Essays (50)

1816 documents
The internet press
There‘s few kinds of people one of them says that internet is better than traditional methods and others denye that, at the time my opinion is slightly different I think that now both those things is unchangable. I‘ reading news almost all ...
Internet, 1 page
2016 04 28
The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth
The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth.
Culture, 1 page
2016 05 18
The Oceans topic
The second one just as much affecting oceans as the first one is poaching. Poaching in this case is illegal fishing. It is not just illegal it also puts endangered species at risk. This problem, affects food chain. For example, if sharks got ...
Geography, 1 page
2016 11 19
The person I admire essay
Every people has their own story about their past. I met with Zydre when I started to go in kindergarten. Actually when she started going in my group Zydre was very shy and dosen’t like communicate with other people. One day I taught that I ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2017 02 20
The person who has influenced my life essay
The person who has influenced my life essay.
Self Improvement, 1 page
2016 05 05
The postal route St Petersburg – Warsaw
On 16 July 1828 the Russian Czar Nikolaj I issued a decree approving the project for the road construction from St Petersburg to Kaunas that was supervised by the Chief Director of roads and highways. The highway was supposed to be finished in ...
Transport, 5 pages
2016 10 03
The role of family
Moreover, family becomes less important because of the job. There are people who spend most of their time working. Family in their lives takes second place. No one should appreciate their job more than their family, because no matter what, ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 05 22
The role of Jack Kerouac in the literary world, his major fiction works, their themes and ideas, characters, inspirations
The role of Jack Kerouac in the literary world, his major fiction works, their themes and ideas, characters, inspirations.
Literature, 7 pages
2017 05 13
The season I like most essay
Our planet Earth has four different seasons. They are autumn, winter, spring and summer. Some people like autumn for rainy weather, others like cold winter coziness and snow, and the others like spring for awakening nature. But I like summer ...
Geography, 1 page
2015 05 10
The stages in the process of writing
The final stage is post-writing, where your draft becomes a piece of writing. Also, you have to revise your paper, make it clear, correct mistakes, capitalization, check your grammar and spelling, coherence, cohesion and etc. I believe, this step ...
Literature, 1 page
2017 03 22
The structure and two functions of carbohydrates
The structure and two functions of carbohydrates.
Biology, 8 pages
2016 01 27
There are four seasons
Backyard suloja dog. He's cold - sadly shaking all the whining. Dog stuck in his ways. From one tree to another beating geltonpilvė zylutė. Everything is calm... Occasionally would come a blast of wind... The drone is frightening, but at the ...
Geography, 1 page
2016 04 14
There is no such things as female professions; all professions should be equally accessible for women and men
There is no such things as female professions; all professions should be equally accessible for women and men.
Career, 1 page
2016 04 18
Tobacco and healthy living
Talking of tobacco consumption, I think that it is important to reduce it. Because our socitety is already unhealthy. And the use of tobacco worsens the sutuation. Nicotine is cigarettes, also cadmium, ammonia and butane affect not only the ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2015 10 10
Tolerance essay
Tolerance is the authorized person to be themselves and live as he wants. But the man, his lifestyle, behavior and language does not violate other human rights and freedoms - such as libel or promote cope with it. Not all opinions, not all the ...
Psichology, 3 pages
2016 03 17
Tourism interpretation
So, speaking about if I want to work in tourism area, my answer is no. I don‘t want to work in these jobs, such as work in restaurant or hotels, because is a huge flow of people every day and you have to work fast, and sometimes even late into ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 04 29
Trakai city essay
Trakai is a historic city and it‘s a perfect setting for holidaymakers in Lithuania. Trakai situated in the south-east of Lithuania, and it takes half of hour to get there from Vilnius by car. It is a perfect place to escape from urban life and ...
Geography, 1 page
2016 05 17
Traveling alone essay
I will never forget the first time I travelled alone. It was a quiet warm spring when me and my few friends decided to go on a trip to Latvia. I was supposed to meet my friends there, so I checked the bus which had to take me directly to Latvian ...
Travel, 1 page
2015 05 11
Traveling by bike essay
People are travelling around the world to see how amazing and beautiful it is. There are many ways to travel. People are travelling by planes, cars, ships... But what about a bike? Personally, I think, that bike is the best way to travel because ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 03 28
Tulipmania of the Dutch Golden Age
Before 1593 the Dutch didn’t know of a flower called “tulip” but in 1630s the Dutch were willing to give their houses for a couple of tulip bulbs. So how did the price of a tulip increase to a point where people sold their houses and much ...
Economy & Finance, 1 page
2022 02 27
Twenty years from now, the world will be a better place to live in
Twenty years from now, the world will be a better place to live in
Culture, 223 pages
2020 03 03
Universities in Lithuania should attract more foreign students
Universities in Lithuania should attract more foreign students.
Education, 1 page
2016 02 28
Valentine'e day
First of all, Valentine’s Day is a very good change to show your lovers how much you love them. Even so, for people you love, you can show attention every day and surprise them without any reason. Secondly, Valentine’s Day is a good day to ...
Culture, 1 page
2016 04 03
Vegan diet essay
Vegan diet. Negative responses. Health. Empathy for animals. Enviroment. Clothing.
Health & Nutrition, 2 pages
2021 05 02
Virtual Museum
To be realistic, I was never interested in attending exhibitions and art galleries so the idea of virtual museums will absolutely increase the popularity of art. For example the real tours have the reputation of being boring among youth. Of ...
Technology, 1 page
2017 02 26
Volkswagen problems 2015
Firstly, Volkswagen has admitted that this scandal was not only caused by ‘rogue engineers’ but it was caused by a chain of errors in all the levels of the company. This brings the question on how trusted a business like VW can be as it was ...
Companies, 3 pages
2016 11 09
Ways of paying essay
Since ancient times people had many ways of paying for goods. They thought, which way would be the best and tried to do it the most comfortable for everybody. At first, humans tested trading, but latter on saw, that switching items wasn’t ...
Sales, 1 page
2016 05 18
Weather and climate: Engaging the Youth
In my opinion, we should hold a campaign to raise local people‘s awareness of the importance of ecological lifestyle.For example, we could make leaflets covering the information about sorting out of waste, trying not to litter the places ...
Environment, 1 page
2016 04 14
What are the most serious problems associated with the Internet what solutions can you suggest?
Essay What are the most serious problems associated with the Internet and what solutions can you suggest?
Social Media, 1 page
2021 03 16
What are the toughest problems in society?
What are the toughest problems in society?.
Sociology, 1 page
2016 02 22