Presentations (42)

3352 documents
Schools in the UK presentation
Schools in the UK. Are schools free in the UK? Are the school subjects the same as in the United States? What’s typical day like? At what age do students start/leave school? Do kids wear uniform? Do schools have entrance exams?
Education, 7 pages
2018 11 01
Schools systems
School systems. No matter in. However it doesn’t mean that every country educates us in the same way. So today. Let’s start with the UK. Children in the. The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts. Primary education begins ...
Education, 28 pages
2019 10 16
Schweiz Bern Präsentation PPT
Bern,Schweiz. Die Schweiz. Schweizer Natur Die natürliche Schönheit der Schweiz ist eine Visitenkarte dieses Landes. Bern. Bern ist eine. Berns Altstadt. Die Bekanntschaft mit Bern beginnt mit einem Spaziergang durch die Straßen der ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 04 17
Schweizer Alpen regionen
Schweizer Alpen regionen. Schweizer Alpen. Die Schweiz grenzt im Norden an Deutschland. Entdecke die. Traditionelle Einteilung. Im Geist der. Sommerurlaub in der Schweiz. Der Sommer zeigt erst so richtig die vielen Gesichter der Schweiz. Wandern. ...
Geography, 9 pages
2020 04 30
Science and Technology Development Economics
Science and Technology Development Economics. Meaning of Technology. Importance of Technology. Use of Natural Resources. Best Use of Capital. Saving of Time. Specialization. Improvement in Quality. Expansion of Industry. Improvement in Labour ...
Economy & Finance, 112 pages
2018 10 08
Secrets of body language
Secrets of body language. Presentation done by. International gestures. Thumbs up. Eye contact. Too much contact dominance, lack of respect. Palms. Palms facing upwards. Hand shakes. The bone - crusher. Legs and body posture. Neutral, opened, ...
Psichology, 9 pages
2020 06 09
Security systems presentation
Introduction. What is security alarm? The main sensors of alarm system. Few types of sensors and their functions. How does a security system work? Security system circuit example. Conclusions. References and other Sources.
Engineering, 11 pages
2019 11 28
Sedov ship presentation
“Sedov”. The largest training tall ship in the world. What is it? Sedov is a four-masted steel barque that for almost 80 years was the largest traditional sailing ship. Why people call Sedov windjammer? "Jam" means "To wail" and ...
Transport, 24 pages
2020 02 14
Sehenswürdigkeiten in Deutschland
Sehenswürdigkeiten in Deutschland. Schloss neuschwanstein. VokabelN. Insel Rügen. Vokabeln. Branderburger tor. Vokabeln. Heidepark. Vokabeln. Zwinger. Vokabeln. Schloss Wartburg. Vokabeln. Berliner fernsehturm. Vokablen. Alexanderplatz. ...
Geography, 30 pages
2019 10 09
Selena Gomez presentation
Salena Gomez. Early life. Born in July. Latest life. Has written a contract with Disney company in sixteen year old. Character. Kind, honest, caring, beautiful, responsible, and a goal achiever. Likes and hobbies. Plays gitar, piano plays in ...
Music, 7 pages
2017 12 19
Self driven cars slides
Driverless cars. What is it? Potential negative and positive advantages Moral issues. Autonomous car. History. Experiments took place since. Potential advantages. Safety - eliminate 90% of all auto accidents in the world. Potential disadvantages. ...
Transport, 12 pages
2020 11 21
Self Healing Concrete
Self healing concrete. Content. Concrete self-healing bacteria that heals. Concrete – defined as the mixture of aggregates. Self-healing concrete. A microbiologist at. Bacteria that heals concrete. To heal cracks. In self-healing concrete, ...
Real Estate, 13 pages
2019 12 09
Semi formal letter: Types of letters
Types of letters. Letter of application Letter. Features of a semi-formal letter. Dear Mr. /Ms. Smith, (Yours sincerely,) Dear Sir or Madam. Letter of application. It is with. Letter of complaint. Am writing to express my dissatisfaction with I ...
Education, 9 pages
2022 03 31
Sensory development in a child
Self work. Sensory Development in a Child. Infant’s senses. Sensory development is the gradual process by which an begin to grow. Early sensory development. Sensory development begins during gestation. Sensory play. Providing opportunities for ...
Psichology, 9 pages
2019 12 14
Serial „Hannibal“ presentation
Hannibal. How, when and who developed these series? “Hannibal“ is an. Bryan Fuller. Nbc logo. Thomas Harris. “Red Dragon“ by Thomas Harris. “The Silence Of The Lambs“ by Thomas Harris. “Hannibal“ by Thomas Harris. “Hannibal ...
