Biology (4)

182 documents
The great white shark powerpoint
The great white shark. This is the most dangerous animal in the wordl. Main body Fermale great white sharks can grow to about 15 feet long. Habitat Great whites can be found in warm shallow bays in many countries. White shark’s Food All sharks ...
Biology, 6 pages
2018 01 23
The Major Discoveries That Could Transform the World
The Major Discoveries That Could Transform the World. Project Content. A universal flu vaccine Bigger, better mini-brains Finding the axion. A universal flu vaccine. The universal flu shot, which has eluded scientists for decades. "It has sort. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2020 12 18
Threatened and Endangered Species
Threatened and Endangered Species. What Are Endangered and Threatened Species? . What are endangered and threatened species? . Causes of extinction or becoming threatened or endangered. Habitat loss because of natural disaster. ...
Biology, 13 pages
2018 03 22
Truths and myths about vaccinations
Vaccinations didnt exist until XX. middle,so dying from infections in that time was common. Doctors were helpless in that situation. Pox infection encouraged to develop vaccines, or to use some kind of method to not get sick. One method called ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 11 15
Types of dementia and how to treat
Types of dementia and how to treat. What is dementia and why i chose this topic? Will talk about alzheimer‘s disease and dementia with lewy body. Alzheimer‘s disease. How this disease occurred? Signs and symptoms. Toxic changes in the brain ...
Biology, 22 pages
2022 05 29
Understanding drug and Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
UnderstandingDrugand Alcohol Abuse and Addiction. SubstanceUse, Abuse,and Addiction. History. “Modern” Era. Societaland Healthcare Costs of Substance Abuse. Past Year Prevalence Rates of Substance Use in the General Population. Lifetime ...
Biology, 33 pages
2020 04 02
Vision sense essay
But now let’s talk about how animals see the World.F.e. snakes. In the day time, snakes see very simple. But at night, snakes to see something use ambient warmth. Near the eyes, in the pits, snakes have infrared scanners. In total ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 12 16
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Results. Clinical observation. Cosmeceuticals. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant.
Biology, 2 pages
2021 03 14
Water - soluble vitamins slides
Water-soluble Vitamins. Vocabulary. Compound - composed. Introduction. Vitamins are organic. Vitamins have three characteristics. They’re natural components. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water and are not stored by the body. Vitamin C - ...
Biology, 16 pages
2018 10 04
We need food - homework about food
We need food. Around us is full of different foods and people can choose how they want to eat. There is a many ways how people can eat, so we have vegetarian food, vegan food, green food.Vegetarian food. Vegetarians do not eat meat and ...
Biology, 1 page
2019 01 08
Why is it important to eat different types of food?
Why is it important to eat different types of food?
Biology, 1 page
2020 12 05
4 the most expensive animals in the world
1. Toucans...Toucans are very nice and expensive birds..Tibetan Mastiff is one of the biggest dogs in the world..How many prizes The Green Monkey has? Over 4 mln. About 1 mln. Over 2 mln. About 3 mln.Thanks, For your ...
Biology, 19 pages
2015 08 16
An endangered animal
How much the Blue Whale weigh? To 150 tons. How fast they can swim? ~50kph. What do they eat? Crustaceans. How many years they live? To 80 years.What is the name of their enemy? Orca. How many decibels can reach their noise? 188. How many ...
Biology, 10 pages
2016 05 25
Animal Research
Animal Research. Animal rights – do they deserve to be treated ethically? Science testing in animal + case study. Cosmetic testing in animal + case study. Other research. Discussion. Conclusion. Summary and reference. Animal rights. Example of ...
Biology, 59 pages
2021 04 26
Australian animals
Crocodiles live in tropical zone. North American South, Central and South America , Africa , South and Southeast Asia, in northern Australia.For valuable leather used in the manufacture of shoes , handbags, hats , wallets and so on. ...
Biology, 14 pages
2016 01 14
Az állatok érzékszervei
Az állatok érzékszervei. Mechanikai érzékszervek. Látószervek. Kémiai érzékszervek.
