Music Recognition In Human Psychological Development

Music recognition in human psychological developmentAbstract. Introduction. Materials. Ethics. Reflexive Account. Conclusion.
For decades starting with ancient civilisations, moving from middle ages and going to modern society, music remains as a tradition, culture, medicine, entertainment, art and close subject to many individuals. As well as, music has ability to affect people, and their daily lives, a Stanford analysis shows evidence that music engages areas of the brain and mentality which are tangled with paying attention, making predictions and updating data in our memory and nervous system (Baker, Mitzi. "Music moves brain to pay attention, Stanford study finds." Stanford Medicine. Accessed February 24, 2015). Musical experience strengthens many of the same aspects of brain function that are impaired in individuals with language and learning difficulties, such as the neural timing precision which allows differentiation between speech syllables (Kraus, N. and B. Chandrasekaran, Music training for the development of auditory skills. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2010.11: p. 599-605). People across the UK are facing big challenges especially now with COVID-19, from physical and mind disorders to social inequality, music-making and listening gives various age people the confidence and community to make real change. For instance, people with speech anxiety or Glossophobia can adapt to speaking by singing song lyrics then after some time try to communicate with real people and so overcome this difficulty. Even if music benefits individuals, negative influence comes with it too like formation of trends and neglection of reality, but this will be more deepened in discussion part.
Music is one of the most complex structures in science, it has huge history in human world and even now. According to two research interviews and psychological approaches from different analytics this work will open some of the positive and negative sides of music effect on human mental world. Moreover, it will include philosophic and scientific points of view based on music recognition.