Essays (47)
Today I'm talking about the tiny island nation of Tuvalu, the fourth smallest country the world.First of all, in my opinion if you want to get know with country or land you have to wander about this location residents. Tuvalu has about 10 ...
Geography, 1 page
2016 02 20
Today we have all kind of medicine for all diseases, But its very expensive. In the past, people used natural home remedies, and they were healthy, so why we cant learn from them and use much cheaper home remedies instead of medicine?Honey ...
Medicine, 1 page
2015 05 24
Life is never easy and it can get difficult at times no matter how old a person is. Especially the young are bound to hit some obstacles on the way to happiness, but giving up or holding back is not the option to go with. That is the message the ...
Psichology, 2 pages
2016 11 19
In my opinion, the use of computer has many advantages. For example, people can find and get information which they need quickly and cheaply. They can use it for learning, cognition,news, knowledge and interest. Also the people can communicate ...
Technology, 1 page
2017 02 28
New technologies make people more alone Do you agree or disagree? Opinion essay.
Psichology, 1 page
2017 05 03
Everybody knows, that there are 2 stages of preparing newspaper: writing news reports and taking photos for a newspaper. From my point of view, taking photos for a newspaper is more interesting than writing reports, because photographers most of ...
Social Media, 1 page
2017 03 28
Opinion essay Should Science be compulsary?.
Education, 1 page
2021 01 20
Can distance learning replace the classroom?.
Education, 1 page
2017 05 19
Our world will be completely different in 100 years.
Culture, 1 page
2017 03 22
Today my topic is parents and childrens relationship. A good relationship between parents and their children is very important. The ideal picture of a family is when parents and children mutually support and respect each other. But it is ...
Relationships & Parenting, 1 page
2016 12 19
Nowaday most of all students stresses about their test. Many schools try to solve problems to that stress-related illness by rating students of their homework over the course of the whole year.The main advantage of rating students not by ...
Career, 1 page
2017 03 18
EU Science Olympiad. Participating in Olympiad essay.
Self Improvement, 2 pages
2017 04 23
The purpose of this report is to the good and bad points of the Pas Paolo Pizzeria.The Pas Paolo is an Italian restaurant, which has a wide range of Italian cuisine, all of which is very tasteful, eye-catching and best of all the prices ...
Food, 1 page
2016 05 13
Can you imagine, in what critical situation Europe would get into? Would anybody like to see world war in nowadays, just because no body knows it has happened before. Such a horrible incident is most likely to happen. This thought, let me ...
Philosophy, 1 page
2016 04 14
Nowadays in the world are happening a lot of terror attacks, racism, people do not have equal rights. Now the world is only a few steps ahead war.I think, that peace is when countries are not fighting, but are collaborating, when people ...
Philosophy, 1 page
2017 03 18
That is what I seek to answer with this speech and I intend to do so by looking at the past violence, the improvements implemented which leads to the present day, and whether the improved government achieved peace.What could be the cause ...
Military, 1 page
2017 06 03
First at all I want start with presentation of my selected topic . I selected this topic because I like penguins because they are soo adorable !! Dyan deNapoli tells story about her childhood and conection to animals and ocean . She tells what ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 10 03
People should sometimes do things they do not enjoy doing essay.
Philosophy, 1 page
2017 02 12
A person who has impressed me is Ieva Krivickaitė. We don't communicate , but I know a lot about this person and I admire her. By the way we attended a same school.Actually, I think she still is very lovely and womanly.Secondly, ...
Self Improvement, 1 page
2016 12 13
Not only was I acquainted with the new environment, but also I completely changed my understanding of education. Before leaving Lithuania, I attended a huge public school, which had more than 1500 students, but then I moved into a small ...
Ethics, 2 pages
2017 03 31
Should students be allowed to have cellphones in elementary and high schools?.
Communication, 1 page
2017 03 23
Police officers of the Britain Lithuania and United States of America similarities and differences.
Law, 2 pages
2015 11 19
The Welsh Language Act of 1965 called for equal status between English and Welsh in all written documents and in the law courts. It also called for the use of the language in general court proceedings.Many people see the duplication of ...
Languages, 4 pages
2015 05 20
Second way, would be preparing with a tutors . A lot of teenagers are choosing this way because they are not able prepare by them selves. For satch studens tutors help focus on things they lack of knowledge or experience . Usualy tutors help ...
Education, 1 page
2017 03 30
aspects recognized in a general! marketing plan. The advertising is a communication means to target customers by using paid media mostly, for example print publications, the Internet, radio a nd television. Effective programs of advertising ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 5 pages
2017 02 17
Punishment is thought to be the best solution to stop teenage crime.
Law, 1 page
2017 04 08
I have to admit, in that time I could understand how people would think that this whole Martian invasion was really happening. Especially because of the theme itself. Now when we hear the word alien or some kind of other space intelligence we ...
Music, 1 page
2016 01 19
Last and most important reason is pollution. From air pollution started climate change. Good example is the North and South poles which suffers the most from the climate change. Polar animals due of warmer weather more and more difficult to ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 10 22
Reading books is one of the best things in my life. It really helps to relax after school or just ignore your problems. Well, this diagram shows that in Japan majority of people read books. It shows that 20% of them read 5 or more books per ...
Literature, 1 page
2016 05 24
Moreover, it is not excluded, that the crime rate will increase. Consequently, it will be less safe to live in country, then it used to be. Judging by experience of many European countries, crimes like: shoplifting, thefts, burglary and robbery ...
Sociology, 1 page
2017 04 04