides
Hotel Vocabulary. Places in a Hotel or Hotel Room. F r. L. B. People at the Hotel. F r. G. B. H. Types of Rooms. S. D. S. T. Features and Others. C. Match the vocabulary with the correct meaning. Hotel Registration Sample Conversation.
Travel, 25 pages
2021 02 24
Australia presentation
The main weapon was a wooden lances, axes and stone boomeang. Aborigines and the cold nights, not wear clothing, dig in spent in the sand. Australian natives worshipped in plants and animals, kept them in holy. The arrival of the Europeans, they ...
Geography, 24 pages
2016 04 26
Australian animals
Crocodiles live in tropical zone. North American South, Central and South America , Africa , South and Southeast Asia, in northern Australia.For valuable leather used in the manufacture of shoes , handbags, hats , wallets and so on. ...
Biology, 14 pages
2016 01 14
Baltic tennis players
Toomas was born on 28 August 1941 in Talinn, Estonia. His best carrer result was the mixed doubles final in the 1971 French open. In the 1970s Leius served an 8 year prison sentence for strangling his wife.
Sports & Fitness, 10 pages
2015 05 21
Banking services
Payment cards; Services online; Loan; Pension; Insurences; Program for young people; Other services;.Payment cards are simple way to all financial affair you can sattle much easier. The most popular cards would be debit and credit cards. ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2016 02 17
Battlefield Injuries And First Aid
Head – 33% Arms/Hands – 40% Legs/Feet – 37%.Medical kit cosist of: Nasopharyngeal airway Examination gloves Field dressing Gauze package Gauze Tourniquet Surgical tape Bandage Adhesive tape Chest pad Lip balzam.
Medicine, 15 pages
2017 06 19
Beauty and aesthetics
Make-Up Services Day make-up. Evening make-up Bridal make-up Bridal make-up test Photography make-up.Hair coloring Hair cut   Fringe cut  Hairdressing Short hair coloring  Mid long hair coloring   Long hair coloring Hair treatment ...
Beauty & Makeup, 16 pages
2017 05 06
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software presentation (2)
Benefits of Speech Recognition Software presentation (2).
Software, 10 pages
2015 12 07