Presentations (40)
The smoky room experiment. What is the smoky room experiment? The Smoky Room. Who is responsible for this experiment. Bibb Latané was an American social psychologist. The experiment. In the first. The hypothesis. Even though the. Groups of ...
Psichology, 7 pages
2022 05 26
Psysical Development In Young Children. In this presentation I will Further define physical development of infants and toddlers. Physical development in. General Psysical Development. Height and weight Psysical proportions Muscles and bones ...
Health & Nutrition, 18 pages
2022 04 26
Public bike sharing. Reasons for public bike share. Benefits of a public bike share system. Other recent North American systems. NYC launched Citi Bike on May 27. Stations. How much does it cost to ride with bike in Lithuania? Bike sharing in ...
Transport, 13 pages
2021 01 20
Public Policy studies in Ghent university. Contents. About university. It was established. Programmes that are related to Public Policy. International Communication Public Administration International. Degrees awarded. Bachelor degree Master ...
Education, 10 pages
2019 10 17
What is it? Public relations is a strategic communication process companies. Functions of PR. Anticipating analysing. Types of PR. Media relations Investor relations Government relations Community relations Internal relations Customer relations ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2018 12 19
Puntukas legend. The oldest devils. A long time ago, a stone called Puntukas lied deep in the woods. “Shame on you! The stone, however, fall on Puntukas house.
Geography, 6 pages
2020 04 15
Quality management. About glitteeerworland company. Lithuanian clothing retailer. Based in Lithuania and online shopping. Glitteeerworland company's enterprise. The Lithuanian clothing. Patricija Liucija Gedminaite CEO. Administrative Assistant. ...
Management, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Question Tags. What are they? How does it work? Examples. Check yourself! Need some more, don’t you? Some harder ones. You have a great memory, don’t you? And even more. Thanks!
Languages, 11 pages
2020 11 17
The capital of Ireland is. St. Patrick’s Day is always on. Which of the following languages is spoken in Ireland? The Irish (Gaelic) name for Ireland is. The national flag of Ireland consist of. How many countries are there in Ireland ? What ...
Languages, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Quiz english can be funny. Which is larger the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean? What is the biggest state in the USA? What is the tallest mountain in Africa? What is the biggest state in the USA? Alaska. What is the tallest mountain in ...
Languages, 62 pages
2019 10 05
Quiz. There are five oceanc. Correct answer. Complete the sentence. Use have/has been (to) – have/has gone (toCorrect answer. Say the activities that someone can do at a summer eco-camp. Correct answer. Say injuries. Correct answer. Say the ...
Geography, 22 pages
2019 06 11
Radiation – impact on environment, human health, prevention. Contents. Introduction. What is radiation? Sources of ionizing radiation. Chernobyl nuclear disaster. How does a nuclear reactor work? Radiations impact on health. Radiations impact ...
Physics, 13 pages
2020 04 02
Radio receiver. Radio receiver is. What is a radio receiver, how it works? Crystal radio receiver, Tuned radio frequency receiver. Types of radio receiver. The first radio. About the history of the radio receiver. First radio receiver. Thank you ...
Engineering, 6 pages
2018 01 23
Rail Transport. It is a means of transport, on vehicles which run on tracks. Types of rail transport. Adaptations include passenger railways, underground (or over ground) urban metro railways and goods carriages. Most common goods carried by ...
Transport, 13 pages
2022 04 04
Railways transport. Vilnius. Metro trains. The most spectacular. The second-oldest is the Paris metro. St Petersburg metro. The most overloaded metro is Tokyo. Type of trains. Freight train Inter-city trains Rapid transit Short and Long ...
Transport, 13 pages
2020 06 09
RAinforests. What are rainforests? Tropical rainforests are forests with tall trees. Rainforests are found. Why are rainforests important? Rainforests are often. Rainforests help stabilize the world’s climate. Every year a big area of ...
Geography, 10 pages
2019 03 18
Wonder. B. Content. History of the. History of the book. R j. About Author. Raquel Jaramillo (born July. Plot. My opinion. Well, In my opinion this book is one of the best I have read. Favourite quotes. "It's not enough to be friendly. Thanks ...
Literature, 10 pages
2020 12 18
Reasons why being competitive in bussines is a good thing. Bussines competition. The first rule. Reasons. "Without competition Apple would have never created the iPod. It will keep you motivated. Having a competitive nature prevents complacency ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2020 11 17
Reggae Music. Reggae is a music genre that originated in Jamaica in the late 1960s. History-Reggae developed from rocksteady in the 1960s. Reggae and Dubstep Mix. The mix became very popular in. Famous Singers. Bob Marley. Jimmy Cliff. ...
Music, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Rehabilitation. Content. Vocabulary. What is rehabilitation? Doctor of Physical Medicine. Four main areas. Why might someone need rehabilitation medicine? Rehabilitation facts. Rehabilitation equipment. Cycling. Bands and cords. Ergometers. ...
Medicine, 23 pages
2021 02 06
Reise nach Deutschland. Reiseziel. Wir konnen nach Deutschland fahren. Reiseform. Zuerst fliegen wir mit dem Flugzeug nach Berlin und dann mit dem Bus. Das Reisedokument. Wenn wir außerhalb der Europäischen Union reisen. Aktivitaten. Wir ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Relative Clauses. (RevisionThe boy is my brother. Which boy are you talking about? The boy who is wearing a cap is my brother. What does it refer to? People who. The lady who (that) talked to me last night was Jenny. Which relative pronoun. ...
Psichology, 14 pages
2022 05 25
Renewable energy. In Iceland. Geology. Hydropower. Iceland has started to generate electricity from hydro power. Geothermal power. Geothermal power heats 89% of the houses in Iceland. Solar power. Wind power. Iceland has very. Carbon Emissions. ...
Geography, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Renewable energy. What do we use energy for? Electronics Transportation Communication Heat And many more. Fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years from the fossils. Types of renewable energy Solar Wind Geothermal Biomass ...
Environment, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Repeal of an administrative decision under. Special laws. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA. Contents. Why this topic is important? Why I chose this topic? What is administrative decision. Why this topic. Is important? ...
Law, 10 pages
2022 03 31
Reported speech. If the reporting. Time phrases also change in reported speech. Online practice of pronoun and time expressions shift. Differentiated work. - easier tasks 2331, 2333, Relay a telephone message (cards – work in partnersThere‘s ...
Languages, 30 pages
2022 05 18
General question Do you know her? Did you meet your friend yesterday? Will you go to Vilnius tomorrow? Have you seen this movie? Are you looking forward to Christmas holiday? Can you speak Russian?‘Do you know her?’ (tiesioginis ...
Languages, 22 pages
2017 12 08
Ireland. Republic Of Ireland. Official languages Irish and English. State symbols. Coat Of Arms. Irish pound (EuroTradition. One of the. As in any. Interesting facts about Ireland The main characters of Ireland - clover and harp. Dean of St. ...
Geography, 19 pages
2018 04 03
Research on the tobacco products smuggling. Research object. The aim. Research tasks. Research methods. Legal regulation of tobacco products. Tobacco. the rate of the excise tax rate. Tobacco products detained in the Nida border area in a number ...
Law, 14 pages
2019 08 07
Research vessels. A research vessel (RV or R/V) is a ship or boat designed. Research vessel types. Hydrographic survey Oceanographic research Fisheries research Naval research Polar research Oil exploration. Hydrographic survey. A ...
Transport, 21 page
2018 03 17