Notes (2)

111 documents
International business economic conspectus
Why do we trade with other countries? What do we export sell abroad. What is the goal of trade. What does the term free trade mean. What main benefits of free trade do you know. Differences between international trade and home trade. What is the ...
Economy & Finance, 6 pages
2019 04 07
Learning English: Alphabet, numbers, months
Revise the numbers. How to say the year in English. Count on Me Learn spelling and pronunciation of all the words in the song. Revise , how to write letters.
Languages, 6 pages
2020 09 25
Lesson: Plugs and sockets
/ lesson 2 plugs and sockets. Study the physical structure of a plug and socket and do the following tasks. Task. Translate the words into Lithuanian Term. Task. A WIRE , A CABLE , A CORD. Write the term to the definitions. Location top bottom / ...
Engineering, 8 pages
2022 06 13
LEU English Didactic
In the first sense. In the second sense. Being an English teacher qualities of a good teacher , a teacher’s roles , professional development. Communicative language competences linguistic , sociolinguistic , pragmatic and pluricultural ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 01 23
Marketing: Questions and Answers
What is marketing. What is the difference between a NEED and a WANT NEEDS is essiantial for everybody. WANTS means individual. What role does a custumer play when making marketing decisions. Which statement suggest that everybody in a company is ...
Marketing, 5 pages
2021 03 16
Maskulinum. ADer Bedeutung nach. BDer Form nach.
Languages, 1 page
2018 03 17
Mechanics of materials
Calculating the stresses and strains. Yield strength , ultimate strength , Young's modulus , and Poisson's ratio. Ability to withstand an applied load without failure or plastic deformation. Forces and deformations that result from their acting ...
Engineering, 5 pages
2017 12 19
Neutrum. ADer Bedeutung nach. BDer Form nach.
Languages, 1 page
2018 03 17
New generation programme L58-64
The ‘new generation’ programme was headed in 1984 by the 580 mm bore/640 mm stroke L58/64 series whose designers sought a highoverall operating economy, reliability, ease of maintenance, componentdurability and unrestricted heavy fuel ...
Engineering, 2 pages
2020 01 03
Nutrition and herbal medicine
Nutrition proper nutrition. Malnutrition blogas matinimas. Goitre striuma gūžys. Iron deficiency anaemia. Undernutrition malnutrition )(. Susceptibility to coronary heart disease. Elevated blood pressure. Cardiovascular related premature. ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2020 06 09
Passive and causative
Will have given. Perfect ing form Having given. Present Perfect Continuous. Past Perfect Continuous. Transitive verbs have , fit be the right size , suit , resemble. By + agent. With + instrument material ingredient. They , he , someone somebody ...
Languages, 3 pages
2018 10 31
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Continuous. Past Perfect Continuous. Past Simple Past Perfect. Will can may. Would could / might. Must have to. Be going to. Was were going to. Asked , wanted to know. Where I lived. How old I was. Claim , agree , offer , promise ...
Languages, 1 page
2020 12 15
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present simple vs. Present continuous forma present simple present continuous sak. He she it pridedame. Am not working. Are not working. Working vartosena present simple rutina ir įpročiai. Su dažnumo prieveiksmiais. Faktai ir ilgailaikės ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 10 24
Programming Engineering Summary
Security engineering. Security dimensions ( CIA triangle ). Terminology. Threat types. Security assurance. Misuse/Abuse cases. Design compromises. Layered software protection architecture. Design guidelines for security engineering. System ...
Information technology, 11 pages
2019 06 06
Qara Qarayev
Qara Qarayev. Kara Karajev, Azerbaijan Qara Qarayev, (February 5, 1918, Baku, Azerbaijan - May 13, 1982, Moscow) was a Soviet music composer and pedagogue of Azerbaijani origin. Among his pupils was a number of later successful composers.
Music, 3 pages
2019 01 28
Schafft der Feminismus die Weiblichkeit
Schafft der Feminismus die Weiblichkeit. Als erstes befassse ich mich mit der Geschichte und Definition des Feminismus. Bewegung in 3 Wellen unterteilen. Problemdarstellung. Die Situation in Deutschland und Litauen. Die Zusammenfassung.
Culture, 4 pages
2019 12 30
Social Education Terminology
Social Education Terminology. Commit a crime. Place / put sb on probation , get / be given probation. Probation officer. Learning difficulties.Day care centre. Latchkey kid , latchkey child. Commit suicide. Suicide note. Suffer from ...
Sociology, 4 pages
2018 03 17
Special financing
Special financing lease financing. Elements of leasing. Term of lease. Type of leasing. Based on the term Finance Lease. Based on the method Sale and lease back. Based in the parties involved Single investor lease. Based in the area Domestic ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2018 10 04
Strong words for essays
General explaining. Adding additional information to support a point. Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast Giving examples. Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations Signifying importance Summarising.
Education, 5 pages
2020 06 10
Summary of required reading texts: Teaching listening and Teaching speaking
Summary of required reading texts: Teaching listening and Teaching speaking.
Education, 2 pages
2022 05 27
Teachers resource pack key
Resource Activities Vocabulary. Key word transformations. Writing Suggested Answer. Pairwork Activities Suggested Answer. Portfolio Activities Suggested Answer Name. Writing Suggested Answer I was asleep in bed one night when , suddenly , a loud ...
Languages, 15 pages
2022 06 14
Teaching Methods
The audiolingual method. Only in English. Total physical response. The lexical approach. Competency based language teaching learning. Communicative language teaching learning. The  teacher  has two main roles. Cooperative language learning. ...
Education, 6 pages
2018 02 19
The calculation of price: involving cost analysis and break - even method of Dobilas bio
Introduction. Practical part. Description of the analyzed company. A brief description of the product. A brief description of the market in which the company operate. Analysis of the factors that influence price decisions. External or macro ...
Economy & Finance, 22 pages
2019 01 19
The Design of Everyday Things Book Summary
The Design of Everyday Things Book Summary and Vocabulary.
Literature, 4 pages
2022 05 03
The most important dates of the French Revolution, its characteristics, people
The most important dates of the French Revolution, its characteristics, people.
History, 5 pages
2019 05 03
Tips organisation of your talk
Explain the idea expressed in the quotation. Advertising in Small Steps Could Enhance Your Business. Answer the questions. Total 32 points / yours. Giving a talk a short talk. Some tips organisation of your talk. Http // slideplayer. Com slide ...
Languages, 11 pages
2019 04 19
Tourism - Public Policy
To do or not do’. Virtue of its source’. Economic , social , and cultural characteristics. Formal structures of government. Public policy formulation. Characteristics of public policy. Tourism policy model terminology. Airey & Chong. Why do ...
Travel, 34 pages
2019 04 03
Tourism Recreation, culture and regional development
Leisure and recreation industry. Tourism Recreation , culture and regional development. The internal and external recreation / Hotels / Destiny. Going to the tourism destination. Animation timing in the units. The management of tourist ...
Travel, 11 pages
2019 05 18
Types of Translation History of translation Translation science
Types of Translation Translation. History of translation Acient world Egypt , Sumerian civilisation , Rome. Middle Ages , translation and religion. The Rennaissance , the spread of translation in different countries. Th. – Les Belles ...
Languages, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Verb patterns
Verb ( to ( verbverb (ing-form. Remember to doremember ving. Regret to do regret ving. Try to dotry ving. Stop to dostop ving. Mean to do mean ving. Need to do need ving. Like to dolike ving.
Languages, 3 pages
2022 05 19