All documents (173)

6900 documents
First, second and third conditional
First, Second, and Third Conditional. If + Present simple  will + infinitive. First conditional. The 'if' clause can be used with different present forms. For example. If + Past. Second conditional. The Second Conditional is used to talk about ...
Languages, 17 pages
2017 01 11
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) Helpful or Harmful?
Introduction. What are GMOs? A Brief History Of Genetically Modified Organisms From Prehistoric Breeding To Modern Biotechnology. What are Some of the Advantages of GM foods? GMOs Adventages. The Safety of Genetically Modified food? Why GMO ...
Biology, 23 pages
2017 01 11
Food Additives Problems
Introduction. What is a food additive? Numbering. Categories. Safety and regulation. Hyperactivity. Micronutrients. Most Dangerous Food Additives Everyone Should Avoid (And Why). Tips To Avoid These 9 Dangerous Food Additives. Dangers of Food ...
Food, 28 pages
2017 01 11
Christmas in Ukraine
Christmas in Ukraine. Christmas holidays in Ukraine. Christmas which. First. Start of holiday. The Holy Supper. The central tradition. Nativity. At Christmas people go to the vigil in the church.
Culture, 9 pages
2017 01 11
Global Conflicts
Global Conflicts. Motivations behind War. Economic Angle to Warfare. Factors Ending War. Evolution of Weapons. Prehistoric Era-400000 years ago. Weaponry of The Ancient & Classical Age. 3000 BC-476 AD. Weapons From The Middle Ages 500 AD-1700 AD. ...
Military, 114 pages
2017 01 10
Charity organization ,,Maisto bankas‘‘
Charity organization ,,Maisto bankas‘‘. About the Charity. The Lithuanian Food Bank was started in. In 2010, the Lithuanian Food Bank collected 2529 tons of food. Charity Initiatives. Collaborating with “IKI”. Lithuanian Food Bank. Thank ...
Sociology, 7 pages
2017 01 10
Brazil. The Beginning of Brazil. Named after Brasilwood Tree. People of Brazil. Most of them have mixed backgrounds. They gained their independence on 7 September. Well-known for agricultural products. Largest Coffee producer in the world. World ...
Geography, 29 pages
2017 01 10
Reflection Paper for a debate on military drones
Reflection Paper for a debate on military drones.
Military, 4 pages
2017 01 10
Proposals for school
Our school needs new lamps, because they are old and they often explode, so that disturbes the studens. Proposal: we should buy new lamps.Student’s need more comfortable chairs, because our chairs are uncomfortable and because of them ...
Education, 6 pages
2017 01 09
Introduction. History. Technological changes. Map types. General vs. thematic cartography. Topographic vs. topological. Map design. Map purpose and selection of information. Naming conventions. Map symbology. Map generalization. Map projections. ...
Engineering, 17 pages
2017 01 09
Vector glossary
Vector glossary. Vector is a. Addition of vector. Triangle rule Parallelogram rule. Condition of collinearity. X1/X2=Y1/Y2= k If k>0 vectors are the same direction. Head-minus-tail rule. Coordinates. A (x. Magnitude (lengthIABI= √x2 + y. The ...
Mathematics, 10 pages
2017 01 09
Globalization essay
2.Kultūrinė globalizacija siejasi su perdavimu minčių, reikšmių, ir vertina visame pasaulyje tokiame būde kaip išplėsti ir sustiprinti socialinius ryšius. Šis procesas yra pažymėtas bendro vartojimo kultūrų, kurios buvo skleistos ...
Sociology, 2 pages
2017 01 09
Geography of Lithuania presentation
Geography of Lithuania. Area. Total 65,300 km² land 62,680 km² water 2,620 km². Neighboring countries. Poland belarus latvia russia. Coast. Lithuania is situated by the baltic sea. Climate. The climate of. Tourism. Lithuania attracts many ...
Geography, 11 pages
2017 01 09
Lagoons of New Caledonia
Lagoons of New Caledonia. What is the. New Caledonian barrier reef population. Reef is home to many endemic, rare animal species. Dugong. Green sea turtle. New Caledonia barrier reef from above. New Caledonia barrier reef. Thanks for watching! ...
Geography, 8 pages
2017 01 08
Guinness World Records
Guinness World Records. World's Tallest Man. The world’s smallest dog. The longest snake in the world. The oldest female twins. The Most tattooed man. The Most expensive hot dog. The world’s highest waterfalls. The Most piercings in a ...
