Good Side Of The Immigration

Good side of the immigration. Immigration diversifies1 local economies. It raises the GDP. Bad side of the immigration. (. (. Immigration reduces the chances of a developing nation. Main reasons why immigrants illegally moves in Saudi Arabia. Main reasons why immigrants illegally moves in the United ArAB Emirates. Tax free country. Quality of living. Diversify1 – to give variety to. GDP2 – gross domestic product liet. Kalba bendras vidaus produktas. Disparity3 - difference transmission4 - process of transmitting.
Lifestyle (The standard cost of living in Saudi Arabia is low.)
Main reasons why immigrants illegally moves in the United Arab Emirates
Quality of living (The biggest cities offers a high quality of living)
- Economy & Finance Home works
- Microsoft Word 719 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 2 pages (297 words)
- University
- Algebra