Game Consoles Market Analysis

Game consoles market analysis.

Talking about most popular games console Nintendo Wii as a manufacturer says this console is quite simple and created for everyone. For the young and old, for beginner players and for advanced because all kinds of people can have the same amount of fun playing simple and classic games. This console is not very popular among professional gamers because the graphics and technological innovation is not the main advantage of Wii. Despite the fact that Nintendo Wii is the most popular console in the UK because 15% of players use them own console and 17% have it in household (Source: GMI/Mintel). The big part of the Wii market belongs to women. Nintendo suggested something new and unseen before for women – Nintendo Wii Fitness. This extra kit made Wii very popular among women and Nintendo has the main part of the women market share.

Buyers who want to play plenty of different games usually choose XBOX360 because this console has the biggest amount of computer games. Microsoft first invented a new generation of game consoles so it is not strange that this company’s consoles has more games than its main competitors. For example XBOX360 has about 2000 different games, PlayStation 3 less than 1000 and Nintendo Wii is near XBOX360 with about 1900 different games (Source: Gamespot). Wii has almost the same amount of games as Microsoft but few of them are as good. XBOX30 has more world famous games than other manufacturers. XBOX360 has good graphics and other stuff from the technological side. Also consumers choose XBOX360 because this console has the best Live system. People can play games online, buy new expansions, new stuff for their favourite games, watch movies, listen the music, chat with friends and do a lot of other things. Xbox is somewhere in the middle of professionals and amateur players because it has quite good hardware, plenty of games for all kind of players.

Finally, the most technologically advanced PlayStation 3 is the newest player in the consoles market so it is not strange that this console has the smallest share of the market. Sony pay attention to professional players and suggest the new generation games with awesome graphics, crystal clear high-definition picture and theatre-quality sound, watching movies or other stuff with Blue-Ray player. After Nintendo Wii’s unbelievable success, Sony try to find ways into family’s’ hearts but it still has high quality sound and video consoles, but which are not suitable for families, women or amateur players.

  • Marketing Analysis
  • Microsoft Word 60 KB
  • 2015 m.
  • English
  • 6 pages (2450 words)
  • Andrius
  • Game consoles market analysis
    10 - 10 votes
Game consoles market analysis. (November 5, 2015). Reviewed on 16:35, March 6 2025