All documents (73)

6900 documents
How to write semi formal letter?
Writing. A semi-formal letter. Semi-formal letter. Plan. The opening and closing of the letter. Body. Development of the topic. Conclusion. Signing off. Use polite, respectful tone (would/couldUse less colloquial language.
Literature, 10 pages
2020 01 15
The "Burying grandma" example college essay
THE "BURYING GRANDMA" EXAMPLE COLLEGE ESSAY.Written for the Common App college application essays "Tell us your story" prompt.
Education, 2 pages
2020 01 14
Study Abroad essay
These days most high-schoolers are seriously considering studying abroad, because of the limited availability of opportunities at home, however, only a small portion of them end up actually realizing this dream of theirs. Thus, the question of ...
Education, 1 page
2020 01 14
Large Animal Dissection - The Neck
VMED 5125 - Basic and Applied Veterinary Anatomy - III Spring Semester. Large Animal Dissection - The Neck - Part I. D. J. Hillmann, D. V. M. , Ph. D. Professor, Veterinary Gross Anatomy. The Dog (Review). The jugular groove. Note how deep. The ...
Pet, 14 pages
2020 01 14
Economy sectors presentation
Economy. Panevėžys. Economy The aim. Structure. Economics. Economy sectors Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Quinary. Demand The amount of. Supply Supply is a. GDP Gross domestic product. Inflation inflation is a. Unemployment rate ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2020 01 13
International tourism essay
I read the text that is given in the paper and consider that I want to visit some countries which mentioned in the text.Firstly,I want to travel to Iceland.Because it is a land of myth and legends and the diverse landscape from ice to ...
Travel, 1 page
2020 01 11
Mobile phone cloning technology presentation
Mobile phone cloning technology. Introduction history important terms how a cell phone is cloned. Contents. Introduction. Cell phone cloning taking. History. In 1990s cell phone Cloning started with Motorola “Bag” phones. Important terms you ...
Technology, 14 pages
2020 01 10
Presentation about virtual marketing and the Internet
Marketing Virtual marketing and The Intertent. Virtual marketing. What it is? Why Choose Virtual Marketing? How is Virtual Marketing Used? Targeted to young people? How Virtual Marketing is grown? An example of Ad’s on internet. Definitions.
Marketing, 12 pages
2020 01 09
Presentation about Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence. What is A. ? Where did A. First come from? What are the different characteristics of A. When does A. Happen? What factors are involved in A. ? Why is A. Important? What are some statistics of A. ? What are the. Progess. ...
Technology, 22 pages
2020 01 09
Dangerous meteorological phenomenon
Dangerous meteorological phenomenon. Strong winds (hurricones, tornadoesContents. Stichical and catastrofical meteorological phenomenon rate in the world. Wind. Average annual wind rate in Lithuania. Beaufort scale – scale of winds intensity. ...
Geography, 15 pages
2020 01 06
History notes on Cambridge A level component 4
Proletariat , bourgeoisie. Communism Leninism Marxism Leninism Stalinism LENINISM. Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Lenin’s Russia Struggle for power. His opponents were primarily men of theory -- Marxists to the core -- rather than men of action. The ...
History, 12 pages
2020 01 05
Essay: Television Has Destroyed Communication Among Friends And Family
Television Has Destroyed Communication Among Friends And Family.
Psichology, 2 pages
2020 01 04
Essay about Different food cultures
Fugu is a fish. More accurately a blowfish which is consumed in large number mostly in Japan. It might seem like an ordinary fish, except- it's more poisonous than cyanide. Fugu is considered to be a delicacy in Japan, but it requires ...
Food, 1 page
2020 01 04
New generation programme L58-64
The ‘new generation’ programme was headed in 1984 by the 580 mm bore/640 mm stroke L58/64 series whose designers sought a highoverall operating economy, reliability, ease of maintenance, componentdurability and unrestricted heavy fuel ...
Engineering, 2 pages
2020 01 03
Sexualisierte Werbung Vorschlag
Sexualisierte Werbung Vorschlag debatavimo medžiaga Heute sprechen wir. Ein wichtiger Punkt der Pro Seite. Ich sehe aber nicht ganz gegegeben , wie sie mit euren Maßnahmen erreichen wollt diese. Gegen euren Vorschlag spricht.
Ethics, 1 page
2019 12 30
Extract of the book „The Curious Incident of a dog in a nighttime“ speech
Extract of the book ,,The Curious Incident of a dog in a nighttime" speech.
