Fortum Corporation Activity In Lithuania

Introduction. About the Company. History. Lifetime of the company. Vision, Mission and Strategy. Vision. Mission. Strategy. Operations. Hydro power. Nuclear power. Combined production of heat and electric power (cogeneration or CHP). Electricity and heat sales. Solar power. Recycling and waste solutions. Fortum in Lithuania. “Fortum Heat Lietuva”. Operations. Fortum Klaipėda. Benefits for Klaipėda region. Fortum Joniškis Power. Fortum Švenčionys Power. Conclusions. References.
2016: In February, the company launched its new vision, strategic cornerstones and updated financial targets. In April, Fortum adjusted its operational model to better enable strategy implementation. The new vision and mission go beyond just clean energy production, they express the commitment to fuel and resource efficiency and how the company enable its stakeholders, customers and society to make sustainable choices.
1.3.3 Combined production of heat and electric power (cogeneration or CHP)
Produced and supplied biomass fuel in 2015 – 50 Gwh;
Fortum Joniškio Energija was founded in 2000. 66.2% of the property belongs to Fortum and the rest (33.8%) belongs to municipality. The main activities of the company are the heat and hot water supply to Joniškis city, Joniškis district Žagarė, Gataučiai town and rural residents. Total investments – 3.88 million euro designed for district heating networks, boiler and thermal items modernization. The company employs 23 workers. Fortum Heat Lithuania carry outs the natural gas distribution and supply activities to Joniškis district municipality.
Fortum Švenčionių energija was founded in 2001. 50% of the property belongs to Fortum and other 50% of the property belongs to municipality. The main activities of the company are the heat and hot water production, supply and sale for people, businesses and institutions of Švenčionys, Pabradė and Švenčionėliai cities. Total investments – 6.81 million euro for new and already existing boilers (8.5 MW and 3.2 MW biofuel gas) update. The company employs 29 workers.
- Management Papers
- Microsoft Word 97 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 16 pages (5110 words)
- University
- Rebelicious