Presentations (30)
Acquisitions and mergers. Introduction. Value creation framework. Valuation created framework. Empirical research and results. Acquisitions occur in waves. Do acquisitions create value for the acquiring's shareholders? Shareholders of the target ...
Economy & Finance, 31 page
2019 01 28
Mergers. Business dictionary. Content. What is merger? Pros and cons of mergers. Pros. Cons. Types of mergers. Types of mergers conglomerate. Types of mergers horizontal merger. Types of mergers market extensions mergers. Types of mergers product ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2018 11 30
Presentation of my favourite book Pamela Travers “Mary Poppins”. Banks family. Mrs. Brill. Ellen. Robertson AY. The new nanny. MAry Poppins. Was loved by The kids.
Literature, 15 pages
2019 09 27
The use of metaphors in advertising. The aim The aim. The meaning of advertising and metaphor. The meaning of advertising It is a way to promote an openly sponsored. Why are metaphors used in advertising. Six main types of metaphors. ...
Marketing, 12 pages
2022 04 14
Michael Jordan. He was born on 17 February, 1963 in New York, USA. Growing up in Wilmington, Carolina, Jordan developed a competitive edge at an early age. In 1984, he dropped of university with the aim of joining the “NBA DRAFT”. In 1991, he ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2019 05 27
Michel de Nostredamus. Biography. He was born on 14 December, and died on 2 July 1566 (aged 62When he was fourteen, he studied philosophy at the Roman Catholic School. He wrote his. Les propheties de Michel Nostradamus. Nostradamus predictions ...
People, 15 pages
2018 10 04
“Microplastics in the ocean and our daily life”. Title. Why i have. Why i have chosen this topic? Baltic Sea Summer Camp 2017 Consequences for marine life and health. What is microplastics? Less than 5mm Consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms ...
Environment, 6 pages
2019 11 06
Change of Transistor size over the past years. Quantum Effects Problem. Finfet and gaafet transistors. Tweaking Moore's Law and the Computers of the Post-Silicon Era. Parallel processing and Tri-dimensional Chips. What is beyond silicon ...
Devices & Hardware, 12 pages
2019 04 08
Content. Middle Ages. Why historians call this time the Dark Ages? Feudal System. Hierarchy of Rulers. Life in the Country. Life in the City. What did they wear? What did they eat? Interesting Facts. Fairs, Festivals, and Feasts. Hunting. Music. ...
Information technology, 22 pages
2019 11 26
Migraine. Introduction Theoretical background Aim of. Content. Migraine is a. What is migraine? Headache pain occurred on one side of the head. Symptoms. This analysis is. Theoretical background. The research conducted in the USA in. Effective ...
Medicine, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Mikalojus Konstantinas. Čiurlionis. (1875-1911Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis war ein litauischer Komponist und Maler. Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis war das älteste von neun Kindern einer polnisch sprechenden Familie. Er erhielt von. Zu ...
Art, 14 pages
2018 02 19
Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis. Biographical details. M. K. Čiurlionis is one of most famous Lithuanian composer. Early years. As he was a child he lived in Druskininkai. Later years achievements. On the 1st. He died of. Thank you for ...
Art, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Milk. Mti. The objective of my presentation. To reveal the. What is milk? Milk is obtained. Nutritional qualities. The composition of milk differs widely among species. Milk and its products contain vitamins important for the human body - A, B. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Introduction. We have chosen. The aim of advertising. Our goals are to present the history of the company's appearance. History. The first Milka. Facts about the product. Milka produces a lot of products basic ingredients packing. Subdivisions. ...
Companies, 8 pages
2020 06 10
History. The Mitsubishi company was established as a shipping firm at Kobe city by Yatarō Iwasaki in. In 1917 Mitsubishi Model A becomes the first Japanese car in the series. First Mitsubishi car. The development of. The most successful ...
