Presentations (26)

3352 documents
Introduction To Economics
Part 1 The Basics. What is economics? ? ? The Study of Economics. ECONOMICS 5 Economic Questions Society (we) must figure out. BUT, there’s a Fundamental Problem. Choices, Choices. Why Choices? Wants andNeeds, Needs and Wants. Trade-offs. ...
Economy & Finance, 65 pages
2021 01 18
Introduction To Psychology slides
Introduction to general psychology. The world of psychology. Shaikh Abdul Mosin Bsc-Viscom, Msc- Psychology. Emotion. Cognitive scientistbehaviour. Experimental c o g n i t i o n. Biological. Social. Clinical. Mindpsychologypersonality. ...
Psichology, 11 pages
2021 03 15
Introduction to the Reformation
Introduction to the Reformation. L. O To understand what the Reformation was and why it happened. Reformation? Reform Protestants Protested against the Catholic Church. Abuses in the Church. Simony – buying. Other problems. Jean De Lorraine was ...
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2018 03 17
Introduction unit: Grammar
Introduction Unit. Review. Grammar. The Present Simple and Present Continuous (SB p. Vocabulary. Holiday activities and tourist attractions (SB p. Present Simple and Continuous. My friend speaks five foreign languages. I always. Present ...
Languages, 17 pages
2019 10 26
Inventions that changed the world
Inventions that changed the world. Plane. The Wright Flyer  was the first successful heavier-than-air powered aircraft. Before the invention. Why it has changed the world? It has become much easier to travel arround the world. Telephone. In 1927 ...
History, 7 pages
2021 03 01
Investment plan presentation
Plan. Aim. About investing. Motivations for investing. Expectations of investing. Investment plan. About the stock market. Important rules for beginners. Types of investments. Stocks vs. Bonds. Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett investments. ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2018 11 15
Ireland presentation
Ireland. Contents. Ireland - is an island in the North Atlantic. Pictures of Ireland. Ireland flag. Greeting and meeting. Irish people are. Gift giving etiquette. Traditionally, gift giving in Ireland is customary for birthdays and Christmas. ...
Geography, 15 pages
2018 01 09
Ireland slides PPT
Ireland. Ireland is an. Flag of Ireland is a vertical tricolour of green. At present, Northern Ireland doesn't have flag and uses the United Kingdom flag. Ulster flag, which was previously used by the Northern Ireland Government. Dublin is a ...
Geography, 9 pages
2018 11 28
Is it possible to bring animals back from extinction?
Is it possible to bring animals back from extinction? Vocabulary. Selective breeding. De-extinction. De-extinction is the process of creating an organism. Methods. Cloning Genome editing Selective breeding. Arguments AGAINST de-extinction. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2019 03 29
IT technology in arts
IT in arts. Benefits, perspectives, potential threats. Nothing else has helped to transform activities such as painting. It in arts and its benefits. Technology offers something that young aspiring authors always desired - untouched grounds to ...
Art, 12 pages
2021 03 03
Italy itinerary
Best of Italy. About. Day 1 Rome. Day 2 Vatican and Florence. Day 3 Florence and Bologna. Day 4 Venice. Day 5 Bergamo. Day 6 Bergamo - Milan. Day 7 Goodbye Italy! Accommodation. Sources. Thank you for your attention.
Travel, 12 pages
2022 03 31
Italy project
Italy. Although oranges are the most widely produced in Italy. Yes, football is their favorite and most popular sport. The most popular and best footballer is Gianluigi Buffon. Also popular athletes. Arianna Fontana Athlete, short track skater. ...
Geography, 13 pages
2021 03 06
J. Walker McSpadden book „Robin Hood“
Robin Hood. J. Walker McSpadden. About the author. J. Walker McSpadden (Joseph Walker Mc Spadden) was an author. Joseph Walker Mc Spadden. Content. The book is. The story a. My favourite character. My favourite character is obviously Robin Hood. ...
Literature, 13 pages
2019 11 14
Jacqueline Wilson Book „Best friend“ slides
Best Friends. Jacqueline Wilson. About the author. Jacqueline Wilson was born in 1945 on 17th December. Plot. They born on. One day Gemma finds out that Alice has a secret. My favorite characters. Gemma’s dad drives. My favorite scene. ...
Literature, 12 pages
2020 04 07
Jakarta city presentation
Jakarta ranked world’s most environmentally vulnerable city Jakarta's air has been heavily polluted for years. The land surface of Jakarta is heavily populated and has many environmental challenges to face. Previously , the architectural named ...
