Why Recycling Is Important Essay

Why recycling is important essay. Recycling plastic.
This chart shows the amount of international laws and recommendations on plastic bag use through the years. As we see, it reached its peak in 2008 but slowly started to drop. If we were to compare 2008 and 2014, we removed more than 100 laws and recommendations after 6 years. But 2017 shows hope, with them rising again, which could be promising for a better future.
Recycling is very important, and because of that, I try to recycle and reuse as much as i can, and in all honesty, I think everyone else should too. Why is it important? Because plastic is slowly but surely, ruining earth and its animals every day. From our land to the ocean, animals tend to eat plastic, which is in no way good for them. Furthermore, plastic decomposes very slowly. In addition, toxic substances are released into the soil when plastic bags perish under sunlight and, if plastic bags are burned, they release a toxic substance into the air causing pollution, which kills the earth slowly
With this information, we'd think people would recycle more, which sadly isn't the case. Every day you can find plastic bags, bottles, food packaging laying on the ground. What’s even more shocking, is that this has become a normal thing all around the world. But that doesn't mean everyone is that careless. A lot of people try to look after the planet by picking up garbage from the streets and recycling it accordingly. Additionally, there are many charities who use donations to clean the ocean and land.
But it’s hard to control the amount of plastic that’s distributed because there are too many products to count that use plastic.
- Environment Essays
- Microsoft Word 11 KB
- 2022 m.
- English
- 1 page (429 words)
- Gymnasium
- Ernestas