All documents (138)

6900 documents
All about sport presentation
All about. sport. Made by. A sport is. Physical events such. Records are kept and updated for most sports at the highest levels. While practices may vary, sports participants are expected to display good sportsmanship. "Sport" comes from the Old ...
Sports & Fitness, 24 pages
2017 12 19
Does Charlemagne deserve to be called great?
Does Charlemagne deserve to be called great?
History, 1 page
2017 12 19
Dreams essay
Some superstitious people believe that dreams tell what will happen to you in the future, but I don't believe that. I think that dreams are caused by the events that happened to you during the day and the brain is just 'helping' you to sort out ...
Ethics, 2 pages
2017 12 19
Boarding school
Firstly, in the boarding school children meet other students of the different backgrounds. It means, that children gain opportunity to communicate every day with people of various culture, traditions, opinion and different lifestyle. Schools like ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Mannesmann AG
Mannesmann AG. Mannesmann was a German industrial conglomerate. On seeing figure of Mannesmann care business sectors and percentage we will see that Engineering. At the beginning of the 1980s Reichard and Max Mannesmann applicate for the process ...
Companies, 1 page
2017 12 19
Advantages and disadvantages of TV
First and foremost, let us look at the positive side:Furthermore, the information is accessible to everyonee regardless of the country or place the viewers live in.What is more important, the viewers who cannot afford such things as ...
Technology, 1 page
2017 12 19
Getting a job presentation
Getting a job. Why is work important? Meaningful days A place. Curriculum Vitae. Personal information Education/training Qualifications Employment history language spoken Leisure interest. Motivation letter. The salution The Opening The Second ...
Career, 7 pages
2017 12 19
Leadership presentation (2)
Leadership.Content. Definition. Leadership is a. Leadership theories. Great Man Theory Group. Transactional Theory Transformational Theory Adaptive Theory Women’s Transformative Theory. Leadership styles. Sex differences. Qualities for leaders. ...
Languages, 13 pages
2017 12 19
Inventions that have improved our lives - Airplanes
Inventions that have improved our lives -Airplanes. Who invented airplane? History of Flight. First airplane. The Airplane Before the '20s. Fun in the air. Airplanes nowdays. Sources. Thank you for your attention.
Transport, 14 pages
2017 12 19
The use of articles with uncountable nouns: General info with abstract nouns
The use of articles with uncountable nouns General info with abstract nouns. Abstract noun. Abstract Uncountable Nouns. The uncountable form. *When some. *In general uncountable. *The definite article is used when unc. * The indefinite. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2017 12 19
Maersk. About. Maersk Line is. History of maersk. Peter Mærsk Møller. Company stucture. Containerisation. Containers. Maersk Container Industry has made a business of making world trade more efficient. Terminals. Physically moving the. ...
Technology, 12 pages
2017 12 19
My dream house number one
My dream house number one. Where and how the house should look like. Features of the house from the inside. It would be fun to have some very intelligent and creative neighbors. Life is simple.
Real Estate, 11 pages
2017 12 19
The future and how world will look after 100 years
The future and how world will look after 100 years.
Technology, 1 page
2017 12 19
Essay about trading: From a paperclip to a house
Essay about trading: From a paperclip to a house.
Lifestyle, 1 page
2017 12 19
The Real World
In our day and age kids are not prepared for life correctly. The school system doesn’t teach them actually useful life skills like how to get a job, how to pay tax or how to vote. Instead they are taught loads of useless things they will never ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Describing My best friend
Now she is of medium height and slightly-build. She is in her teens. She‘s got a round face with almond-shaped piercing eyes and straight nose. My best friend has tanned and smooth skin complexion with natural rosy cheeks. Also, you can see a ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Youth sport essay
I am going to talk about youth sport which is important in their lifes. There is a chart which presents youth sport statistics in Michigan State. As we see teenagers who do sports with their parents take 85 % of all youth population. Boys who ...
Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Time capsule
Today i am going to talk about time copsule. Nowdays is popular to talk about the future. More and more people are intrested in that. So what is that time capsule? Time capsule is a information storage which is buried under the ground. I would ...
Technology, 1 page
2017 12 19
Study of Street Traffic Noise
Study of Street Traffic Noise. Laboratory work No. Study of street traffic noise. Goals. Work tools. Noise measurement. Work process. Conclusions.
Environment, 3 pages
2017 12 19
Healthy eating Tips & tricks
Tips & tricks. Healthy. Eating. Don‘t skip breakfast. Skipping meals won't help you lose weight and isn‘t good for you. —Ralph Waldo Emerson. The first wealth is health. Get your 5 a day. Fruit and vegetables. —Joyce Meyer. Believe that. ...
Health & Nutrition, 14 pages
2017 12 19
My future job presentation
My future job. By. Veterinarian. Advantages. Every day, you can experience new impressions. Disadvantages. Dirty and hard work Small salary You may need to work overnight Dangerous work. Canclusion. Think this. Thanks for your attention!
Career, 6 pages
2017 12 19
Video Game Designer
Video Game Designer. A video game. Plots and storylines Characters Maps. Testers Lead designers game mechanics designer environmental designer. How to Become a Video Game Designer. Employers and clients look for people with formal education as ...
Software, 10 pages
2017 12 19
Dropbox presentation
Dropbox. Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by American company Dropbox, Inc. Dropbox is offers. Dropbox creates a special folder on the user's computer. Interface. Prices. Thank you for your attention.
Internet, 9 pages
2017 12 19
Joseph Mallord William Turner
Joseph Mallord William Turner. Biography. Joseph Mallord William Turner- was romantism landscape artist. Style. Turner was fascinated by the power of God in scenes of nature. Impressionism. As Turner's work. The Slave Ship. The Blue Rigi Sunrise. ...
Art, 7 pages
2017 12 19
Cloude Monet presentation
Claude Monet. Biography. Claude Monet was. Moving to Paris. A few years after his mother died in. Women in the Garden. Monet continued to. Sunrise. The critic got the word "Impression" from one of Monet's works. The contents of.
Art, 7 pages
2017 12 19
What is Supply Chain? Role of Transportation in Supply Chain? What is Supply Chain Management?
Klaipeda. What is Supply Chain? Role of Transportation in Supply Chain. Study programme Maritime Transport Logistics Technologies. Supervised by lecturer Paliakiene. The supply chain consists of the links between a firm and its suppliers. A ...
Logistics, 11 pages
2017 12 19
California Condor
California Condor. Scientific class/family. Condor bird’s scientific family is Aves. Habitat. The condors live. Breeding Habits. Roosting sites in. Size and Weight. The California condor is the largest flying bird in North America. Top speed. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2017 12 19
Norway Economy
Introducing Norway. Development of Norway's economy. Norway GDP 1960. Norway GDP Growth Rate 1978. Economic sectors. A Fisheries. B Petroleum exploration and production. C Hydroelectric power. Economic structure and sustained growth. Conclusion. ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2017 12 19
Meteorology terms from letter H
Hail. Harmattan. Effects. Harmattan haze. Health. Haze. Heat index. Table of values. Hurricane. Humidity. Heat lightning. Atmosphere. Curvature. Under optimum conditions. Silent lightning. High-pressure area. Hook Echo. Hydrologic cycle. Major ...
Geography, 13 pages
2017 12 19
Syenite, Phonolite, Ijolite, Carbonatite, Ultramafic Rocks and Lamprophyre
Intrusive Igneous Rocks, part. General Intrusive Rocks Classification. Position on IUGS Diagram. Syenite. Syenite Mineralogy. Syenite Photomicrograph. Syenite Hand Specimen Photo. Alkali Syenite. Alkali Syenite Mineralogy. Nepheline Syenite. ...
Geology, 59 pages
2017 12 19