Presentations (101)
Mountain Biking. What is it? Mountain biking is the sport of riding bicycles off-road. Mountain bikes. Mountain bike is a bike that is made for off-road cycling. History. One of the. Tom Ritchey was the first person that made a complete ...
Recreation, 8 pages
2015 10 27
The Hunger Games. Plot. This is the. The main characters. One of the main characters in this film is Jennifer Lawrence. The music. The soundtrack album for The Hunger Games contains songs inspired by the film. Setting. In the movie, the setting ...
Film & Television, 7 pages
2015 07 20
Music festivals. What are music festivals? Pythian games. Most popular music festivals today. Coachella. TOmorrowland. Ultra. GlastonBury. Music festivals in Lithuania. Recommendations? (Put recent festivalThank you for your attention!
Recreation, 11 pages
2015 11 15
Scott Adkins. Presentation made by. Scott Edward Adkins . Is an English. Undisputed ii. Early life. Born 17 June. Undisputed iii. Career. His first break. Close range. X-men origins wolverine. Net worth. Thanks for watching .
Film & Television, 11 pages
2016 05 14
My dream city New York. New York City. In New York city lives about 8,5 millions people. It is believed. New York City is made up of five boroughs Manhattan. New York city is being called “City That Never Sleeps“. Places to visit. Empire ...
Travel, 18 pages
2017 04 26
My dream country. Presentation made by Deividas Gaidamovicius. Brazil. Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country. National flag. Etymology. One explanation comes. National seal. History. Around the time of the Portuguese arrival. Megaliths in ...
Languages, 11 pages
2016 05 14
My dream house. Hello everyone. First of all my dream house should be in suburb. My dream house. In the garden, I want to have a summerhouse. My garden should be very big, Where a wide variety of plants would grow. Living room should. Sitting ...
Real Estate, 15 pages
2016 03 06
My dream profession. Tour guide. Requires. Good language skills To be a good speaker Knowledge about variety of places. Advantages. Places People Cultures Language skills. Disadvantages. Staying at home Comfortability Family and friends. What do ...
Career, 7 pages
2017 05 14
My family like all seasons. By Kleopatra Vasilevskytė. My family in winter. We like winter, because in winter we have snow. When my sisters play I. Working. Because I’m busy as a bee. Winter weather. It was very cold and snowy day, the ...
Culture, 13 pages
2016 05 06
My favorite artist. Biography. More about Van Gogh. Photos. Art Style – The Early Years. The Potato Eaters. Potato Diggers. Artistic Style- His Later Years. The Night Café. The Yellow House. He loved the sun and he loved yellow. so he drew. ...
Art, 21 page
2015 11 09
My favorite book. Am going to say a few words about a book I’ve recently read. Harry Potter. Harry James Potter is the title character. Hermione Granger. Hermione Jean Granger is a fictional character. Ron Weasley. Ronald Bilius "Ron" Weasley ...
Literature, 14 pages
2017 03 07
My favorite film. Released date, the director. It was released. The main actors. Joseph Gordon- Levitt - Phillipe Petite. Charlotte Le Bon - Annie. Ben Kingsley – Papa Rudy. The plot, type. In. Acting, effects, music. Acting- amazing Effects- ...
Film & Television, 11 pages
2016 02 17
My favorite food. By Karolis Burneikis. Where are a lot of salads. Greek salad Russian salad. But my favorite is Caesar salad. Why I like this salads. You can make. Recipe. Iceberg lettuce. Cherry tomatoes or regular size.
Food, 6 pages
2016 03 31
My favorite professions. Love this profession, because I like to help people. The people in this profession, you need to pay to work quickly. Have a beautiful uniform. To thoroughly carry. A cosmetologist. These professions need to be friendly, ...
Career, 10 pages
2017 04 05
My favourite animal. IS aTiger. Made by Lukas Milaševičius 3B. The Amur tiger. Like tiger, because he is beautiful and strong. Greatest weight of Amur tigers living in the wild. Body length in male Amur tiger by the tail reaches. The Siberian ...
