Presentations (5)

3352 documents
A presentation about music
A presentation about. Introduction. Who can say that they do not have an interest in music. Definition of Music. An artistic form. Statistics. According to the. Escapism in music. Began to. How does this link to my interest in Music? Believe that ...
Music, 14 pages
2020 02 10
About Photography slides
Photography. Presented by. History of photography. Earliest surviving photography. “View from the Window at Le Gras” by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in. “View from the. First ever three color photography. It taken in 1861 by Thomas Sutton. ...
Photography, 10 pages
2018 12 20
About Telia company
Telia company. About Telia. Telia Company AB. History. Telia Company in its current form was first established as TeliaSonera. Operations. Telia Company is now the largest Nordic and Baltic fixed-voice. Evolution of the TeliaSonera's brand. When ...
Companies, 10 pages
2018 10 21
Accounting for Entrepreneurs
Accounting for Entrepreneurs. What is Accounting? Four Fields of Accounting. Why do we need Accounting? The Elements of Accounting. The Elements of Accounting (Cont’d). The Accounting Equation! The Accounting Cycle Definitions. The Accounting ...
Accounting, 32 pages
2017 12 19
Act of Independence of Lithuania
Act of Independence of Lithuania. The Act of Independence. The Act was signed by all twenty representatives, chaired by Jonas Basanavičius. The document was wrote in Vilnius, pilies street. The Lietuvos Aidas edition where the Act of ...
Politics, 10 pages
2018 02 19
Adidas: company services and the products it produces
Introduction. Work objective. About company. Adidas is a German multinational corporation. Company mision and vision. Mision – The. Products and services. The range of Adidas training hardware has been designed to increase speed. Adidas ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 13 pages
2018 12 17
Are describing words. The boy ran down the street Put on my jumper. +ADJECTIVE I put on my soft colourful jumper. adjectives I walked round the old creepy house. The large fierce dog chased me. Saw lightning. Dad walked down the street. Dad ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Adolf Hitler projekt
Adolf Hitler. Inhalt. Jugend Politischer Aufstieg Machtausbau bis 1939 Der Zweite Weltkrieg. Jugend. Geboren am. In Braunau am Inn in Österreich wuchs in Braunau. September 1907 ging. AB Beginn des Weltkrieges diente er freiwillig bei dem ...
People, 11 pages
2020 11 29
Advanced driver - assistance systems
Advanced driver-assistance systems. Why are they useful? Today’s presentation plan. Definition. Types of adas. Active advanced driver assistance systems. Anti-lock Braking System. Electronic Stability Program/Electronic Traction Control. ...
Transport, 26 pages
2021 02 22
Advertisement slides
Advertisement. Slides made by. Have you ever wondered should I go outside. What is this app all about? With this free mobile app you can see your’s local weather. Advantages. Its free! Shows accurate information Takes only a little bit of ...
Marketing, 6 pages
2021 06 04
Air pollution slides
Air pollution. Darbenai gimnasium. What is air pollution? Polution is anything. Causes of air pollution. Natural sources Forest fires Volcanic eruptions Pollen grains of flowers. What are some effect of air pollution? Due to air pollution , human ...
Environment, 8 pages
2019 10 24
Air transport slides
Air transport. Transport aircraft is a broad category of aircraft that includes. Airliners Cargo aircraft or freighters Mail planes Military transport aircrafts. Airliners. An airliner is a type of aircraft for transporting passengers and air ...
Transport, 15 pages
2020 12 29
Air transportation planes slides
Air transportation. History. Renaissance ( S. Types of air transportation. Airports in Lithuania. Advantages. High. Disadvantages. High Costs More Risks Huge Investments. Statistics in Lithuania. Transporting. People Foods Animals Parcels. ...
Transport, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Air Transportation presentation
Air transportation. The first flyer. How many airplanes are in the World? How many people fly each year/day? How many planes are in the air right now? Crashes and Fatalities on Aircrafts. Cause of Fatal Airplane crashes. Boeing (The most ...
Transport, 24 pages
2018 02 19
Air, water and soil pollution slides
Air, water and soil pollution.Wheelbarrow – a. Usefull language. Questions. Which country is the biggest CO2 producer. Air pollution. Noise pollution. Plastic pollution. Soil contamination. Water pollution. Radioactive contamination. Problems. ...
Environment, 19 pages
2019 06 13
Airplane or aeroplane?
