Metaphorisation Of The Concept Sky In English And Spanish A Corpus - Based Research

Metaphorisation of the concept sky in english and spanish. A corpus based research. Analysis general results. Normalised per million. Metaphorical uses of the noun sky cielo in monolingual corpora. El cielo más negro. Un cielo gris. The wide  sky. Tan gran cielo. Parte del cielo. La luz del cielo. El cielo nocturno. The  sky  had chosen to fall. And the  sky  said , " Hey! ". El cielo huele a cloaca. Respirá , cielo! In the  sky. From the sky. A través del cielo. En el cielo. Sky  did fall. Se está cayendo el cielo!

In the past thirty years, there has been an upsurge of interest in metaphor - a concept that exists for more than two thousand years. The metaphor is a linguistic phenomenon: a metaphor is a rhetorical comparison that defines the first object as being equivalent to the second object in a hidden way. More generally, it is something that is produced and understood by the native language speakers. That is the reason why in the past decades, this concept has been investigated in numerous academic works. Typically, those analyses include a vast amount of corpus-based studies, because such approach provides wider opportunities, for example, it allows the researchers to get inside the actual language more easily. Although some Lithuanian researchers investigate particular metaphors using only one language (Lithuanian) or combining two languages (Lithuanian and English), the inclusion of Spanish in this research is necessary for the view of the fact that the purpose of this research is to compare how the noun sky (cielo) is metaphorized in Spanish and English. Moreover, it is planned to broaden the knowledge about Spanish and English metaphors by the end of this research. In addition, the present research is considered to be useful not only for English or Spanish speakers, who are interested in metaphors but for those, who are seeking to enhance their knowledge in the abovementioned languages as well.

Summing up, the subject of this work is the metaphorical nature of the noun sky (cielo) and its aim is to evaluate the sky metaphors in two languages (English and Spanish) using monolingual corpora. The objectives of this research paper are:

to examine the samples of the metaphorical noun sky in the COCA (the English corpus), and cielo in the CORPES XXI (the Spanish corpus);

to evaluate the degree of approximation of the metaphor sky (cielo) in English and Spanish.

The articles on the basis of which the idea of this research paper has been formulated are listed below:

The metaphorical phenomenon attracts close attention of researchers. It is primarily due to the general interest in the study of texts and the desire to provide a linguistic interpretation of the various stylistic techniques. It is probably fair to say that the concept of a metaphor is a vast subject, that is why a long and extensive analysis is required in order to present its complex data, and that is not the purpose of this research. Lakoff’s and Johnson’s theory of conceptual metaphors is applied instead of a more thorough review of the metaphor-related literature.

  • Languages Analysis
  • Microsoft Word 47 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 9 pages (2378 words)
  • University
  • Keitė
  • Metaphorisation of the concept sky in english and spanish A corpus - based research
    10 - 3 votes
Metaphorisation of the concept sky in english and spanish A corpus - based research. (October 4, 2018). Reviewed on 16:18, March 6 2025