Film & Television, 22 pages
2018 12 13
Service management. Lecture. Today’s topics. Contacts. Course structure. Laboratory. What do you know about service management? What is a service? IT service example. IT service management (ITSMService management is what enables. Itsm goals. ...
Management, 24 pages
2019 04 05
Services and facilities of Klaipeda container terminal
Services and facilities of Klaipeda container terminal. Content. Klaipeda container terminal. Storage. Quay of Klaipeda container terminal. Klaipeda container terminal cranes. Ship to shore (STS) crane. Rubber tired gantry (RTG) crane. Klaipeda ...
Logistics, 13 pages
2019 04 17
Sewing tools and equipment used in garment construction
Sewing tools and equipment used in garment construction. Tape Measure, Hip Curve and Yardstick. Tailor chalk, heart pencils, soap, pens. Scissors. Roller cloth cutters. Seam Ripper. Needles. Pins. Pin Cushion. Thimble. Threads. Sewing machine. ...
Design, 14 pages
2019 05 15
Ship‘s main engine lubricating oil system
Ship‘s main engine lubricating oil system. Content. Introduction. Goals and objectives. Function of lubrication. Lubricating oil requirements. Main engine lubricating oil system. Lubricating system. Lubricating oil coolers. Sea water oil ...
Engineering, 24 pages
2020 06 30
Shocking advertising
Shocking advertising. Advertising is a means to communicate a product. “Shockvertising” Shock. History of Shock Advertising. The success of. Shock Advertising Now. Causes like Child Abuse, Domestic Violence. Humans for Animals - "Seal" ...
Marketing, 31 page
2019 09 29
Shrek movie presentation
Shrek. "Shrek" is a film director Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. Shrek , donkay and cat. Shrek is a 2001 American computer-animated fantasy-comedy film produced by PDI/DreamWorks. The rights to the books were originally bought by Steven ...
Film & Television, 14 pages
2018 02 19
Sidney Opera Hause presentation
Sydney opera house. About the sydney opera house. The Sydney Opera House is the busiest performing arts centre in the world. Construction. The committee set up by the Government selected the site for the building. The winner of the competition, ...
Art, 8 pages
2018 03 17
Sightseeing of Lithuania
Sightseeing of Lithuania. Gediminas castle. Gediminas castle is. The Hill of Crosses. The Hill of. Trakai castle. Trakai castle was built at the end of XIV century. Žemaitija National Park. This is a national park in northwestern Lithuania. ...
Travel, 7 pages
2018 01 23
Sightseeing places in Vilnius
Sightseeing places in Vilnius. Gates Of Dawn Lukiškės Square Cathedral Square Three Crosses Monument Gediminas Castle. Gates of dawn. The Gates of. Lukiškės square. Lukiškės Square - the nineteenth century. Cathedral square. Cathedral ...
Travel, 16 pages
2018 10 20
Silicon Valey presentation
Silicon Valley. Nickname of the San Francisco Bay Area, in the northen part of the USA. Meaning of “Silicon“ and “Valley“. The word "Silicon". History of “Silicon Valley“. A hub of the early telegraph and radio industries from 1800s. ...
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2018 10 04
Silicon valley presentation
Contents. Location of Silicon. Silicon Valley is located in southern California in the United States. Location of Silicon Valley. The very beginning. Silicon Valley was born through several contributing factors intersecting. Things which makes ...
Geography, 13 pages
2019 10 01
Simple looking makeup
Simple looking makeup. Many cosmetics are designed for use of applying to the face and hair. Moisturizer. This product can protect skin, by keeping it hydrated. Primer. Primer is applied after your moisturizer, but BEFORE your foundation. This is ...
Beauty & Makeup, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Site Investigation presentation
Site investigation. Under the supervision. It’s a normal. Site Investigation is the process of collecting information. The main aim. Importance Of Site Investigation. Background Information before Subsurface Investigation. Stages of Site ...
Law, 16 pages
2022 06 14
Six reasons to visit Sydney presentation
Six reasons to visit Sydney. Sydney is one of the most largest cities in the world. Sydney has one of the most prettiest city harbours. Sydney opera house. There are two huge markets that you should visit. Sydney has one of the most largest zoos ...
Travel, 8 pages
2018 04 03
SkinCare Products
Morning Cleanse Toner Serum Moisturizer Eye Cream Sunscreen. SkinCare Routine. Makeup Remover products. SkinCare Products. Morning Start your day off with a clean face. Cleanse. Morning Toner is a fast-penetrating liquid that gives you hydration. ...
Beauty & Makeup, 11 pages
2021 02 16