Airplane or aeroplane ? Aircraft is a. First airplane. The Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane. World War I. World War I was the first major conflict involving the large-scale use of aircraft. Between the World Wars. The years ...
Transport, 10 pages
2018 01 09
Airplane: advantages and disadvantages slides
Kites and flying toys have been around for thousands of years. Types of air transportation. Helicopter. Advantages. Traveling by plane. Disadvantages. High cost of. Statistics in most popular airport in Lithuania. Transporting types. Animals. ...
Transport, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Al Capone slides
Al Capone. Content. Personal information [II]. Alphonse Gabriel „Al“. [II] Criminal lifestyle. With the age. [III] Goals and Achievements. His Major goal. [IV] His Death. Cause of Pneumonia. /06/19 /english.
People, 9 pages
2019 11 09
Alberto Giacometti presentation
Alberto Giacometti. Who was he? Giacometti‘s art style. Around 1935 he. The art. Drawings and paintings. “Portrait de Diego,”Black crayon on paper. “Tête d'homme,”Pen on paper. “Seated Man” 1901-Oil paint on canvas. “Portrait of ...
Art, 30 pages
2020 06 09
Alcoholism presentation
Alcoholism. Why i chose this presentation? Contents. Why do people start drinking? What effect does it have on your health? How does drinking effect the persons family? How to deal with it?
Biology, 9 pages
2021 03 08
Alcoholism project
Prepared by. Social work in medicine student. Alcoholism. Alcoholic drinks have been prepared and drunk for thousands of years. Fig. Wordpress. Alcoholism is disease. Treatment for alcoholism. People drink alcohol. Cirhossis- cirozė Respiratory ...
Sociology, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Alcoholism: How to reduce alcoholism?
Alcoholism. What is alcoholism? Alcoholism – a psychological and physiological dependence on alcohol. What causes alcoholism? Personality factors, especially dependency, anger. Consequences of alcoholism on families. Children Low self-esteem ...
Culture, 8 pages
2018 02 19
Aldabra Giant Tortoise slides
Aldabra Giant Tortoise. Reptiles. Description. The Aldabra Giant Tortoise has. The habitat. The Aldabra Giant Tortoise is primarily found inhabiting grasslands and swamps on the islands of the Aldabra atoll. Although the Aldabra ...
Biology, 6 pages
2019 09 16
Aleksandras Stulginskis University
Aleksandras Stulginskis university. R Leadership The council Senate Rectorate Administrative units Academic. Structure. Agroculture engineering Agronomy Economics and managment Foresty and ecologiy Water and land managment. Faculties and ...
Education, 13 pages
2019 11 07
Alice in Wonderland slides
Alice in Wonderland and Through the looking glass. KTU Vaizgantas progymnasium Smilte Grigaite 6c. About the author. Lewis Carroll was. The plot. Alice was tired of sitting next to her sister and doing nothing. As Alice was curious, she also ...
Literature, 11 pages
2019 12 09
Alkoholis ir jo poveikis organizmui
Alkoholis ir jo poveikis organizmui. Alkoholis. Alkoholis- tai vienas iš seniausiai žinomų narkotikų. Šitas nuodas kaupiasi smegenyse. Alkoholio poveikis smegenyse. Smegenyse yra 15 milijardų nervinių ląstelių – neuronų. Kas atsitinka ...
Biology, 9 pages
2019 01 10
All about physiotherapy
All about physiotherapy. All about physiotherapy. What is physiotherapy? Physiotherapy focuses on. Physiotherapists can work in many settings, including. Hospitals Clinics Universities & Research. What do physiotherapists do? Generally, there are ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2019 11 26
All about sport presentation
All about. sport. Made by. A sport is. Physical events such. Records are kept and updated for most sports at the highest levels. While practices may vary, sports participants are expected to display good sportsmanship. "Sport" comes from the Old ...
Sports & Fitness, 24 pages
2017 12 19
Alternating electric current slides
Alternating electric current. Kintamoji elektros srovė. Remember what is direct current. Direct electric current (DCNuolatinė elektros srovė. Electric current of constant magnitude and polarity is direct electric current. Alternating electric ...
Physics, 7 pages
2022 04 03
Alternative lifestyle
Content. What „Alternative Lifestyle“ means? The Rainbow Family Rainbow Gatherngs Goals Backpacking Sources. Click. Click. The Rainbow Family. It is a. Loosely affiliated group of individuals committed to principles ...
Lifestyle, 17 pages
2018 03 17