Assessment And Self-assessment In Classes

Assessment and self-assessment in classes.
authentic use of language in speaking, listening, reading and writing;
Informal assessment is often called ongoing assessment because it is done over a period of time a term of the whole academic year. Traditionally students are assess in the classroom for different activities they perform. Informaly a teacher can mark linguistic and non-linguistic (discipline,accuracy) of students performance. Linguistic factors should be the priority. The most common way of assessment is marking students work they have done in class and at home. At the end these marks are summed into a final mark. However such assessment has a serious drawback (trūkumas) because it is mainly based on teachers impression about students work. Therefore, it is very important to establish clear criterion which will help to assess students knowledge in specific language areas. Assessment may be more general such as after children finish to work a teacher may write yes or no, pass or fail but assessment also may have a more descriptive of grading (sistema) which is based on criterion.