Fraser Foods Outcome Answers

1.Analyze the relationship between organizational goals, objectives and policies and explain their contribution to effective management at Fraser Foods.

2.Explain the composition of the open systems theory and explain how it applies to the case study.

3.Identify the key stakeholders in Fraser Foods and explain their interest and influence in the company.

4.Identify the main difference between the formal organisation and informal organisation within Fraser Foods.

5.Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to Fraser Foods and justify its suitability.

1.Explain a content theory of motivation and a process theory of motivation and illustrate how they can explain actions of individuals in Fraser Foods.

2.Explain the methods used by managers to improve job performance within Fraser Foods and justify their suitability.

3.Explain the importance of team working and state how it operates within Fraser Foods.

4.Identify and analyse three factors that affect team cohesiveness and performance. Examine the influences of the three factors in Fraser Foods.

1.Explain the main roles and activities of a manager. Identify the relevant roles and the activities utilised by a manager in Fraser Foods.

2.Describe two ways that Fraser Foods can measure managerial performance. Explain how each measure can be utilised to assess managerial performance.

3.Identify and explain an appropriate behavioural theory of leadership and highlight its application to Fraser Foods.

4.Identify and explain a contingency or transformational theory of leadership and highlight its application to Fraser Foods.

5.Explain how theories of leadership can be used to improve the way in which management lead Fraser Foods’ staff through the proposed expansion plans

1.Identify, illustrate and describe the type of structure that best describes the organisation, Fraser Foods.

2.Suggest and describe an alternative form of structure that would be more appropriate for Fraser Food’s expansion plans. Your answer should include a clearly labelled diagram.

A role of a manager is very important in an organization. The success of an organization is depend on the managers’ performance in achieving goals and objectives. Manager is the person who drives the organization. Manager’s role in an organization are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. Manager should have ability to perform those all functions to achieve the business goals and objectives. Manager has number of roles to do from planning to control. He must have to make decisions and the decisions he made can influence the work of an organization.

- David Fraser the managing director figurehead, good relationship, leaders, founder.

- Kathrine Hannah was monitoring the employees and she encouraged staff to take relevant trainings.

- Loura Bolton’s job role was to manage financial side on Fraser foods. She focused on companies finance and handle the finance in business.

- Hazim khan who was the in charge of chefs, allows his team to work independently and he daily meets his team to discuss their ideas and issues. Also he did a great work in disturbance handling and resource allocating.

- Robin Fraser is an entrepreneur who is the founder of Fraser foods.

Managerial performance can be measured by the motivation and morale of the Fraser foods staff. The work in here is repetitive and might be challenging since the temperature required to make hygienic food. Team goals has set but the staff is free to decide how to achieve goals, working in this way influence to increase staff morale and flexibility.

Another way to measure managerial performance is through the level of complaints. Fraser food can collect anonymous feedback asking the questions about how the staff feels about the managers and asked to mention the reasons for that. From that way also company can know how well the manager performed.

McGregor’s theory X and Y both assume the behavior of different management styles.

A theory X manager assumes average workers dislike to work, and they have to be coerced controlled directed and threatened. Average workers prefers to be directed and avoid any responsibility, they have little ambition and sometimes no desire. They wants the security above all. They sees money is the only motivation factor for work and achieve goals and objectives.

A theory Y manager assumes average workers like to work with external control and directions are not needed for them. They will do according to their self-direction. Average workers seeks responsibilities. Also most of the workers have capacity to do initiative and drive.

In Fraser foods McGregor’s theory X is applicable. In their David Fraser is making the decisions about business since it is his role. He thought that staff don’t want to involve to decision making and believed preferred to be told to staff what to do. Also Fraser foods managers believed that staff were motivated by the money, incentives and should be paid bonus if targets were achieved.

  • Management Essays
  • Microsoft Word 101 KB
  • 2021 m.
  • English
  • 13 pages (3789 words)
  • University
  • Cleyani
  • Fraser foods outcome answers
    10 - 1 votes
Fraser foods outcome answers. (August 12, 2021). Reviewed on 16:41, March 6 2025