Game Analytics

Game analytics. Planning. Adquisition & storage. Reporting. Analytics. Step 2 kpis & sql. Kpis. Number of users dau, mau retention dau/mau. Daily Active Users (DAUThe number of (distinct) active users who use the app on a daily basis. Monthly Active Users (MAUThe number of (distinct) active users who use the app on a monthly basis. Stickiness (dau/mauThe ratio of your daily active users over your monthly active users. Who has higher stickiness, Whatsapp or LinkedIn? Retention Rate (D1, D7, D28The number of. Demographics. What age. Server. Data base. Events. Write pseudo code for all needed events (on client and server{ "EventType" "ItemPurchased", "UserId" "Xkkhkj4kh4h55", "Date" "25/03/2019", "Item" "4", }. Send in serialized form (JSON or similar) to server. Client. Filter & distribute. Restful api. Client–server architecture. Unfinished session! ! ! What can we do to prevent this? Inactivity time ~ 3 min → session finished. Use other events or ping! Data storage. Tables We all know what tables are — a matrix of rows and columns. Tables - field types. Some specifications not null. Null default auto_increment. Relational tables - keys. A primary key. Tables. Create all tables needed. Queries. Insert into tbl_name (col1,col2) values(22,15UPDATE tbl_name SET last_name = 'Anderson' WHERE customer_id =. Write server pseudo code to transform events into data base entries. Time 20 min! Relevant questions. Know what the. Home works.

Number of users: DAU, MAU Retention: DAU/MAU, D1,D3,D7,W1,W3, WX Monetisation: ARPU, ARPPU Sessions: nº, length Users: Age, Gender, Country.

The number of (distinct) active users who use the app on a daily basis.

The number of (distinct) active users who use the app on a monthly basis.

The ratio of your daily active users over your monthly active users, expressed as a percentage.

Who has higher stickiness, Whatsapp or LinkedIn ?

The number of users that come back or return after a given time period has passed.

What age, gender, nacionality etc. do the players have? Often usefull in combination with other KPIs.

Write pseudo code for all needed events (on client and server).

Number of users: DAU, MAU Retention: DAU/MAU, D1,D3,D7,W1,W3, WX Monetisation: ARPU, ARPPU Sessions: nº, length (For all of them we want to know: Age, Gender, Country ).

Send in serialized form (JSON or similar) to server.

Client–server architecture: separation of concerns Statelessness: Each request from any client contains all the information necessary to service the request Cacheability: clients and intermediaries can cache responses Layered system: A client cannot ordinarily tell whether it is connected directly to the end server, or to an intermediary Uniform interface.

  • Software Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 3316 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 34 pages (721 words)
  • University
  • Rokas
  • Game analytics
    10 - 3 votes
Game analytics. (March 17, 2020). Reviewed on 13:49, March 6 2025