Aleksandras Stulginskis University
Aleksandras Stulginskis university. R Leadership The council Senate Rectorate Administrative units Academic. Structure. Agroculture engineering Agronomy Economics and managment Foresty and ecologiy Water and land managment. Faculties and specialities. Institute of environment Institute of fundamental sciences Institute of rural culture. Institutes. Cultural Communication and Education Physics Mathematics and Informatics. Centres. First level undergraduate. Interesting facts about university. Professors 52 Docents. Workers. Facts The History Museum. Museum. Since 2007 October month. Rasa Pranskūnienė was replaced by Bronislavas. Other facts. Thank you for your atention.
Leadership The council Senate Rectorate Administrative units Academic Infrastructure Departments Economic and social infrastructure units Structure scheme.
Agroculture engineering Agronomy Economics and managment Foresty and ecologiy Water and land managment.
Cultural Communication and Education Physics Mathematics and Informatics.
First level undergraduate bachelor studies 2178 Part-time and part-time undergraduate and post-graduate bachelor studies in the first cycle 1493 Master's Degree 965 Doctoral studies 81 A total of 4717.
Facts: The History Museum of Alexander Stulginskis University (formerly the Lithuanian University of Agriculture / Academy) was founded in 1974.
- Education Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 3399 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 13 pages (226 words)
- College
- Laura