All documents (211)
Natural disasters. By Katalina Kalvaitytė. Disasters are hazards that cause destruction or environmental changes. Types of natural disasters. Tornadoes Huricanes Earthquakes Vulcanoes Floods Tsunamis Winter storms Wildfires. Man made disasters ...
Environment, 7 pages
2016 01 17
Xenon lights. What is xenon lamp? Automotive headlamps. Xenon light advantages. Bright light. Xenon light advantages. Xenon's Improved Safety. Xenon light advantages. Xenon's Longer Life. Xenon light disadvantages. Some photos of xenon lights. ...
Automotive, 10 pages
2016 01 17
. To find out advantages and disadvantages in the company’s management.JSC “Girteka“ delivers all kinds of logistic services which could be required by clients. “Girteka“ is the leading company in Lithuania and all Baltic region. ...
Companies, 12 pages
2016 01 17
I’m going to speak on the World Food Day and divide my speech into three parts: first of all, I will express a few thoughts about marking this day in our country. Afterwards, I’m going to mention several things about my charitable activities ...
Food, 1 page
2016 01 17
Kaunas is big town but in Kaunas are not so many place to visit like in Vilnius. Kaunas have museum which is very popular he called devintas fortas. Kaunas oldtown is not so amazing like Vilnius oldtown, but Kaunas have many museums Second museum ...
Travel, 9 pages
2016 01 16
Tiger. Tigers. Tigers are the largest felines in the world. Tigers live in Asia. Larger subspecies tend to live in northern. Tigers prey. All tigers are carnivores. Most of a tiger's eats large prey. Interesting facts about tigers. Tigers like to ...
Biology, 9 pages
2016 01 16
What is a cell? 2.Short history facts about cell 3. Anatomy 4.Prokaryotic and eukaryotic stucture 5.Animal and plant cell 6.Other facts 7. Quick Review.1. Animal cell has got a wall. False. 2. The largest single cell is ... Egg 3. What is ...
Biology, 20 pages
2016 01 16
Evelina Palevičiūtė TV15B. Content. History Introducing the company Vision & Mission. Interesting facts Conclusion Bibliography. Founders. APPLE was established on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak Ronad Wayne. Introducing the company. ...
Companies, 20 pages
2016 01 16
Presentation of the republic of Lithuanian. The group T-15I Julita grigaliunaite. Project work. History in brief. With the Lublin Union of. The president of Lithuania. Temporary capital in. May apply to the Constitutional Court. In the cases ...
Politics, 14 pages
2016 01 15
In Norway, you may go anywhere you want. Camping, skiing, mountain hiking, fishing, also small islands, they‘re free to explore! However, keep in mind that if you want to stargaze or put up a tent in countryside, you must keep at least 150m ...
Languages, 1 page
2016 01 14
Advantages and disadvantages of modern technologies.
Technology, 1 page
2016 01 14
Canada. Contents. The capital of Canada. Coat of arms, Flag of country. Geographical position. Rivers and mountain. Population, nationalities. Biggest cities. Traditions. Most interesting places to visit. National atheme. Bibliography. Thank you ...
Geography, 13 pages
2016 01 14
VP GROUP COMPANY Vilnius Cooperative College. Extended studies department. VP Group history VP Group Investments and development VP Group benefits and turnover. Outline. History. Invesments and. Development. Reasons of increasing turnover. MAXIMA ...
Companies, 10 pages
2016 01 14
Lithuania historical events. Tautvydas Juknevičius Deividas Juodis 1D. 1921 September. Lithuania joined the League of Nations. 1922 August. Accepted the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. 1933 July. S. Darius and S. Girėno flight across ...
History, 11 pages
2016 01 14
Hello, today I will tell you about tourism – related jobs. So, I would like to coment the data of the chart. Also, I would like to talk about my personal desires in this area and what are the benefits from visitors.Well, as you can see ...
Travel, 1 page
2016 01 14
Introduction. Autonomous driving. Conclusion. Selected words. Sentences with selected words.
Automotive, 8 pages
2016 01 14
Crocodiles live in tropical zone. North American South, Central and South America , Africa , South and Southeast Asia, in northern Australia.For valuable leather used in the manufacture of shoes , handbags, hats , wallets and so on. ...
Biology, 14 pages
2016 01 14
Anti-lock braking system. (ABS). Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Early systems. ABS was first. In normal braking, the drum and flywheel should spin at the same speed. By the early. In. Modern systems. Chrysler, together with the Bendix ...
Automotive, 19 pages
2016 01 13
First in Europe entering the new fruits were probably yellow, as the Italians called them pomodoro (golden apple). In Europe after a long journey across the Atlantic tomatoes returned to North America in the nineteenth century there eventually ...
Food, 11 pages
2016 01 13
On the other hand, living in the city has some disadvantages too. To begin with, the traffic in the city is very busy and you are exposed to great dangers on the road. Many people cannot go to school or work on time because of the traffic jams. ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2016 01 12
Now mobile phones are light, portable with touching screen or with buttons. They also can take photos and almost everything you want!During each year the bicycles shapes, sizes and types are changed and now we can buy whatever we ...
Devices & Hardware, 8 pages
2016 01 12
I`d like to tell you about my home.In the year 1976 my great-grandma arrived from Russia in Lithuania and bought this house. After some time my great-grandma returned in Russia and gave the house to my grandmother.I spend most of the time ...
Lifestyle, 3 pages
2016 01 12
To become a teacher a person has to be erudite, patient and also love kids and get along with them.I think that we need to solve this problem because the population is getting smaller and smaller. We need to make more job places and also ...
Career, 1 page
2016 01 12
Positive side of technology. Contents. Medicin Food Transportation Energy Comunication Science Education Entertaiment Art. Medecin. Vaccine Prosthetic Examination gadgets Vitamins. Food. Extrusion Food Expiration Date Tracker Faster production. ...
Technology, 14 pages
2016 01 12
Umberto Eco. Content. Biography Studies Theory Achievements Ideas about literature Informative videos. Umberto Eco, born 5 January 1932 is an Italian semiotician. Biography. Eco was born in the city of Alessandria in northern Italy. Studies. A ...
Languages, 15 pages
2016 01 12
The Meaning of Language. Semantics. Semantics. Truth. Entailment. Synonymous and Contradictory. Ambiguity. Compositional Semantics. Semantic Anomaly. Metaphors. Idioms. Lexical Semantics (Word Meanings). Theories of Word Meaning. More Theories of ...
Languages, 21 page
2016 01 12
Classification of English Consonants According to the Place and Manner of Articulation (self-check tables). Place. Manner. M. N. Ŋ. L. W. J. F v. Θ ð. S z. H. P b. T d. K g. Place. Manner. Abilūpiniai (bilabial). Lūpų-dantiniai ...
Languages, 3 pages
2016 01 12
Tarantella n [C] - mainly an Italian country partner dance, which features numerous twirls and spins. If the name tarantella sounds vaguely familiar, it’s not surprising. Tarantella is an alternate Italian form of the word tarantula, probably ...
Dance, 4 pages
2016 01 12
Francis Scott Fitzgerald,“The Great Gatsby“, Jazz age. Content. Francis Scott Fitzgerald Books Style History Jazz Age The Great Gatsby. The Aim. The purpose is to introduce with Francis Scott Fitzgerald and his work. Francis Scott Fitzgerald. ...
Literature, 12 pages
2016 01 11
Lithuania, being a member of the EU, actively participate in the European Commission's initiative to set up the Transport Working Group. It is expected to improve the roads in view of the growing public transport needs to integrate the Lithuanian ...
Companies, 3 pages
2016 01 11