Determination Of Particular Timber Physical And Mechanical Properties

The aim of work. Equipment. Procedure. Table. Timber density and hummidity results. Bending strength. Conclusion.

To get acquainted with the methods of testing the timber elements of structural dimensions, the methods for determining the characteristic mechanical and physical properties in accordance with LST EN 408: 2010 and LST EN 384: 2010 standards.

Statistically evaluate the results obtained in the work and determine the class of timber strength.

- Caliper whose division value does not exceed 0,1 mm.

- An instrument for measuring timber moisture and ambient air.

- Computer with software for drawing the curvature of the deformation force and for processing the test results.

Fig.1.1. Test scheme for determining the global bending elasticity modulus.

After the experiment the deformation force curve is plotted (Fig. 1.2.) and a correlation-regression analysis is performed.

The characteristic value of a timber characteristic in the normal and lognormal distributions is calculated according to the following formula:

Vx - the coefficient of variation of the values of the timber properties:


  • Engineering Laboratory works
  • Microsoft Word 88 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 6 pages (740 words)
  • University
  • Rob
  • Determination of particular timber physical and mechanical properties
    10 - 3 votes
Determination of particular timber physical and mechanical properties. (January 2, 2019). Reviewed on 14:04, March 6 2025