Managing Work Activities To Achieve Organisational Objectives

Managing Work Activities to Achieve Organisational Objectives.
As traditional organisations are structured vertically, if you are working as a HR you report to HR director who reports to general manager etc. It’s an example which suits to all departments: IT, Sales, Manufacturing etc. Unfortunately work today doesn’t fit in in to these vertical silos. More integrated supply chains, global customers, common systems and other activities cut horizontally across the organization. Employees in a matrix organization reports to a product manager whose authority flows sideways and also to the head of their department. This system is used to manage large projects, product development.
Kaizen translates as continuous improvement, as no process can ever be declared perfect, there is always room for improvement. That is more philosophical approach, that everything can be improved. And because of that approach can be found in a lot of different ways, as an example it could be from Total Quality Management, to use of employee suggestion boxes. Here all employees are involved in improvements, everybody can make a suggestions how one or another process could be improved.
JIT philosophy has been adopted by businesses and all industries to improve quality and reduce operating costs and improve customer focus.
- Management Papers
- Microsoft Word 81 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 12 pages (1576 words)
- Arturas