Literature, 1 page
2019 12 30
Tamara Bach Vierzehn slides
Tamara Bach. Vierzehn. Gliederung. Inhaltsangabe Erzählstil Botschaft Interpretation Kurz über die Autorin Meine persönliche Meinung. Inhaltsangabe. Ein Tag im. Erzählstil. Du-Perspektive Kurze Sätze, leere Stellen Unwissenheit Kein ...
People, 10 pages
2019 12 30
Der Weg zum Studium in Deutschland
Der Weg zum Studium in Deutschland. Gliederung. Warum Deutschland? Studiengang und. Viele Perspektiven Geringe Kosten Abschluss. Studiengang und hochschule finden. Studiengänge daad. De study-in-de. Com studieren. De studieren-in-deutschland. ...
Education, 16 pages
2019 12 30
Ist Nachhilfe noetig
Aber wozu der harte Arbeit Es kommt vielleicht vor, dass anhand der yusatlichen Hilfe, man die gleichen Resultaten leichter erreicht. Jedoch wenn man auf sich allein gestellt ist und viel selbstandig arbeiten mus,, bereitet man sich aufs ...
Education, 2 pages
2019 12 30
Sollen Schulfächer abgeschafft werden
Sollen Schulfächer abgeschafft werden. Debatavimo medžiaga , argumentai. Eine neue , innovative Art des Lernens Schulsystems. Eine konkrete , starke und bewährte Bildungssystem. Spielen über Bande. Finland's national agency for education.
Education, 12 pages
2019 12 30
Eco terrorism essay
Eco terrorism THBT it is legitimate for environmental campaign groups to use ecoterrorism to achieve their goals. Status quo. Frame. Definitions. Model. Case Split. By legitimating eco- terrorism. Decrease in the amount of victims. Rd ...
Ecology, 3 pages
2019 12 30
Schafft der Feminismus die Weiblichkeit
Schafft der Feminismus die Weiblichkeit. Als erstes befassse ich mich mit der Geschichte und Definition des Feminismus. Bewegung in 3 Wellen unterteilen. Problemdarstellung. Die Situation in Deutschland und Litauen. Die Zusammenfassung.
Culture, 4 pages
2019 12 30
Networking and referrals essay
Networking has a few expressions it might mean socializing with colleagues and friends. For others it is all about finding lots of useful business contacts. For others it’s a way to get help and improve communication skills. Referral is an act ...
Languages, 1 page
2019 12 28
Asian comics essay
When it comes to the comics itself, it is very hard to find manga in Lithuania. One must know the exact places of online shops for it. But it is clear, that in the next 10 years, this new to us genre will spread massively. In other European ...
Social Media, 2 pages
2019 12 27
Essay about my country‘s capital city and a couple of other main cities
Talk about my country‘s capital city and a couple of other main cities.
Languages, 1 page
2019 12 24
English presentation about ethical hacking
Ethical hacking. Structure of presentation. Definition of Ethical hacking. The mysterious Ethical Hacker. Types of hackers. Black hat hackers. White hat hackers. Gray hat hackers. Hacking process. Types of attacks. Required skills to become ...
Software, 16 pages
2019 12 23
Space Travel presentation
Space Travel. What I’m going to talk about. Space travel in the solar system. Future of Solar System Travel. Interstellar Travel. Future of Interstellar Travel. Future of Interstellar Travel (RealisticIntergalactic Travel. Future of ...
Transport, 15 pages
2019 12 23
Fundamentals Of Marketing
Company Analysis. History. Current Status. Mission and Vision Statement. Situation Analysis. Market Overview. Consumer Behavior. Competition. Swot and pest analysis. Pest analysis. Swot. Suggestions & Recommendations. Conclusion. Literature.
Marketing, 11 pages
2019 12 23
Childhood nocturnal enuresis (NE)
Content. Introduction Theoretical background Aim of. What‘s nocturnal enuresis? Bedwetting or nocturnal. Theoretical background. The research was conducted in The Children‘s Hospital at Westmead in Australia in. The second research was ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2019 12 23
Cruise shipping marketing in Klaipeda port
Cruise shipping marketing in kalipeda seaport. About klaipėda port. Introduction. Analysis of external and internal factors. Swot analysis of the cruise shipping market of the klaipeda port. Analysis of marketing mix elements. References.
Transport, 19 pages
2019 12 21