Culture, 15 pages
2017 01 08
What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
However, there are some disadvantages. The major disadvantage of studying abroad is that it is hard to adapt to new surroundings; as a result, you can feel lonely. What is more, it is very hard to speak a foreign language fluently, for this ...
Education, 1 page
2017 01 07
History of the Paris
III-IV. The city has called Parisian, and the current name was taken from the fifth century known as the 486 year Frankish king Clovis I's victory over the Romans moved their capital.Ludvik 16,(He was the only king of France, throughout ...
History, 7 pages
2017 01 07
My dream job essay
Secondly, I‘m friendly personality, atleast everyone says that. I’m used to talk with different people about different topics and actually I love to talk with people. So dealing with other people wouldn’t be a problem for ...
Career, 1 page
2017 01 07
Work is physical or mental activity, who‘s giving some results
Work is physical or mental activity, who‘s giving some results. Why people work? Livelihood Human relationships Personal development Job satifaction Service Security Success Happiness. Livelihood. People work to provide themselves and their ...
Psichology, 21 page
2017 01 06
Earth hour presentation
We have chosen. Earth. Where did ,,Earth Hour“ started. In. No, I don‘t know (10%) Yes, I know (80%) I have heard something (10%Survey. Do you know what is „Earth hour“? Do you get enough information about “Earth hour”? Enough (45%) ...
Culture, 15 pages
2017 01 06
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Allan Poe. Legend of the Poe Toaster. Edgar Allan Poe. First Love. Death Theories. Driven by His Fears. Descent Into Madness. Famous Short Story Selections. Famous Poems. The Tell-Tale Heart. Annabel Lee. “The Raven”. Symbolism of the ...
Literature, 13 pages
2017 01 06
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
Introduction. Energy sources. Petroleum is the most commonly used energy source. Natural gas. Hydro Power. Nuclear energy. Solar Energy. Tidal energy. Geothermal power. Hydrogen. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) generators are a futuristic answer to the ...
Physics, 8 pages
2017 01 05
Sound Patterning and Modality in Edgar Allan Poe‘s poem “A Dream Within a Dream“
Sound Patterning and Modality in Edgar Allan Poe‘s poem “A Dream Within a Dream“.
Music, 5 pages
2017 01 05
Pilot / Aviator
Pilot / Aviator. Who is pilot and what he does? There is 2 types of pilots. Civilian Pilot. Military pilots. How are military pilots being trained? It‘s a dangerous job. Where can you get a pilot license in Lithuania? Most know pilots. Thanks ...
Transport, 10 pages
2017 01 05
The Model Millionaire
The Model Millionaire. Oscar Wilde. An Irish playwright. He attended the. He continued studies at Magdalen College in Oxford. Later, Wilde returned home and commenced another lecture circuit of England and Ireland. Acclaimed Works. Beginning in ...
Fashion, 25 pages
2017 01 04
Ocuppational therapy for patients suffering from Parkinson‘s disease
Ocuppational therapy for patients suffering from Parkinson ‘ s disease. Slowed motion bradykinesia. Impaired posture and balance. Loss of automatic movements. Occupational therapy and Parkinson ‘ s disease. Source of information. Dictionary ...
Medicine, 5 pages
2017 01 04
Coffee Plant
Introduction. Coffee Plant. Different varieties of coffee beans. Different Coffee Bean Roasts. Dark Roasts (14 min). Medium Dark Roasts (12-13 min). Medium Roasts (9-11 min). Light Roasts (7 min). Important Factors in Brewing Coffee. Types of ...
Agriculture, 23 pages
2017 01 04
Computer system option for library
Logitech K360 Connection type: wired This keyboard is used for work with huge word documents.Logitech M235 Connection type: USB This type of mouse doesn't tire your hand working long with it.Windows 10 This system is the most ...
Devices & Hardware, 13 pages
2017 01 04
My ideal computer system
My ideal computer system. CPU Intel core i. Ram corsair vengeance. Motherboard ASRock Z77 Extreme4 LGA. Video card GeForce GTX. Sound card ASUS Xonar. Fan raidmax hybrid. USB drive Rosewill PCI Express Card . Modem linksys dpc. Hard drive ...
Devices & Hardware, 16 pages
2017 01 04
3D printing technology
D Printing technology. By Gražvydas Eglinas ir Sandra Andrijauskaitė MD 4/. What is 3D printing? D printing or. Materials. From Metals to Porcelain, Plastics to Sandstone, and everything in-between. How it works? A virtual design. Methods and ...
Technology, 11 pages
2017 01 03