Literature (4)

200 documents
Slides about book: Beatrix Potter book „The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Others“
The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Others. Book author Beatrix Potter. Place and time Mr. Mcgregor’s garden, summer. Main characters. Peter Peter is. Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cottontail Benjamin. Triplets Peter’s sisters. They wore red cloaks. ...
Literature, 8 pages
2020 11 24
Slides about book: Joan Aiken „The wolves of Willoughby chase“
The wolves of Willoughby chase. Joan Aiken. About the author. Joan Aiken was an English writer specializing in supernatural fiction and children's alternative history novels. The plot. It was a. Sylvia was nervous about the long train ride ...
Literature, 12 pages
2020 04 01
Slides about book: Katherine Paterson Book „Bridge to Terabithia“
Bridge to Terabithia. Katherine Paterson. Katherine Paterson was. This book is. One day Jasse and his teacher went to the city for an exposition. My favourite characters. Leslie - is. My favourite scene. My favourite scene. My feelings. Liked ...
Literature, 11 pages
2020 04 07
Slides about Charles Dickens: His life and works
Charles Dickens His Life and Works. Charles John Huffam Dickens. He was born on 7th of February in. Born in Portsmouth. Despite his lack. He created some of the world’s best-known fictional characters. Dickensian characters are amongst the most ...
Literature, 14 pages
2019 01 15
Slides about poet: John Milton
He was an English poet, polecemists, man of letters, and civil servant. John Milton birthday and his parents. John Milton was. John study. He studied in Cambridge, where he received a Master's degree. John Milton peotry. He was writing. Statues ...
Literature, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Slides about Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking. Stephen William Hawking. He was an. His disease. In. Family. Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 in Oxford to Frank and Isobel Eileen Hawking. Personal views. Future of humanity In. His 3 greatest achievements. Black. Top 10 ...
Literature, 7 pages
2020 04 21
Slides Book review „Hamlet“ by William Shakespeare
Book review. “Hamlet“ by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare(1564 – 1616) was an English poet. “Hamlet”. Revenge Tragedy, Tragedy, Drama Original language - English. Main characters. Hamlet Claudius Gertrude Polonius Ophelia ...
Literature, 9 pages
2022 05 26
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The main characters in the film were Benjamin and Daisy. Benjamin was distinguished by his appearance and destiny. He was born old and died young. At the beginning of his life, his skin was wrinkled, he was weak, and he had health problems for ...
Literature, 1 page
2021 02 23
The Design of Everyday Things Book Summary
The Design of Everyday Things Book Summary and Vocabulary.
Literature, 4 pages
2022 05 03
The queen of crime
Christie wrote over 60 detective novels, creating, along the way, some of crime fiction's most famous detectives. From Monsieur Hercule Poirot, an eccentric Belgian who relied on a keen grasp of logic to catch crooks, to Miss Jane Marple, an ...
Literature, 3 pages
2020 10 07
Tiv tribe exploration: Shakespeare in the Bush
Tiv tribe exploration: Shakespeare in the Bush.
Literature, 4 pages
2018 10 14
Toni Morrison Beloved the book review
Beloved is the ghost and regenerated older Sethe's daughter. She was murdered by her mother to keep the child out of slavery. Her real name is known. Beloved knows about her mother Sethe many facts for example: a pair of earrings Sethe possessed ...
Literature, 4 pages
2017 12 08
Was bedeutet es, eine freie Person zu sein? Wie beantwortet die litauische Literatur diese Frage?
Was bedeutet es, eine freie Person zu sein? Wie beantwortet die litauische Literatur diese Frage?
Literature, 3 pages
2020 04 22
Was ist für die Schüler wichtiger, um sich in der Schule zu entwickeln: Kooperation oder Wettbewerb?
Was ist für die Schüler wichtiger, um sich in der Schule zu entwickeln Kooperation oder Wettbewerb?
Literature, 1 page
2020 08 11
What makes a trip pleasant or terrible?
