Complex Communication Plan Of IT Business

Complex communication plan of IT business.
Attract new customers to use service of our company. Reminder to the old customers. Social proof that we are legitimate and we can provide professional service.
Create thrilling real stories of huge business companies who used our service and how they reached success. It would be great if bloggers got some proved information from our customers. Whole interesting story is full of pictures with the views of our amazing designs compositions.
Representatives are travelling around the world and visiting all kind of IT public events. There they are guests, who goes on a stage to talk about our company. They represent us as something new and different in the market, so it makes people remember us better, spread a word amongst their friends and try to use our service.
Attracts new customers to use our service. Attracts experts to come to work in our company. Spread our company’s name around the world. Creates a brand image.
Tell interesting stories to them about our company. One part of stories are more or less same like in blogs – from the perspective of other companies, how they see us and how we helped them. Other part is from the perspective of ourselves – how we see everything, what are our goals, mission, vision, how does the work looks inside our company and why we see us as the best IT company nowadays.
- Business & Entrepreneurship Business plans
- Microsoft Word 25 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 10 pages (1224 words)
- University
- Tolma