All documents (154)

6900 documents
Tourism interpretation
So, speaking about if I want to work in tourism area, my answer is no. I don‘t want to work in these jobs, such as work in restaurant or hotels, because is a huge flow of people every day and you have to work fast, and sometimes even late into ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 04 29
Clothes description
Jackets and denim shorts. characterized by freedom. four pockets on front two at the end of two.vasariški džinsiniai šortai. pasižymi laisvumu. keturios kišenės dvi gale dvi priekije. dažniausiai nešioja jauni ...
Lifestyle, 1 page
2017 04 28
How to leverage sustainable creativity and trust in a multicultural tem?
How to leverage sustainable creativity and trust in a multicultural tem? .
Management, 8 pages
2017 04 27
Maldives. Republic of Maldives. The Maldives is. Toponymy. The ancient Sri. History. Ancient history and settlement Buddhist period Islamic Period British protectorate. Geography.The Maldives remained largely unknown to tourists until the early ...
Travel, 13 pages
2017 04 27
This summer I was in Poland
This summer I was in Poland at WYD (World Youth Day). I was there with scouts as medical stuff. There was many scouts from Poland. First days we was learning about how to help, what we can do and what we can’t. After that WYD get started. It ...
Travel, 1 page
2017 04 27
Eat out and stay healthy
Morning everyone. Thanks for coming. Today I‘d like to talk about eating out and staying healthy. Did you know that healthy food doesn‘t have be prepared only at home? You can usually eat at the restaurants and still be fresh if you keep a ...
Health & Nutrition, 1 page
2017 04 27
Emotional development
Starts from birth through late adolescence. The first emotions for babies is. Joy Anger. Sadness and fear. Later more complex emotions. The experience of emotion includes several components. Many things influence the ways that children express ...
Psichology, 11 pages
2017 04 27
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect. Greenhouse effect consequenses. Global warming Ocean Acidification Changes. Global Warming. The earth heats. Other effects of global warming include. More hot days More severe weather events - storms. One thing that causes ...
Environment, 9 pages
2017 04 26
What is a small business?
All companies, large or small, will want to know their financial position. To help companies to make comparisons between one year and the next, companies may well use ratio analysis. Also there are two main accounts that a company will produce to ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 1 page
2017 04 26
Globalization (2)
Globalization. There was a time when most regions were economically self-sufficient. What is globalization? It is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views. Types of Globalization. Economic Countries. ...
Politics, 12 pages
2017 04 26
Mexico underwater museum
Mexico underwater museum. Questions. How much sculptures was in the Mexico underwater museum? In which country is the Mexico underwater museum? In what year was opened Mexico underwater museum? How much sculptures was in the Mexico underwater ...
Travel, 9 pages
2017 04 26
Arts are more important than maths
To begin with, now, in the world are many students, who can solve are very difficult problems in the math, but then they learning math, they don’t develop social skills. So, many students, who are good at math are lonely. Arts lessons give more ...
Art, 1 page
2017 04 26
Asking for an opinion. Giving an opinion. Adding information. Making a suggestion. Asking to explain. Asking for clarification. Explaining and clarifying. Asking for agreement. Agreeing. Disagreeing. Understanding. When you don't know the answer. ...
Languages, 7 pages
2017 04 26
Animal Migration
Animal Migration. What is migration? Which animals migrate? Why do animals migrate? Types of Migration. How do animals migrate? How do we know where animals go? Bird Migration. Neotropical migrant birds. Neotropical Migrant Bird Conservation. How ...
Biology, 31 page
2017 04 26
Demonstration of compression and expansion process in Engine
Demonstration of compression and expansion process in Engine. Introduction. Internal combustion Engine Components. C. Engine components apart from components shown in the figure. SI Engine Ideal Otto Cycle. Figure4 Suction stroke. Four strokes of ...
Engineering, 52 pages
2017 04 26
Rūta Meilutytė (2)
Ruta Meilutyte. Ruta`s personal information. When and where was she born? Is Ruta married? How tall is she? Does she come from a large family? Information about her sports career. When did she start doing their sport? Why did she start doing ...