What makes a trip pleasant or terrible? What preparations before travelling do you usually make? What challenges can a person meet while travelling? Tell about an interesting person you met during the trip. Describe a trip you will never forget ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 05 27
Why is Don Quixote’s march unsuccessful and he’s called a „wise madman“?
Why is Don Quixote’s march unsuccessful and he’s called a „wise madman“?
Literature, 2 pages
2022 03 31
William Blake’s „The Chimney Sweeper“ analysis
William Blake’s „The Chimney Sweeper“.
Literature, 4 pages
2020 04 23
William Shakespeare Biography presentation
William Shakespeare Biography. William Shakespeare was supposedly born on April 23rd. By 1594, he was acting and writing for the Lord Chamberlin’s Men. Shakespeare’s life was during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and King James Shakespeare ...
Literature, 20 pages
2020 11 30
"The Martian" by Andy Weir book review
The astronauts’ spacesuits were equipped with monitors that could send vital signs to the other astronauts. There were no signs reported from Mark’s suit. But Mark woke up. He wasn’t dead but he was abandoned. One day, NASA noticed that ...
Literature, 2 pages
2017 01 26
„Dubliners” by james joyce: analysis of personality of haines in novelette „Ivy day in the committee room“
„Dubliners” by james joyce: analysis of personality of haines in novelette „Ivy day in the committee room“.
Literature, 3 pages
2016 12 23
Antīkā komēdija Aristofans Jātnieki
Antīkā komēdija. Aristofans «Jātnieki». Darbu gatavoja Evija Gorbunova. Saturs. Kas liecina par to, ka tā ir antīkā komēdija. Antīkās komēdijas apliecinājums. Par to, ka tā ir antīkā komēdija liecina tas. Literatūras žanrs. ...
Literature, 8 pages
2022 05 05
Book and movie review My sister keeper
Book “ My sister keeper” is a story included with a lot of family drama, unforeseen life turns. Anna had a difficult life knowing, that she was born just for one purpose. Her thought is not like 13 old girls, and because of that book is so ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 10 25
Book review “Oliver Twist“ and “Oliver!“
Book literature review “Oliver Twist“ and “Oliver!“.
Literature, 1 page
2016 06 28
Book review Melvin Burgess "Junk"
Couple naively believe that escaped from their parents, can escape from anything - even stuck in the drugs. Initially, they laughed from the stereotypical lifestyle addicts: prostitution, abortion, AIDS, problems with law enforcement, overdoses, ...
Literature, 1 page
2015 05 12
Book review: “13 reasons why“ by Jay Asher
Book review: “13 reasons why“ by Jay Asher.
Literature, 1 page
2016 05 06
Book review: 100 years of solitude
The novel’s poetic language, historical scope, and thematic and symbolic complexity gripes the reader easily. Although the book is written quite explicitly for me it makes it more interesting when there is nothing hidden, showing the raw and ...
Literature, 1 page
2021 04 25
Book Summary: Positioning: the battle for your mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout
Book Summary: Positioning: the battle for your mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout.
Literature, 2 pages
2016 12 14
Character analysis: Amir from book „The Kite Runner“ written by Khaled Hosseini
Character analysis: Amir from book „The Kite Runner“ written by Khaled Hosseini.
Literature, 4 pages
2017 04 07
Co vypráví řeka
Řeka, pro spoustu lidí poměrně konkrétní pojem. Vodní tok, který někde pramení a někam se vlévá. Nenápadně si tu protéká naší krajinou, už tisíce let. Někdy se vleče, někdy s sebou táhne masivy půdy a bordelu. To pak ...
Literature, 1 page
2019 11 24
David Hume on liberty and necessity
It is not clear whether people's behavior can be adapted to the doctrine of necessity. But he thinks that decisions are causally determined by antecedent conditions. According to Hume, certain motives always leads to a similar action: the same ...
Literature, 10 pages
2016 09 24