Why The Trust Poliical Parties And Government In Lithuania Is So Low

Why the trust poliical parties and government in Lithuania is so low.

1. Find out the ratings of trust of political parties in Lithuania.

If the election would have been in November the Labour party would have been got 26.8 percent of votes. The Conservative party still remains in second place, 9.2 percent of respondents would have been voted for this party. Social Democratic Party of Lithuania is in third place and 7.7 percent of people would have been voted for them in November.

The desire that government take care for every one life is strongly connected with totalitarian temper of Lithuanians. Even 56% of people think that it would be great that country would by ruled by the strong charismatic leader. In this position we overtake Russia and Byelorussia. Of course it shows our week understanding of democratic, but together it shows that Lithuanian want to be fostered by someone. In other words the responsibility depends not to nameless government, but to charismatic person.

Most of people think that somebody must to be responsible for them, they desire some kind of good life and when they don’t get it all blame goes to government and political parties. According to “Baltijos tyrimai” there are only 11 percent of people who trust government in Lithuania and even 89 % don’t. For example in Iceland there are 72 percent of people who trust government. The trust in political parties is even lower only 9 % of people trust them.

  • Politics Researches
  • Microsoft Word 14 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 6 pages (1255 words)
  • College
  • Nerius1234
  • Why the trust poliical parties and government in Lithuania is so low
    10 - 2 votes
Why the trust poliical parties and government in Lithuania is so low. (November 24, 2016). https://documents.exchange/why-the-trust-poliical-parties-and-government-in-lithuania-is-so-low/ Reviewed on 13:54, March 6 2025