Biology, 8 pages
2016 12 07
My favourite city venice, italy. By diana petrova. Subtopics. Introduction geographic location history places to visit why should i visit venice? Introduction. Venice is one of Italy’s top travel cities. Geographic location. Venice is a. ...
Geography, 9 pages
2017 03 06
My Favourite Dish. Cinnamon Roll Waffles. Waffles Ingredients. Cups all-purpose. Cinnamon Topping. Ingredients. ¾ cup brown sugar, packed. ½ cup butter, melted. 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon. Cream Cheese Topping. Ingredients. ½ cup butter, ...
Food, 9 pages
2016 10 13
My favourite painter. Vincent Van Gogh. Biography. Vincent Van Gogh 1853- Vincent Van Gogh was an artist of exceptional talent. The most famous paintings. Why i chose him as my favourite painter? Van Gogh suffered multiple mental breakdowns ...
Art, 8 pages
2017 04 04
My favourite singer is Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift lives in Manhattan, New York and she‘s got a great voice. My favourite song is ‘The Lucky One‘. She doesn‘t eat meat but she likes vegetables and fruits.
Music, 6 pages
2017 02 05
My future career. Name of profession. Mechanic. ACTIVITY (where and what they doMechanics work in the garage or autoservice. Garage. Qualities. In order to do this work people must be patient. Why i like this profession. Like this profession ...
Career, 8 pages
2017 04 04
My future profession. By Gabrielė Lina Sarsadskich. Haven‘t really. These professions are. Famous violinist. If I will. Other famous violinist. A. Rieu Vanessa Mae. Musician pluses and minuses. Pluses Musicians can play in a big known ...
Career, 12 pages
2016 01 25
My holiday in Norway. By Šarūnas Morkevičius. Now I talking about my summer holidays in Norway. Trondheim. Also impression left. Bergen.
Travel, 13 pages
2016 01 17
My ideal computer system. CPU Intel core i. Ram corsair vengeance. Motherboard ASRock Z77 Extreme4 LGA. Video card GeForce GTX. Sound card ASUS Xonar. Fan raidmax hybrid. USB drive Rosewill PCI Express Card . Modem linksys dpc. Hard drive ...
Devices & Hardware, 16 pages
2017 01 04
My ideal home. Would like. Parts of the house. The entrance hall. Sitting room. Would like to have a not big sitting room. My ideal kitchen would be a very modern fitted kitchen. Kitchen. My ideal dinning. Dinning room. Bathroom. Like sleeping. ...
Real Estate, 15 pages
2017 05 25
As each class has its own educators, I think that our educators are the best. she cares about us as a family. I think our gymnasium is designed not only to teach but also to develop good qualities. Each year, the school has organized events. ...
Education, 1 page
2016 11 13
My Vacation in italy. Italy. Ligurian coast. Stunning views of ligurian coast. Columbus and italy. Cinque terre national park. Breath taking Views of cinque terre. Pisa. Best Views of pisa. Portofino. Marvelous views of portofino. Livorno. ...
Travel, 14 pages
2017 05 11
National Costume in Britain. The work was done by Aistė and Gabrielė form. Scottish National Dress. One of the. Today traditional dress for men in Scotland is a kilt with shirt. Welsh National Dress. Welsh National dress is relatively young and ...
Etnology, 14 pages
2015 12 14
National Clock Museum. Content. About the museum Where. The Klaipėda Clock. About the museum. Address Liepų g. 12, Klaipėda,Lithuania. Where is located. History of museum. The history of. The hole exhibition. Exhibition. Visiting the ...
History, 16 pages
2017 03 13
National Gallery. The work was done by Marijus Bielskus 1c Lukas Blusevičius 1c. What is the National Gallery? More about Gallery! Gallery is popular! Contents. The National Gallery. The Gallery is. It is among the most visited art museums in ...
Art, 6 pages
2015 12 21
Natural disasters. By Katalina Kalvaitytė. Disasters are hazards that cause destruction or environmental changes. Types of natural disasters. Tornadoes Huricanes Earthquakes Vulcanoes Floods Tsunamis Winter storms Wildfires. Man made disasters ...
Environment, 7 pages
2016 01 17