Egyptian Gods And Goddesses

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. Prepared Kornelija Lekšaitytė Ia. Goddess Nut. Nut was the. Goddess Tauridė. Tauridė - infants. God ra. Note - The Sun God and father of all gods. God Ptah. Ptah (of opening. God Sebek. Sebek -Nilo god. Depicted as a crocodile or a man. God Khnum. Khnum ("Creator"). God Atum. Atum - primitive.
Tauridė - infants, pregnant women, the goddess of fortune. It was responsible for fertility and protecting women before and after delivery. Her husband was Bes - God delights.
Note - The Sun God and father of all gods. It is misappropriating many other attributes of God, and even names (Amun - Ra Ra - Harakhte). One legend says that every morning Ra reborn and solar boat travels through the sky, accompanied by many other gods.
Sebek -Nilo god. Depicted as a crocodile or a man, the head of a crocodile. Sobek honor pools and temples have been kept alive by crocodiles. It was assumed that Sebek keeps Pharaohs.
- Religion & Spirituality Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3593 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 9 pages (345 words)
- Gymnasium
- Kornelija