Human Rights Issues In Employment

Human Rights Issues In Employment. References.
Firstly, it is clear that getting tattoos or nose rings is a personal right and setting regulations or policy, in this case, is dress code is not covered by the Human Rights Code (Human Rights Code, RSO 1990, c. H.19). Regarding the essence of work and the company’s policy or culture, dress code can be ruled or flexible for the employees. As an illustration, most of the Government’s Office always requires formal uniform while an IT company allows the casual dress code; or in some Chinese restaurant, the service staff should dress the traditional costume. In general, the employer has the right to build the company’s policy, including the regulating of the dress code, to ensure that the dress code does “not reinforce sexist stereotypes” (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2016).
Nevertheless, it should be a parallel and cooperation in the relationship between the employer and employee. The employer is not prohibited from applying the correct dress code in proper contexts as if it does not discriminate against their employees, whereas the employee is allowed to have the right on their body (nose ring, tattoos or dyed hair). There was the fact that the police in Ontario were forced to cover up visible tattoos in 2011 (Arbitrator Randi Abramsky, 2011), while visible tattoos were allowed on jobs by a Quebec judge in 2009 (Peritz, 2009).
In this case, because the company did not infringe the Code. The company’s Human Resources Management could bring Monique an opportunity if her ability meets the company’s expectations, and she would agree to hide her tattoos and take off the piercing during working hours to comply with the company’s policy. If her capacity could not meet their expectations, the employer could clearly explain that the final decision is not about piercing nose but the compliance with its regulations. The company offers a job or does not offer a job to someone based on its demand and the candidate’s capacity, not based on people’s appearance.