Eyebrow And Eyelash Treatments

Assignment feedback form. 210 Provide eyelash and eyebrow treatments. What is an information sheet. What is a guide. What is a list. What is a statement. What is a description. Feature the main part , special quality. Benefit to improve , add something , make better. Assignment 210 Provide eyelash and eyebrow treatments. Task 1a Produce an information sheet. Task 2 Produce an aftercare homecare leaflet. Rough notes and Guidance.
Referral work must be re submitted within 5 working days
What is a list: A column of words (no sentences) that can have a connection i.e. Decleor, Elemis, Dermalogica, Guinot
What is a description: to provide details of the topic/product/item or person ie. X has long hair which is thick and curl
Leaflet: small flat folded sheet of printed material, usually free, containing information and/or advertising about the subject
Homecare; instruction given by the therapist to be followed by the client at home, could be linked to product use to ensure result is achieved – usually long term
Aftercare: instruction given by the therapist after the treatment to ensure result is achieved- usually short term
Short Term: directly after and for the rest of the day
Long Term: after they leave treatment area and could continue for a few days/weeks or until the next appointment
List the types of eyelash and eyebrow treatments available and describe their benefits.
- Beauty & Makeup Essays
- Microsoft Word 6 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 8 pages (599 words)
- College
- Ana