Transport, 13 pages
2019 12 17
Mitsubishi. History. Mitsubishi automative history beggins in. Recent history. In May 2016, in the wake of the Mitsubishi emissions scandal. Victories in motorsport. Mitsubishi motors is a succesful in motorsport. The previous model. Mitsubishi ...
Companies, 10 pages
2017 12 19
Mobile phone cloning technology. Introduction history important terms how a cell phone is cloned. Contents. Introduction. Cell phone cloning taking. History. In 1990s cell phone Cloning started with Motorola “Bag” phones. Important terms you ...
Technology, 14 pages
2020 01 10
Mobile phone company „BITĖ“ Anglų kalbos savarankiškas darbas. Content. Introduction Company profile Company structure Responsibilities Recruitment and selection Careers Summary Sources. Introduction. Modern life calls for easy to ...
Management, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Modals. Need, didn’t need to, needn’t have. Needn’t and don’t need to. These verbs are used to describe present situations. We can also. Need can either act as a modal verb or as an ordinary verb. Didn’t need to and needn’t have. ...
Languages, 13 pages
2020 11 17
Modern marketing. Outline. Marketing in the 90‘s. Marketing nowadays. Top 4 Features of Modern Marketing (by Shreyasi GhoseNeuromarketing. Modern technologies. Experiment in Australia. Identifying costumers needs. Social media marketing. Social ...
Marketing, 18 pages
2020 12 13
„Modern technologies in our lives“. Travel. Communication. Entertainment. Health. Biometric. Education. How technology has affected our lives? Examining mummies. Why we should examine the mummies? Rest in piece, mummie. Tut‘s curse. Some ...
Technology, 18 pages
2020 07 12
Modern technologies. Today, technology is very important because it is used for almost everything. Vr. But today I am going to talk about virtual reality (VR) oculus. Advantages. Virtual reality doesn’t. Disatvatages. One the biggest ...
Technology, 6 pages
2019 03 26
Modes of transport. Rail transport. History of rail transport. Metro trains. Development of trains. Road transport. Road transport in lithuania. Road transport. Roads today. Types of vehicles. History of road transport. Air transport. Development ...
Transport, 26 pages
2020 04 26
Mogadishu. Where is Mogadishu? How many people are in mogadishu? Climate in mogadishu. How Mogadishu’s name was created. Economy in mogadishu. How safe is Mogadishu? Food in mogadishu. What to do and don’t in mogadishu. Thanks for your ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 11 13
Moneve. “MONEVE” offers a. Our company’s mission is to make people feel like at home. We’ve been developing. The office location. Why our business is ethical? Our customers. Our competitors. Swot analysis. Our employees. Motivation. ...
Companies, 13 pages
2020 10 09
Monkey Buffet Festival. MThe tale. Respect for monkeys traces back at least. According to the tale, the monkey king Hanuman and his army helped rescue Sita. On the last. This feast is held in celebration of Lopburi’s thousands of macaques. ...
Culture, 14 pages
2020 06 07
Movie. Work done by Arnoldas Suduiko. Bolt is a. Plot. A White Shepherd puppy named Bolt is adopted by an eight-year-old girl named Penny. When he believes. Main characters. Bolt. Mittens. Rhino. Also I have. Thanks for your attention.
Film & Television, 8 pages
2020 04 21
Jungle. Minor spoilers ahead. What is jungle? This movie is. The plot. In early 1980s. Later on in the movie, while in the jungle they split into two groups. The group that. My opinion. The movie was. The trailer.
Film & Television, 7 pages
2018 10 22
Music of the week. Mozart. This is Mozart. He was born on 27th January 1756 in Austria. Mozart’s father was a musician and he taught Mozart. He started composing when he was only 5 years old. Am a genius! At the age. As he grew up he had a rude ...
Music, 11 pages
2020 11 17
MTD Training Successful Time Management. About the author. MTD training is are team of 18 specialists. Introduction. The importance of time management. Goal Setting. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely. Tools for prioritization. ...
Management, 8 pages
2019 11 25