Digital Education

Introduction. What is digital education? Benefits and risks. Benefits. Risks. Platforms. EdX. Amount of users. Variety of offer. Business model. User experience. Personal opinion/Future potential. Iversity. Amount of users. Variety of offer. Business model. User experience. Personal opinion/Future potential. Udacity. Amount of users. Variety of offer. Business model. User experience. Personal opinion/Future potential. Suggestions for universities. Future potential of digital education. Conclusion. Sources. Presentation sheets.
Nowadays a lot of people around the world are struggling to get a proper education for themselves. First of all there is no standardized, global edu-cational system and so there is no guarantee that you can use your quali-fications and degrees everywhere in the world. Many universities don’t ex-cept classes from other universities even though they are just as equiva-lent. All over the world there are different fees for education. In addition there are many different ways of setting up a schedule, some are flexible and some are not. The lack of individualization and flexibility in curriculum for students hinders a study-life-balance, especially for people who work or have children. We believe that digital education platforms have the poten-tial to totally change the current educational structure and make education available for everyone, everywhere at any time.
In our essay we want to focus on three main learning platforms for higher education, which we think are the most significant: edX, iversity and Udaci-ty. We will analyse them on different levels and filter the future potentials to underline and answer the question, “Which platforms will change the way we learn?”. We see the potential for companies and for universities to make a change in our educational system.
- Education Term papers
- Adobe PDF 1161 KB
- 2016 m.
- Lithuanian
- 42 pages
- University
- Lina