International Management

Introduction. International management. Świnoujście-Klaipeda ferry service. Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian maritime administrations international cooperation. Klaipeda and Major U. S. Ports cooperation. Klaipeda and Antwerp cooperation. Strategic management. Approach to the Master Planning. Development Scenarios of Klaipeda Port. Storage. Railway accsess. Improvement Plans of Existing Port. Conclusion.

Every year, maritime administrations of three Baltic States - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia - organize meetings of their representatives. The purpose of these meetings that have already been traditionally is to share experience gained over the years and to discuss the most relevant issues related to maritime safety, which are encountered by maritime administrations in their assigned tasks. The meeting will discuss issues related to European Union initiatives in the field of safe maritime and maritime pollution, certification of seafarers, flag state and port control, provision of hydrographic services, ship and port security, radio communications, radio navigation and monitoring systems, etc. The peculiarities of the implementation of newly accepted international and European Union requirements are also discussed.

The freight volume forecasts for the year 2025 at Klaipeda Nafta and KLASCO are approximately 12.0 million tons (740 wagons per day) and 8.7 million tons (520 wagons per day), respectively. According to the capacity calculation, KLASCO can handle a maximum of 8.8 million tons under current access line conditions. After the railway renovation planned by LG, the maximum capacity will be 9.3 million tons, which can handle the cargo traffic till the year 2025. As the maximum capacity of Klaipeda Nafta is 10.0 million tons, it will be saturated by the year 2021.

KSSA has renovated the existing berths by deepening quayside water depths at Berths No.5 and No.6 to -14 m (infrastructure was completed in 2003 and superstructures were under construction as of February 2004). In addition, the renovation of Berth Nos. 82 to 100 is planned with deepening up to -12 m. In the Study, it has been assumed that those on-going or planned projects would be completed.

  • Management Papers
  • Microsoft Word 30 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 8 pages (2004 words)
  • College
  • Tautvydas
  • International Management
    10 - 1 votes
International Management. (November 5, 2019). Reviewed on 08:49, March 6 2025