Sports & Fitness, 19 pages
2017 04 26
My dream city New York
My dream city New York. New York City. In New York city lives about 8,5 millions people. It is believed. New York City is made up of five boroughs Manhattan. New York city is being called “City That Never Sleeps“. Places to visit. Empire ...
Travel, 18 pages
2017 04 26
International Accounting Standard
International Accounting Standard. Presentation of Financial Statements. Some basic information about Frequency of reporting Comparative information Consistency of presentation. Frequency of reporting. (atskaitomybės dažnumas).  When an ...
Economy & Finance, 12 pages
2017 04 26
Hybrid vehicles (2)
Introduction. Hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicle engine types. Hybrid vehicle technology. Hybrid vehicles working types. Main hybrid vehicle parts,construction. Hybrid/electric vehicle charging stations. Hybrid/electric vehicle charging stations ...
Transport, 4 pages
2017 04 26
Water need in Lithuania
Over the years, Lithuania falls out an average of 750 mm of precipitation. Of these, 52% evaporates, 32% drains due to the terrain and soil factors. Lithuania is in excess moisture area. There are many rivers, lakes and exudative aquifers. ...
Environment, 18 pages
2017 04 26
The Fault in our stars
The Fault in our stars. Author Jonh Green. The Fault in Our Stars is the sixth novel by author John Green. This book received. 16-year-old girl with cancer Hazel Grace Lancaster. Hazel meets a to be 17-year old boy named Augustus Waters. Augustus ...
Film & Television, 11 pages
2017 04 26
Factors influencing willingness to travel
Factors influencing willingness to travel .
Travel, 11 pages
2017 04 25
Modern technologies essay
Firstly, What are innovative technologies? Off the top of my head, I think that they are something futuristic, for example: 3D cinema, 3D printer, Google glasses, Oculus rift, or Robots. I think, that you have heard all of those. I bet, that all ...
Technology, 1 page
2017 04 25
Lithuania vs. France
Lithuania vs. France. Location. Area. 65300 km. Population. Lithuania. Currency. Unemployment. Inflation. Inflation is defined. Gdp. The gross domestic product (GDP). Traditional clothing. France Lithuania. Interesting facts. France is the ...
Travel, 13 pages
2017 04 25
Terrorism presentation
Terrorism. Terrorism≠islam. Why do people become terrorists? Facts and statistics. Hamas. Ira. Al-qaeda. Isis. Biggest terrorist attacks. November 2015, Paris. 2002 Bali bombings. 9/. 2004 Madrid train bombing. How to stop terrorism. Sources. ...
Law, 25 pages
2017 04 25
Netherlands. Short information about Netherlands. Population 17 million Language. Netherlands People. Love clothes Funny Sometimes sad. Netherlands capital. Amsterdam. Famous Netherlands people. Vincent Van Gogh (artistPlaces to visit in ...
Geography, 10 pages
2017 04 25
The history of money presentation
The history of money. What is money? Bartering. Barter is the exchange of a good or service for another good or service. Commodity Money. A commodity is a basic item used by almost everyone. Coins. When? 5000 B. Paper Money. When? 10th-15th ...
Economy & Finance, 10 pages
2017 04 25
Cruise control
Cruise control (sometimes known as speed control or autocruise. What is Cruise control? Modern cruise control. Some history. The first car with Teetor's system. The driver must. Operation. Some modern vehicles have adaptive cruise control ...
Automotive, 9 pages
2017 04 25
Bicycle. A bicycle, often called a bike or cycle, is a human-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels. The first bicycle inventen in 1817 was invented by Karl Drais. From the beginning. It can be used as a 'work ...
Transport, 9 pages
2017 04 24
Electronics in nanotechnology
The future of nanotechnology electronics in medicine. Nanotechnology in space. Space flight and nanotechnology applications under development. Spaceflight and nanotechnology research organizations. Air pollution and nanotechnology. How can ...
Devices & Hardware, 11 pages
2017 04 24