Essays (8)
When it comes to the comics itself, it is very hard to find manga in Lithuania. One must know the exact places of online shops for it. But it is clear, that in the next 10 years, this new to us genre will spread massively. In other European ...
Social Media, 2 pages
2019 12 27
At school, which helps personal development more working individually or in groups? Essay.
Education, 1 page
2022 06 08
What information is presented in the quote? Describe the data and predict tendencies.Do you/your friends buy books or borrow books from the library? Why? Give at least two reasons.Today I‘m going to talk about audiobooks. Given ...
Literature, 1 page
2021 02 21
Auslandsaufenthalte vor und während der Schul bzw Studienzeit.
Languages, 2 pages
2018 03 17
Automotive Industry Introduction. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis. Bargaining Power of Suppliers. Bargaining Power of Customers. Rivalry between Existing Players. Threat of Substitutes. Threat of New Entrants. Political and legal factors.
Transport, 3 pages
2020 06 07
Hello, my name is Kattie and I am 25 years old. I am from Bamoa Island. Bamoa island, which is situated in the Pacific Ocean. The population in Bamoa is about 100 000 people and the average life expectancy is about 75 years.The island is ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 06 08
Nowdays, banking services are used throughout the world. All adults have bank accounts many of them have made it for childs. In fact if you have official money you are related with a bank. Bank accounts are big plus for us because we need to keep ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 03 02
I am writing this because I would like to talk about the importance of good looks and how people are trying to fix their so called imperfections. I do think that being good looking is important. Let's be honest, not everyone is visually ...
Beauty & Makeup, 1 page
2022 05 08
Benefits of studying at home is convenience.
Education, 1 page
2022 05 31
Obwohl sich die Polizei für die erwähnte Aufzeichnung interessierte, stellte sie es als Ausflug dar, da es niemanden störte. außerdem der Taxifahrer hatte vor Beginn der Fahrt Taxi Schild und Ordnungsnummer entfernt, so dass der Wagen zum ...
Transport, 1 page
2022 05 14
Tipping point – when a small change has a great effect on changes that have accumulated over a period of timeIn the article “Finding Better Way to Deliver the Goods” from page The Financial Times, the main idea is how logistics ...
Logistics, 3 pages
2022 05 27
According to James Kroeger nature is the biggest source of threat in primate cultures while in advanced countries we feel biggest threat from other people rather than from nature (James J. Kroeger, 2013). In modern societies people are greedy, ...
Religion & Spirituality, 4 pages
2017 12 19
Firstly, in the boarding school children meet other students of the different backgrounds. It means, that children gain opportunity to communicate every day with people of various culture, traditions, opinion and different lifestyle. Schools like ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
When we communicate with others, we express our thoughts and feelings not only through the words, but also through our tone, facial expressions and body language. Body language is an important of non- verbal communication. It includes many ...
Biology, 1 page
2022 04 26
What is bond? Who or what issue bonds? Interest. Repayment. Types of bonds. The price of bonds. Price spread (kainų skirtumasInterest. The yield pick-up strategy.
Economy & Finance, 2 pages
2020 06 10
on January 13, in the dead of winter. the inhabitants of northern India and especially the Punjab region celebrate the colorful Lori winter fertility festival. The origins and causes of this bonfire festival are lost in the mists of time, but ...
Culture, 1 page
2022 05 02
A young student, is told by a girl that she will dance with him if he brings her a red rose. However, the student doesn’t know where to get the red rose, so he sings in his despair. A nightingale hears his song. For some reason the nightingale ...
Literature, 1 page
2018 10 04
It was a day like any other and Mark Philips was doing his normal round as a museum cleaner. He was working like any day, cleaning statues of museum. But that day he saw an envelope that probably one of the visitors lost in museum. There was ...
Literature, 1 page
2022 03 31
People in our society are so conscious about their status and they prefer to use branded products to show off their status symbol. Brand is considered as implied device through which any business can attain the attraction of people and can enjoy ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 2 pages
2020 06 10
Introduction. Renewable materials. an-made materials. Ice and snow. Wood.Straw bale. Rammed earth. Concrete. Glass. Metal. Ceramics. List of resources. Additional info (photos).
Real Estate, 10 pages
2019 05 10
When choosing a career field that we want to specialize in, we tend to create naive expectations. Most of the time, we get distracted from the bigger picture by the promised high salary or social status that the chosen field could provide and do ...
History, 3 pages
2022 05 19
Employee motivation is defined as the level of energy, commitment, persistence and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. In general, better employee motivation leads to better engagement and productivity. For this reason, ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2020 06 25
So, today I’m going to talk about calendar holidays. I’ll be presenting a pie chart which is based on a survey covering what is the most important calendar holiday. There are 4 holidays total on this pie chart – Christmas, New Year’s Eve, ...
Recreation, 1 page
2022 03 31
Since the first great revolution of technology, people have tried to create robots and machines. The world started to change, advancements in technology started to take over the workplace. Many people started to lose their jobs because simple ...
Technology, 1 page
2022 04 08
Can students learn as much and as well online as they do during the lesson at school.
Education, 1 page
2020 04 15
Career planning is an exercise that is well worth the time invested because it sets you going on the path that leads to where you would like to go. At the very beginning of the process most people get stuck because there seem to be too many ...
Career, 1 page
2022 05 16
Cars pollution essay: Cars should be banned from city centers.
Environment, 1 page
2022 06 29
Case Study and Research: How many of you could spend entire week without touching your smartphone?
Technology, 3 pages
2022 03 31
I bet most of you know this man (picture). Exactly, this is a 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen from the animated movie “Up” by Pixar. In the film, Carl travels to Paradise Falls, which is a large waterfall located in Venezuela. (Picture). The ...
Film & Television, 2 pages
2019 12 12
Ruta just became tired of that fame, she understood that she wants to have a normal life which she hadn’t had since the age of 7. She said that all her childhood and adolescence revolved about swimming, she didn’t even have time for ...
Sports & Fitness, 2 pages
2020 12 23