Biology, 3 pages
2021 04 29
Bengal Tiger
Naturally prevalent in Asia, including more than half of the tigers live in India. This forest and jungle gyventojai. Tigras - solitary animal Hunting day and night. Bright and dark stripes coat helps camouflage them well and get close enough to ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 03 24
Biology and our environment
50 % - pointy beak 50% - flat beak.B – pointy beak (dominant) b – flat beak (reccesive).However, in this case dominant will be effective and will change DNA, phenotype and genotype. Because even only one dominant letter would ...
Biology, 7 pages
2017 02 03
Biotehnologija. Što je biotehnologija? Znanost koja na. Čemu služi? Biotehnologija pokušava povezati svoje primjene s medicinom. Vrste biotehnologije. Zelena biotehnologija Plava biotehnologija Siva biotehnologija Crvena biotehnologija ...
Biology, 11 pages
2022 02 14
Black cat essay
When man woke up the next morning, he felt very ashamed, but after some time he forgotten what he had done. One morning he woke up, found a rope and tied it round Pluto’s neck. Then he hung Pluto from a tree.That same night he had a fire ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 11 27
What is a cell? 2.Short history facts about cell 3. Anatomy 4.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic stucture 5.Animal and plant cell 6.Other facts 7. Quick Review.1. Animal cell has got a wall. False. 2. The largest single cell is ... Egg 3. What is ...
Biology, 20 pages
2016 01 16
Diagnostics for GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Dsm 5 criteria. Incidence & prevalence. GAD among Adults. GAD among Impaired Adults. GAD among adolescents. GAP impaired among adults. Theoretical perspectives comordibility. Categories and Dimensions. Description of ...
Biology, 12 pages
2021 06 15
Endangered species presentation (2)
Colour: Grey, Brown, Black 2. Favourite food: Grass, Fruit, Roots 3. Special Features: Long trunk and large feet 4. Life span: 55-70 years 5. Weight: 3,000kg - 5,000kg.Colour: Orange, Black, White 2.No longer an endangered species. ...
Biology, 10 pages
2017 05 16
Festőnövények. Táblázat A növényekből előállított színek. Lilakáposzta. Csalán. Cékla. Vöröshagyma. Linkek.
Biology, 3 pages
2021 04 29
Genetics essay
Brief history of genetic engineering started when two scientists James D. Watson and Francis Crick, by a world sensation identified the structure of DNA in 1953. Later on, in 1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer applied their knowledge of DNA ...
Biology, 6 pages
2016 06 02
These are the largest felines in Lithuania. Length of 80-105 cm, height 60-65 cm. The tail is short, about 25 cm, with black tip. Weighing 30 kg or more. Lynx large torso, short legs and a long thick legs high.Coat is dense and smooth, ...
Biology, 7 pages
2016 11 27
This is plants which do not have vessels. Commonly called moss. There are about 10 000 thousand species of bryophyte. Don’t have roots, attach themselves to the ground branched hairs. Leaves are very different and small. Leaves attaches on a ...
Biology, 12 pages
2016 03 14
Osjetilo Vida
Osjetilo Vida. Oko je parni. Glavni dijelovi oka. Vanjski dijelovi oka sušarenica,bjeloočnica i zjenica Unutarnji dijelovi oka surožnica,vidni živac,žilnica,leća,žuta pjega i mrežnica. Rožnica-prozirna ovojnica koja. Šarenica-obojeni ...
Biology, 10 pages
2022 04 08
Penguin crysis and salvation essay
First at all I want start with presentation of my selected topic . I selected this topic because I like penguins because they are soo adorable !! Dyan deNapoli tells story about her childhood and conection to animals and ocean . She tells what ...
Biology, 1 page
2016 10 03
Prvoci. Stavba těla. Ochranné organely. Oporné organely. Pohybové organely. Možnosti příjmu potravy (a s tím spojené trávicí organelyVylučovací organely. Smyslové organely. Rozmnožování. Nepohlavní. Pohlavní. Systém prvoků. ...
Biology, 5 pages
2021 11 04