Kindergarten: Mission, Vision, Methods Used

Faculty of arts and education Department of education. Kindergarten „Atžalėlė“. History. The 62nd nursery-kindergarten of Kaunas city started its activity in. Mission. Provide quality education for health promotion and nature conservation. Vision. A learner, open to change, a creative organization that educates pre-school and pre-school children. Tasks. To protect and strengthen the child's physical and mental health. To help children understand and embrace common human values. To enable the child to reach school maturity on time. Philosophy. Following the ideas of humanistic pedagogy. Number of groups. There are six groups in the kindergarten „Eglaitė“ „Pušaitė“ „Berželis“ „Klevelis“ „Liepaitė“ „Ąžuoliukas“. Methods used. Waldorf Methods consist of various pedagogical elements. Staff. Educators Art Education Teacher Physical Education Teachers Speech Therapist. Educational environment. Celebrations. Midsummer Day Carnival Children's Easter Week without bullying.
The 62nd nursery-kindergarten of Kaunas city started its activity in 1964. on the 1st of November. 1995 October 12 The nursery-kindergarten 62 was awarded the name "Atžalėlė" and was called the "Kindergarten" "Atžalėlė". 1997 March 26 since 1997 April 1 nursery-kindergarten was allowed to develop independent economic-financial activities.
Provide quality education for health promotion and nature conservation, in partnership with the family, to develop independent pre-school, pre-school children (1.6–7 years) for a mature school.
A learner, open to change, a creative organization that educates pre-school and pre-school children, spreading innovative ideas that create favorable conditions for a modern child's ability to develop.
To protect and strengthen the child's physical and mental health, to guarantee his social security; to foster the child's powers (intellectual, emotional, will, physical) that determine personality maturity and success of socialization; to promote the independence, initiative, creativity of the child, to reveal and develop various abilities, to foster individuality.
- Education Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3888 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 16 pages (453 words)
- College
- Gintarė