Personal Protective Equipment Slides

Personal protective equipment (PPEContent. Introduction. What is ppe? General requirements. Types of equipment. Head protection. Hearing protection. Face and eye protection. Respiratory protective equipment. Hand and foot protection. Body protection. Protection against drowning. Protection against hypothermia. Vocabulary. Questions. Conclusion. Literature.
Introduction What is PPE? General requirements Types of equipment Vocabulary Questions Conclusion Literature.
Aim: To introduce you what is PPE. Task: To analize common types of PPE.
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As we can see that there are many types of personal protective equipment but we should choose it according to the possible hazards we will face in our duties in this case we will protect our health.
- Engineering Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 5311 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 18 pages (229 words)
- College
- Lukas