Academic Study Skills Module

Continents Page. Introduction. Gibbs Reflective Cycle. Reflection Conclusion. References.
Feelings: When I got accepted, I was very happy and excited to start going to college and meet my lectures with classmates. I had to start thinking how I will manage my time and how I will be developing my learning strategies for my success in my grades. I always kept my main goal in my head and was asking for myself ‘’Why I am studying?’’ to keep myself motivated. After Week 1 I learned about self-management. I start to create my learning strategies for further improvements in my chosen subject, but hardest part for me was to maintain motivation for my studies, because sometimes I felt like giving up. I had to do something to keep myself on right path and to find out how to give more time for my studies. After ‘’Palgrave Study Skills’’ video I have seen in Week 1, I found out about book Cottrell, S (2013) “The Study Skills” Handbook written by Palgrave Macmillan. Lecture advised me to read, so I could be more in control of my studies and be more organised. I learned importance of knowing study skills, this book is like ‘’Power Tool’’ which has big impact for better marks in assignments and getting better job in the future.
Evaluation: During first semester we had three different modules Academic Study Skills, Communication for Professionals and Introduction to Business and Management. From all modules I have learn a lot of about my chosen subject. I was very interested in my course, and I was trying to take best of it from attending every weekly class. I think each class made me grow and increased my knowledge in different areas. Since first seminar I was sure I have chosen a right subject for me to study and to achieve my future dream career.
- Education Individual works
- Microsoft Word 53 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 10 pages (1938 words)
- University
- Laura