Geography, 1 page
2022 04 13
Japan culture
Japan. Traditionally, sumo is considered a national Japanese sport. Sport. Japanese music has a great variety of styles. Music. The main products of Japanese cuisine - rice. Food. In Japan, Shintoism and Buddhism are the most important religions. ...
Culture, 6 pages
2018 11 18
Japan presentation
Japan. Land of the rising sun. Japans location. Japan is an island country in the Pacific ocean It consists of. Geography. Climate. The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate. Population. Japan is the second most populous island country with ...
Travel, 15 pages
2019 12 11
Japanese Art presentation
Japanese art. Jōmon Art. Elan De Luca. Jōmon Art. Yayoi Art. Elan De Luca. Yayoi Art. Kofun Art. Elan De Luca. Kofun Art. Asuka & Nara Period. (552-784Isabella Esser. The Origins. The Buddhist Core. Buddhist Art, cont. Architecture, Important ...
Art, 56 pages
2021 01 28
Japanese cuisine
Japanese cuisine. -Content. Japanese food Main products Tradicional foods and drinks Recipe Exclusive traits Conclusion. Japanese food. The Japanese believe. Main products. The main products of Japanese cuisine are rice, fish and vegetables. ...
Food, 12 pages
2022 04 27
Japanese Culture
Japanese culture. By adam. Introduction. According to Jones (2012), the 2000 Census found that there were. How project was. Background. Geography Japan is located. Cultural characteristics. Cultural Beliefs The. Common Fashion Japanese are known ...
Culture, 18 pages
2021 01 28
Japanese Superstitions
Japanese superstitions. Made by. If people in Japan have big feet, they are liars. If you whistle at night, that will call snakes. If you keep your laundry outside at night. If you place a broom upside down, your customers will go away. If you ...
Culture, 14 pages
2019 12 05
Jazz presentation
Jazz. What is Jazz? What are different types of Jazz? What makes Jazz music Jazz? Why Jazz music is the best? Who invented Jazz? Why is it called Jazz? Most famous Jazz artists. Louis Armstrong. Most famous Jazz songs of all time. Jazz in ...
Music, 15 pages
2021 04 03
Jerusalem package tour presentation
Jerusalem & dead sea package tour. The holy city - Jerusalem. Jerusalem is absolutely packed with things to do and sites to see. The beauty of jerusalem. Overview. Take this. Explore Historical landmarks. Highlights. Day 1 jerusalem. What is ...
Travel, 12 pages
2018 10 04
Jessie James slides
Jesse Woodson James. When and where did he live? He lived in. About him. Jesse James was a bank and train robber in the American Old West. The Legend Begins. Aided by an ex-Confederate soldier and newspaper editor named John Newman Edwards. ...
People, 9 pages
2019 06 04
Jet Engine slides PPT
Jet engine. Definition. Jet engine - an engine using jet propulsion for forward thrust. Designers. Hans von Ohain of Germany was the designer of the first operational jet engine. When the war ended the two designers met. German Messerschmitt ...
Engineering, 9 pages
2022 06 12
Job Interview presentation
Job interview. Types of interviews. The Directed Interview. Dress code. Tricky Questios. The “Weakness” Question Why Did You Left Your Last Job. Curriculum vitae (CVImportant Things you. Questions for audience. What are your job interview ...
Management, 6 pages
2018 10 04
Jobs in logistics slides
Jobs in logistics. Introduction. Shipping operations manager. What does road transport manager do? Road transport manager. Warehouse manager. Activities. Freight forwarder. Driver.
Logistics, 13 pages
2018 12 07
Jobs in the world slides
Jobs in the world. What is work? Work is of a human nature, which usually produces certain results. The hardest job in the world? Driver's work on. Tree work. The work of the forests is clearly demolishing work hard. Fire work. The work of ...
Management, 11 pages
2020 04 15
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe presentation
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ölgemälde von Joseph Karl Stieler, 1828 Signatur. Unterschrift von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) war Dichter. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Haus, wo er ...
Art, 12 pages
2018 10 04
Joint stock company
Joint stock company. This legal form. Management. Mandatory management bodies. Law. The establishment and. Taxes. Compulsory founding documents. The founding agreement or the founding act Statutes. Advantages and disadvantages. Thank you for ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2018 10 10